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Author Topic: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress  (Read 833799 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3465 on: March 02, 2020, 10:03:50 am »

You mean the dueling system? I believe that was made for GoTmod

edit: And the actual question I was going to ask: can nobles still perform any kind of tasks/work?

I have not yet played (waiting for the modding dust to settle, which looks somewhat soon at this point), but looks like they get manual labor disable. There are, of course, already a bunch of mods out there that remove that change if you don't like it (e.g. here).

In other Rimworld news, there's an info update this morning on "What's next for Rimworld." Nice to see a bit more communication on the topic... I'm hoping/assuming the mention of a "content add-on" for Royalty is a patch, not DLC for the DLC.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3466 on: March 02, 2020, 10:10:24 am »

You mean the dueling system? I believe that was made for GoTmod

Yeah, but also stuff like coronations, Imperial government, and some other assorted stuff.

In any case, let's not speak about CK2 in a non-CK2 thread anymore.
Pounded in the Butt by my own Government... oh wait, that's real life.

Much less active than I used to be on these forums, but I still visit them on occasion. Will probably resume my activity in full once Dwarf Fortress will be released on Steam.


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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3467 on: March 02, 2020, 10:22:44 am »

so what is this new dlc?  what does it change aside from adding nobility?  can one opt out of them?
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3468 on: March 02, 2020, 10:41:57 am »

so what is this new dlc?  what does it change aside from adding nobility?  can one opt out of them?

The nobility mechanism itself is effectively opt-in, as one can decline the boons that lead to nobility ranks. That also partially opts out of the new psyker (or whatever they call it) system that nobles get. Kind of like the Rimworld of Magic mod, is my understanding. They also behave kind of like Dorf nobles, being haughty erratic jerks.

There's a new faction & gear associated with the nobles (kinda-sorta WH40K empire of man?). One can either work with them or against them. (Lore is that they're refugee fragments of a once-great empire, fleeing an unknown foe. Hence why they're courting you, Joe Podunk on a Rimworld.) Opposing the Empire is supposed to offer an alternative method for getting access to psychic powers and the like.

There's an official quest system now (akin to several mods out there), along with (of course) some quests.

There are 'mech clusters', which are mechanoid bases that pose active threats to the world (well, your base). New off-map challenges to force you out on expeditions, I guess.

And last but not least, there's a new album of music from the original composer.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the mods with similar aspects, e.g. What the Hack or Rimworld of Magic, ultimately choose to integrate into the DLC's new systems and become dependent. But that's just conjecture.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3469 on: March 02, 2020, 10:51:27 am »

Official DLC that build off of mods usually help make other mods better.  Sounds interesting enough.
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3470 on: March 02, 2020, 11:04:33 am »

I'm liking the DLC a lot. Nobles seem maybe a little bit overpowered (the free Imperial reinforcements on a 45 day cooldown are very effective meat shields) but they're balanced by getting increasingly more useless outside of combat the more you rank them up. Some of the psychic abilities are really fun -- giving you a taste of the high-level powers right off the bat by letting you temporarily use a high level noble as the first quest is a great design decision -- and Tynan's mentioned plans to add even more soon, so... that'll be cool. Re: pricing, it's whatever; the only games I've put more hours into than Rimworld are CK2 and Dota 2, and Tynan could drop another 10 expansions at this price point and the hours-per-dollar rate would still be a few orders of magnitude better than 99% of my Steam library. As long as the tempo of future DLC releases/breaking updates doesn't obliterate the modding community, I'll be happy to keep throwing money at Ludeon Studios.

Like, I hadn't touched Rimworld for about a year, and then when Royalty hit, I played 50 hours basically nonstop and could easily see myself putting in another 50 (and maybe a couple hundred more once Combat Extended is updated). Combat, with the addition of so many new abilities, just feels a lot more dynamic and tactical -- there's just so many more options!

Oh, right, possibly the *best* change so far: 1.1 switched to an incremental garbage collector, which means poorly optimized mods that generate loads of garbage per frame won't cause second-long stutters every 30-40 seconds. That was the reason I stopped playing 1.0: it was just infuriating to be smoothly scrolling around only for the game to lock up constantly every time the GC ran. You could mitigate it by keeping your modlist tight and bloat-free, but even with only a few dozen mods it was still present.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3471 on: March 02, 2020, 11:31:03 am »

Meh I want to revisit rimworld but my favorite mod (rim of madness) is on permanent hiatus or abandoned and I loved the survival horror aspects
There's two kinds of performance reviews: the one you make they don't read, the one they make whilst they sharpen their daggers
Everyone sucks at everything. Until they don't. Not sucking is a product of time invested.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3472 on: March 02, 2020, 12:10:33 pm »

Seems like he started a bunch of mods at once and got overloaded? That's what I remember last since he was working on the LOTR mod stuff last I checked.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3473 on: March 02, 2020, 01:35:19 pm »

He recently updated his Star Wars mods (working Force system, light sabers, etc.), so probably just plugging away. He does, as you say, have a giant pile of active mods.

