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Author Topic: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread  (Read 12226 times)


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2013, 02:30:17 am »

The stage is set.

The pieces are in place.

He could do many things at this point, but no... no, he had something on his mind. An experiment, perhaps, Or a probe. He descends into the Heart, the nexus under his city, where he would begin to plan, whispering into the sea of magic, telling it of his will so it would better follow it...

*Magnus has begun a mysterious construction!
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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2013, 05:04:15 pm »

Nambe, you have no doubt noticed this Rittik creature slipping into our world from the spirit one? It is... causing problems... and as such I would like to work with you towards destroying it. I will be sending down a detachment of soldiers to seek it out and eliminate it. I would appreciate you sending proper spiritual aid as well considering that this is your specialty. I'm not entirely sure how well my followers will be able to handle a creature of this nature without having the proper support that only one such as you and your creations might provide.
Sure thing peanut man!


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #32 on: November 11, 2013, 05:13:00 pm »

"I certainly will send some guidance to your soldiers... I am extremely annoyed at my Watchtowers for letting this slip by. Be on your guard, and perhaps remember to send unattractive members of your army to take down the monstrous Rittik."


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #33 on: November 11, 2013, 05:58:37 pm »

A deep sigh seemed to permeate the air, although no one perceived it but the Voice. Ode was proud of its first born offspring and was satisfied with how things had progressed thus far but the god was also growing weary of directly managing things below. Ode had other interests that had up until now been neglected and as long as the Deceiver’s children had a place of power in the world and its hunger for mortal essence was abated, there was little other care for the affairs below.

Calling down to the Voice, Ode spoke softly to it as a loving father might speak to a son.
   “First born of my children, I am proud of you beyond measure. You have done your Lord’s work unerringly and for that you shall be justly rewarded. I give you the gift to create new life from your own flesh so that you may have children of your own and also so that they may spread our word to the far reaches of the world where even your great voice may not carry. I also give to you further power with a parental suggestion. Feed on the dead, my child, for they shall be as nectar to you and will in time make you powerful beyond compare. Leave the living to me though, for their worship, devotion and essence is my sustenance and without it, I would be left weak and unable to watch over you. Raise them and make them strong. Also take care of Keluss much like you watch over Asteneii. In time I believe they can be peacefully incorporated into our empire and their god made an ally. Just remember where your true loyalties lie and make me proud.”

The Voice shivered as an electric tingle arced through its massive form reaching throughout its entirety and leaving a short lived burning sensation. Its body gave a large shudder as large dark pustules started to grow out underground. Inside them, strange and foreign shapes stirred with slight but noticeable movements. Meanwhile the Voice’s tendrils began to reach out further than they had ever done before. Burrowing slowly but steadily through the soft yielding earth they found dead bodies of both man, animal and plant. Hungrily, they twisted around and into the decaying matter and small gnashing mouths opened up to bite hungrily at whatever could be eaten. Even above ground where there were unburied dead or more decaying matter, the tendrils reached and consumed. And with each bit of nourishment, the Voice became more powerful… stronger and hungrier. The gestation of its new children only increased the ravenous urge to feast.

Knowing that the humans may be initially fearful and unaccepting of the Voice’s children, the Council of Asteneii is called together in a meeting right before the first offspring are ready to be born. Upon the council arriving around the great tree, the Voice begins it’s plan of gaining a more seemly integration of its spawn into the world.
   “It pains a father beyond measure to see his children brought to harm. Such is my anguish as I have watched good Asteneii people die from this Rittik creature haunting our citizens and trade routes. The god Nambe has rightly taken measures to prevent just such creatures from escaping into our world from the spirit world but unfortunately those measure were by themselves not enough. This creature hunts the beautiful and so I shall bring forth something special to seek it out.”

With those words, a number of diverse and horrible creatures began to slowly emerge from the ground around the Voice. Clawing and worming their ways up from the wombs they were birthed, the nightmarish aberrations stood arrayed before their master and the council.
   “Do not be frightened for these are my servants. The Rittik is a hunter of those deemed beautiful so we shall see it in turn stalked by those considered horrible to behold. These first few creations of mine shall merely serve to observe and then test the Rittik. When its weakness is discovered I shall send forth something more appropriate to deal with the creature, specifically suited to its flaws”

Ode gives the Voice the ability to consume and grow off other matter. The Voice is commanded to only use this ability on the dead or on enemies of Ode.
Ode gives the Voice the ability to create infertile offspring of various shapes and sizes from its own mass.
The first offspring of the Voice are ordered to find and observe the Rittik and then to test it in combat. They are dispensable and serve mainly to find the creature's weakness.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2013, 06:01:53 pm by gman8181 »
Sure thing peanut man!


