Limited resources: 2 options. All have the same amount, or not all have the same amount. First is hard to implement and exploitable. If the latter, there are a few options for how to mete it out, but most agree Meritocracy is best.
There's a third option: have enough abundance that for the most part people don't care enough to keep track. I don't check to see if my neighbor uses more water or breathes more air than I do, for example.
The resources issue came up briefly earlier in the thread, but I think it's not really an issue. Bay12 has had whole threads dedicated to it, but I've never seen anyone give a convincing argument that it's a significant problem. Most raw materials exist in such abundance that they may as well be unlimited for practical considerations. For example, food scarcity is is not a resource shortage. We can easily make more. Dirt and sunlight are not in particularly short supply. Metals and things, there's no real shortage of them, and recycling can go a long way. There are only a very few things that don't exist in "practical limitless abdundance" and none of them are particularly important to running a society. I'm pretty sure live on planet earth would get along just fine if we ran out of yttrium, for example. This idea that "the rich are using up all the resources and there aren't enough for the rest of us" is basically silly.
And yet que the people who will immediately rush in to point out that the sun will eventually burn out. As if that had any
useful bearing on the discussion. Yes, in hundreds of millions or billions of years our sun might burn out. And it's very likely that the human race wont' be there to see it happen. Anyone worried about the relative "scarcity" of resources that will lasts longer than the lifetime of our species...I think they're kind of missing the point.