Edit: read up some more on mechanoid clusters, and seems my understanding was wrong. They drop into your map like ancient ship chunks or drop pod raiders, and sound kind of rough right now. E.g. have part of your base replaced by a hostile mechanoid base suddenly...
« Last Edit: March 02, 2020, 01:40:44 pm by Dostoevsky »

Grim Portent

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3474 on: March 02, 2020, 01:50:28 pm »

He recently updated his Star Wars mods (working Force system, light sabers, etc.), so probably just plugging away. He does, as you say, have a giant pile of active mods.

Edit: read up some more on mechanoid clusters, and seems my understanding was wrong. They drop into your map like ancient ship chunks or drop pod raiders, and sound kind of rough right now. E.g. have part of your base replaced by a hostile mechanoid base suddenly...

I've fought a few mech clusters. So far none have landed on top of any actual buildings or stockpiles, but one did land just a few tiles from my base, and another on a tree farm. Which I just realised while typing that I never fixed the planting zone for.
There once was a dwarf in a cave,
who many would consider brave.
With a head like a block
he went out for a sock,
his ass I won't bother to save.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3475 on: March 02, 2020, 03:27:43 pm »

Currently waiting for Dinosauria and Megafauna to update. Their GeneticRim patches probably won't take too long to update after.
I really want those two specific mods and their patches before I start a serious playthrough of Rimworld.
Right now I'm just testing mods and see what the workshop has to offer for 1.1

Edit: Any other major mods anyone would recommend?
« Last Edit: March 02, 2020, 03:29:16 pm by Ultimuh »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3476 on: March 02, 2020, 04:09:01 pm »

Dubs bad hygene is good.  It adds thirst hygiene and bladder needs which adds a little bit to the difficulty and does not feel out of place.  It also adds things like hot water radiators and AC units.  Should probably get dubs paint shop with it too since they integrate together well.

I was also waiting on dinosauria so I got Alpha animals instead.  It seems solid.  It also adds a new metal with a new meteor event which I was on the fence about but otherwise I like it.

Rimbees is good, though it is more complicated than it first appears.  With bee breeeding and magic superbees that can create unusual products. If you played starbound and played that game's bee mod its almost exactly like that, so similar in fact I would not be surprised if the author is the same.  If you just want basic honey and none of the fancy stuff just never build a hybridization chamber and yer gunna stay golden.(instead of say, white, blue, red, and black and nurotramine)

RT Fuse gives you some preventative measures for the zzzt event which I like.

Work Tab is a QOL upgrade to the work tab, giving you 9 levels of priority instead of just 4, lets you click on a job to split it out to individual tasks to change priorities on individual tasks so you could have an unskilled person plant crops, but only the skilled one harvest and stuff like that.  It also allows you to change task priorities based on time of day, like having your researcher focus on cleaning til noon and then have them switch over to research for the rest of the day

Edit I got the last one mixed up fsf complex jobs is something else, work tab does what I said
« Last Edit: March 02, 2020, 04:20:12 pm by Greiger »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3477 on: March 02, 2020, 07:03:15 pm »

Edit: Any other major mods anyone would recommend?

I'm going to take a perhaps unusual response to this, and take the opportunity to highlight a number of really good mods that are mainly in the Quality of Life space. These are all 1.1 ready at the moment, too (I'm skipping out on some 1.0 mods I like that haven't made the jump yet). Admittedly I haven't actually tested them all in 1.1 yet...