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2013, 05:39:23 pm »

The Wanderer had searched all of Lessi for years. Without Success
What he searched he couldn't find and the stories told by people were the bland old things which had always been told. A waste of time. A terrible waste of time.
When he finally reached the familiar sight of the volcanoe and ascended its slopes, he fell and something broke.

The Smith rose. Cursing, wondering what he was doing here. There was work to be done. He still needed to find what he searched for. He wandered back inside and fanned the fires of his forge again. And a new the Clamor of his Trade resounded through the volcanoe and was heard on especially quiet nights even in Lessi itself.

The Wanderer returns to Lessi and upon ascending the slopes of the Volcanoe reverts to his Smith Aspect.


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2013, 06:14:08 pm »

After his return, the Smith's hammer managed to hit the anvil exactly seven times before being interrupted.

It came with a crack of thunder and the roar of a beginning storm. As the sound ended, a new presence could be felt in Wieland's forges. True enough, behind the Smith there stood an unfamiliar silhouette. A man clad all in black armor, with a red wolf emblazoned upon his breastplate, his arms crossed in front of him. There was a long sword swung over his shoulder, resting untouched. All in all, he would have towered over mere men.

Hakkaros spoke up, ending the silence between the two gods. His voice was calm and posed, but strong. Although his face could not be seen, there was something in his tone that could indicate a smile.

"Tracking you down while you Wandered was harder to do than I care to admit. It has been... So very long since I have last hunted, and in those days I had considerably more drive to do so. I hope you shall forgive my intruding into your home."

He spread his hands apologetically, his tone changing to a more businesslike one.

"Pleasantries aside, allow me to introduce myself. I am Hakkaros, God of War, Storm King, Husband to Delatheia, and - most importantly - your guest, if you would welcome me. I have been influencing the leader of Lessites - for our common benefit, I assure you. However, that is not why I came here today.

I seek... A favor. There is a task that must be done, one that only the very best Smith in the world can be trusted to accomplish. Of course, if you were to accept, I would gladly repay it in due time, though I shall require a forewarning of at least a few decades, so that I may plan my moves accordingly."

He paused for a few seconds, letting his words hang in the air.

"Do you think such an exchange would be acceptable?"

((By "at least a few decades", I mean at least a turn, so I can regenerate my Essence.))


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2013, 06:30:07 pm »

The Smith looked first at the stranger then at his work. The Steel had cooled. It was too cool to continue smithing it now.
The perfect point had passed. It was worthless now. Throwing it behind his back the sword would kill another unfortunate poor scavenger on the slopes of Lessi.
The Smith himself was just a fraction smaller than the War God, however somewhere deep within him the smith was angered even at the little fraction he had to lift his head to look into Hakkaros eyes.

His face was blank at the fancy words of Hakkaros, and so was his mind, inwardly concentrated on the fashioning of his next item...

...There is a task that must be done, one that only the very best Smith in the world can be trusted to accomplish...

his eyes focused at these words, his mind sharp and concentrated. When Wieland finally spoke his voice boomed and echoed through his smithy.

What is it, that you seek of me exactly, God of War?

Halfway inbetween saying this, he gestured to a nearby table ,crafted from some mysterious alloy, and offered the god of war a chair and a metal mug who was closer in size to a bucket then a cup.


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #37 on: November 13, 2013, 07:27:58 pm »

The Red Wolf inclined his head and took a seat at the table, letting his hands rest upon it. He made no move to reach for the mug, but pointed his chin towards it and then brought his hand to his head. In a mute explanation, he touched his helmet with a finger, before bringing his hand back down.

Making no mention of the silent exchange, he spoke up once again, his voice more serious and seemingly more ominous than before.

"There is, in the south, a monster that rules as king over men. It bends them to its will, and it serves one of us - one who does not share my reluctance to rule directly over mortals. I seek to end the vile creature's life but - more importantly - I wish to ensure this shall never happen again.

I require a forge. One that can be worked by mortal hands, and one which will produce armor resistant to magic - holy or otherwise - and weapons able to fell even the mightiest of beasts. Though I do not doubt it will be incredibly slow to work if a mortal smith, even the best of his kind, works it, I intend to only equip the worthiest with that which it produces.

I desire to found an Order dedicated to protect mortals from divine intervention, or from the treachery of mages. For that, I will require your aid. It is beyond my skill to make the anvil and the hammer able to create such items yet still usable by humans; and as such, before you, it is with humility that I seek your aid."

He stopped speaking, and waited, unmoving, staring from the darkness of his helm into the Smith's eyes. For some time, as all sounds died and all movements came to an end, the forge was eerily still.


