I'm expecting family to stop by any minute, so I don't have time to type up the turn thingy, but I have time for a little. I didn't even have time to finish this.
Well, yeah. Assault renamed himself and started, you know, being heroish and Gully probably has 'Hulk' like appeal.
1. Assault acted more heroically, but he still came off as more than a bit selfish. We don't see enough of him to see how well-concealed this was to the general public or to the PRT.
2. Gully was pretty well pushed to the side. Which brings me to my next point...
3. Are you seriously claiming that each and every Ward and Protectorate member was cashed in on as a major source of income? Heck, Marvel and DC have tons of characters that almost no one except major geeks have heard of, and those characters have
no purpose other than selling comics and stuff! This comparison to RL comic book characters brings me to another point...
4. Who are some of the best-known Marvel characters at the moment? Deadpool (an amoral, insane mercenary), Wolverine before that (among the darkest of X-Men), the Hood is gaining in popularity and he's a full-on supervillain. Who is the second-most-known superhero on the planet? Batman, and I suspect that if Superman wasn't the earliest well-known superhero Batman would be #1. Batman is also pretty much the darkest major hero in the DCU. People like antiheroes, especially tragic ones. Once Selina gets a little fame, I'm betting she'll get fans. A
shy mysterious girl who can't control her inner rage...actually, she sounds a bit like Wolverine from that angle.
I need to catch up, but my paper has been done for a while so
the turn should be up tonight. Screw that, the turn
will be up tonight, I promise.