QOL Mods - don't stick out, but they really do make a major difference.
  • Greiger already mentioned the Giddy Up suite, which really feels like it's always been part of Vanilla at this point. Useful for daily work, useful for fighting, useful for traveling. Just great.
  • Simple Sidearms. At the very least, use it to keep a backup melee weapon on your colonists. Also gives pistols and the like a more significant role. I prefer to turn off the 'drop equipped weapon when switch to melee', though - I get the idea, but slings aren't lostech.
  • Pick up and Haul and While You're Up. Much, much more sane and natural hauling.
  • DontBlockDoorMod. Does what it says on the tin, kind of. Stuff won't get dumped/dropped on door tiles, inadvertently forcing them open.
  • Wall Light. Simple lights on walls, what a novel concept.
  • NurseJob. Allows you to let colonists do basic medical work like rescuing and feeding without letting them touch the surgeon tools.
  • Fluffy Breakdowns. Replaces the component drain with maintenance work, which if not done leads to component drain. Makes life in the pre-constructing-components stage much more reasonable.
  • RunAndGun. What it says on the tin. Is actually balanced, to boot.
  • Best Mix. Lets you tell a workshop to use more discretion in what materials to use (e.g. 'use the best sharp defense stuff').
  • Achtung! Several features, but I only really use it for the ability to drag-move pawns in a rough line instead of the messy blob you get by default.
  • StackXXL, and LWM's Deep Storage. Much more sane storage, and each are customizable to a good degree.
  • Smart Medicine. Some more control over medicine usage, leading to less wastage of precious high-quality meds.
  • RPG Style Inventory. Much more easily-gleaned equipment lists, and automatically integrates well with mods that add things like gloves and boots.
  • Optimization: Meats. Generic meat instead of a million specialty meats. Further sanity to stockpiles.
  • Misc. Robots. A couple of very simple robots that handle menial tasks (cleaning and hauling, one for each). Less need for dedicated janitor pawns.
  • Simple Search Bar, or Rimworld Search Agency. Makes managing stockpile preferences and clothing restrictions much easier.
  • Brr and Phew. Colonists act more reasonably about exposure to map hazards.
  • Filth Vanishes with Rain and Time. Helps with CPU drain, I've found. There's a more 'immersive' version that doesn't mess with junk like rubble, too.
  • Avoid Friendly Fire. What it says on the tin, with a button to turn it off if you need to. A bit more caution in chaotic firefights, which I like but I admit isn't always realistic.
  • Turret Extensions. Some fixes to turret functionality, plus a great framework for further turret options in separate mods.
  • Animals Logic. Better pet AI.
  • Random Research. What it says on the tin - instead of picking a topic, you research randomly. Option to pick at what % you'll know what you're researching, so either pure blind or learn X% through and then can switch (preserving progress). Really helps change up the normal tech progression. And combines well with...
  • TechSales. Can purchase tech, pretty much. Can't leapfrog up the tree, so not ridiculous.
  • Replace Stuff. More sanity to rebuilding walls and the like, with less fuss in setting tasks.
  • Grazing Lands. Less brutal animal grazing.

Content mods - some of the most significant to me, at least.
  • The Vanilla Expansion Series. Not necessarily my favorite of mods that add things like weapons and clothing, but due to its nature there is very little disruption and thus easy integration into other mods. Also generally less bloat, at least if you avoid many of the animal ones. In the end I switched over to this series over mods like Apparello or Weapon Tech since it just fits in more naturally.
  • Hand n' Footwear. Helps prevent lost digits (slightly), among other things.
  • While Alpha Animals and several other mods of its ilk have already been mentioned, I wanted to highlight Magical Menagerie. Like Alpha Animals, offers a relatively tight set of creatures each with their own special quirks.
  • Android Tiers. I've talked about it before. Getting perhaps a little bloated in its latest version, but still worth it in my opinion.
  • Quarry. Adds something in between the surface-level nodes and deep drilling, in a customizable way.
  • Outpost 21 fantasy or Warhammer race/faction mods. Adds some nice additional factions without getting too crazy. Outpost 21 also generally integrates well with the Vanilla Expansion set, at least for their more fantasy ones. Don't need to (and probably shouldn't) get them all, but adding a few gives some additional faction variety.
  • Stuffed Floors. Some extra floor variety is very nice.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3478 on: March 02, 2020, 10:55:08 pm »

pathavoid, realistic darkness, expanded doors, forcedojob, complex jobs, survivalist addons, and medical tab.

Pathavoid is a big for me, it lets me set traffic weights to pathing.  Complex jobs allows more control over who does what task, such as hauling, supplying, nursing.   Most of these are QoL too.
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!

Great Order

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3479 on: March 03, 2020, 10:59:17 am »

Currently waiting for Dinosauria and Megafauna to update. Their GeneticRim patches probably won't take too long to update after.
I really want those two specific mods and their patches before I start a serious playthrough of Rimworld.
Right now I'm just testing mods and see what the workshop has to offer for 1.1

Edit: Any other major mods anyone would recommend?
Combat Extended if you're up for a bit more logistics (Although you can turn off ammo). Adds ammo, ammo types (Usually more damage, better armour piercing, or in between, but some weapons have more exotic forms), increases combat range to more realistic levels, adds shrapnel, makes combat more dangerous, loadouts, stuff like that.

Unfortunately it invalidates most mods that add weapons unless they have an appropriate patch for it, but it's still one of my main go-to mods.
I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
In the warmth of my fears
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