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #38 on: November 14, 2013, 07:56:26 am »

(Unintentional post.)
« Last Edit: November 14, 2013, 09:24:36 am by Caesar »
Spider Overhaul
Adding realistic spiders to Dwarf Fortress. (Discontinued.)

Godhood VIII
The latest installment in the Godhood roleplaying game series.


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #39 on: November 14, 2013, 12:42:42 pm »

The Smith leaned forward his face distorted by a grin. It was unpleasant.

Do you know what you ask of me God of War? Are you aware of the consequences of what you ask?
But yes i will help you. I will create what you desire. I will create a War Forge for you. But it will stay here and under my supervision. You will have to worry only about one thing. The Price of all of this.

Wieland pushes the mug closer towards Hakkaros, inside pure essence of the smith himself.


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #40 on: November 14, 2013, 05:37:44 pm »

Hakkaros shifted in his seat, and his fingers started drumming rhythmically on the table. The sound of metal on metal was slightly unsettling, though in the forge it did not completely look out of place.

"I fight so that mortals may rule themselves. This order I mean to found - this order that your forge must supply - shall be lead by humans and supplied by humans. It will also be called for half a world a way - too far for a forge here to supply them, unless you wish to spend some of your strength each and every time a delivery must be made.

I could settle for placing the forge under the supervision of a group of your followers, who will be made aware of your desires and who will be responsible for keeping your tradition, so long as they are ever willing to supply the order and the things they create do what they are meant to... Though I do not doubt they will, knowing of your skill. That forge would be seated somewhere in the south, near Karestria and Nessaiie, and although the both of us will be able to influence and advise the mortals which work it and serve the order it is meant to provide for, neither of us shall truly rule over it."

He crossed his arms before him, interrupting the drumming, and stared down at the Smith.

"As for the price... Do elaborate."


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #41 on: November 15, 2013, 05:29:24 am »

The Smith leaned back. His grin gone and his mind absent.

I will choose the Smiths and teach them. I will provide the forges, the tools and the raw metal needed. As i said this comes at a cost. Similiar to metal being stronger in an alloy, for true masterpieces i need a part of your essence. That is the price you have to pay for what you request.

As to my reward, i seek perfection, a masterwork worthy of a god smith. Give me something to truly challenge my skills Hakkaros, give me something to complete myself.

again the smith pushed the mug a bit further across the table this time it was stopping right at the edge.

Fill it with your essence and the deal is struck.


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #42 on: November 15, 2013, 05:35:46 am »

A small orb of light find its way to the Radiant Sarthisyn.

"I've finally found you, Radiant One. You are hereby called to stand trial before the Morning Lord for your role in Heleph's fall... and the wonderful gift You've bestowed upon His people. Rise forth, God of Devotion, though little may remain of Your faithful in this world, a brilliant future awaits you, if you will embrace it: Galadrin, my Lord, has pledged me to bequeath upon you a place amidst His people, one most befitting of one such as you, for devotion, you are well aware, is greatest among His chosen and, indeed, even now they tap upon Your Flame. If You would take Him upon this pledge and become His people's benefactor, you need only consent and thus shall it be; should you, on ther other hand, desire otherwise, you will be left to your own devices, though it will be so with great regret on His part"
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 05:37:56 am by Azthor »


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #43 on: November 15, 2013, 07:06:57 am »

A small orb of light find its way to the Radiant Sarthisyn.

"I've finally found you, Radiant One. You are hereby called to stand trial before the Morning Lord for your role in Heleph's fall... and the wonderful gift You've bestowed upon His people. Rise forth, God of Devotion, though little may remain of Your faithful in this world, a brilliant future awaits you, if you will embrace it: Galadrin, my Lord, has pledged me to bequeath upon you a place amidst His people, one most befitting of one such as you, for devotion, you are well aware, is greatest among His chosen and, indeed, even now they tap upon Your Flame. If You would take Him upon this pledge and become His people's benefactor, you need only consent and thus shall it be; should you, on ther other hand, desire otherwise, you will be left to your own devices, though it will be so with great regret on His part"
The Golden Flame replies in a voice like the crackling of flames in a hearth.
"Stand trial before a petty pretender, for my role in the fall of Heleph? A brilliant future if I serve your soft little dawn? Tread carefully, little tool, or you will burn yourself, and your master with you.
I have bestowed no gifts to the people of any foolish god; I allow mortals access to what they deserve. Should you wish for them to have more, let them earn it."
15:35   HugoLuman reads Harb his secret spaghetti recipe


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Re: Godhood VIII: Quills and Mythology - IC Thread
« Reply #44 on: November 15, 2013, 10:43:09 am »

"As You have spoken it shall be; expect no aid in the darkness to come, Radiant One, but I will bother you no more" that said, the wisp slowly fades, until it is no more.

Wieland receives four metallic spheres, each imbued with essence, and a tablet "Four rings, one of gold for the greatest ruler, one of iron to the general, one of silver to the merchant and one of brass for the scholar. I offer you nothing, but the opportunity to work those masterpieces. Should you refuse, leave them be, and I will retrieve them. Should you accept, work your mastery upon these, and set them upon the tablet"

Four rings of power are imbued and sent to western Hiate, bound and tailored for four men of the highest esteem. The first, of the brightest gold, to be found by the Lord High Priest, symbol of willpower and rulership. The second, of engraved iron, to the greatest leader of men, symbol of prowess and martial lore. The third, of the purest silver, encrusted with many a gem, to the shrewdest, a manager of lands, a lord among merchants, symbol of prosperity and cunning. Finally, the fourth, of runed brass, to the wisest scholar, bringer of progress, destroyer of bounds, symbol of knowledge and curiosity. The rings care little for what their owners are, but for what they may become, both an instrument of office and a source of improvement. Soon enough, the rings are found, and those great men who've found them, compelled to present themselves before Umeran.

Should any of the chosen perish, the ring is lost and found by the one among the faithful most worthy of succeeding them. The one exception is the golden ring, which is always passed down to the current head of the faith and sovereign ruler; if there is no clear successor, then it too shall be found by the one most befitting of succeeding the previous Lord High Priest. The four chosen are inspired to accomplish great deeds, something that will outlast them and fulfill their duty to the Empire, though the urge is strongest is those first four, who have a clear path set ahead of them.

Umeran himself is urged to further solidify the faith, to have a temple raised in every village, town or city under his rule, no matter how far. No fort is to go without a priest, nor house without a shrine. The recognizer of the three other chosen's status, he is the source of their legitimacy and the one who must found their Dominions:  Morning's Bastion fortress, nigh impenetrable, in the Vein, the House of Trade, and its great shipyard, in the far south, and the Seat of Knowledge, and its vast libraries, in Delephia, all to match Galadres' own Grand Temple.

The bearer of the silver ring is preoccupied with the rising bureaucracy and the Empire's prosperity. No settlement should go without a road, crossing without a bridge, field unworked or port unraised. Most of all, a settlement to host his Dominion in the south, the Empire's center of maritime trade and bastion of the fleet, and at last bring all of the west under Galadre's control and the Morning Lord's light.

That of the iron ring, the greatest general that could be raised from Talassani stock, turns towards the realm's defense, concerned with the fortification of the borders, an efficient logistic network, and the creation of a standing army and navy, less potent but much more numerous than the Order, and trained by it. Morning Bastion, the great fortress build atop the Vein, would be his Dominion, and the Empire's bulwark.

And finally, the brass ring's bearer, who, now Galadres' foremost scholar and student of the unknown, turns towards the incessant pursuit of knowledge, installing himself in a great tower erected atop Delephia's temple district, and the Empire's new center of learning, the Seat of Knowledge, with scores of scholars and scribes. Similar, if smaller, structures are erected in the other two cities, and libraries become a common presence across the Empire.

Remestes' numerous enslaved start receiving visions of the Holy City in their dreams. They learn of the Morning Lord, His Glory, and the blessed land of west of the Vein. Umeran and many of the Empire's most influential likewise learn the four Mage-Kings and their peers' tyranny, and their treacherous slaying of Adagnites, who is soon martyred, sparing Magnus and magic from any hostility. Should faithful emerge through Remestes' oppressed, their plight, most of all, is made clear to Umeran and the other chosen.

Should a child spring from the Apprentice's marriage...

An old man knocks at the family's doorsteps a few nights after the child's birth. Presenting himself as a wanderer looking for a place to shelter Him through the night, if offered hospitality, the old man seems to demonstrate great interest in the newborn. Come morning, He reveals himself to be no mortal, but a God shrouded in darkness, who offers His aid in liberating Heleph, if only the apprentice will part with his firstborn. The child, it is made seem, has an important place to play in the advancement of His cause. The child is whisked away to Remestes by an agent of the Order, or against his father's will, by divine means, if needed be, and put under the care of a family of slaves secretly converted to the Morning Lord's faith.

Wieland receives four metallic spheres from a mysterious sender, and a request for a set of artifacts, presented as an opportunity for Him to employ His full mastery of the craft. [It shall cost Wieland no essence of His own to create the rings, should He agree]

Four men in western Hiate each find a ring to suit their potential. The land bears its consequences.

Remestes' many slaves and a few of Galadrin's faithful start receiving visions in their sleep.

The Apprentice's firstborn, should there be one, is bargained for by the Archspawn, or stowed away by force to Remestes, unseen by the Apprentice.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 11:25:48 am by Azthor »
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