My current game has been going on for a while, with two fairly established colonies
as well as a small party consisting of our best doctor, my longsword-wielding starting colonist Frenchy and his husky off rescuing some "incapacitated refugee" dipshit who has turned out to be pretty much useless but oh well at least they got some decent loot from the bunch of tribals who ambushed them in the process. Anyway, I just had a caravan show up whilst another caravan is still hanging around at my first base. Both of them are combat suppliers, and as soon as the second one arrived I paused the game and excitedly checked their info, determined they were from different factions, scrolled through the 'factions' screen and determined... they're enemies!
This realisation came just as the first big riff kicked in on the album I'm listening to. I'm so excited. I feel like a young lad on Christmas morn. I even just purchased a triple rocket launcher, which I can no doubt test out on any survivors of this impending dust-up! Oh boy this oughta be great. I should probably get my colonists to a safe distance. Heh.
Let's get ready to rrrrrrumblllllle! Edit: Well, in terms of dead, Southwest Thforussia (the second group to arrive) seems to have come out on top, considering the Hatoum Coalition have three dead to their one. But, the Thforussians have several severely wounded amongst their number, who will likely collapse and be left to die shortly after leaving the map - assuming the game tracks that sort of thing when it comes to traders - and one guy left riddled with bullets and buckshot in the middle of the battlefield. Hatoum has only two walking wounded, one of whom is in no immediate danger of bleeding out.
I'm gonna huck a rocket or six at them as they retreat, though, since apparently Southwest Thforussia have friendly relations with my faction whereas Hatoum is at -20.
I probably didn't have enough guest beds for a horde of tourists or made them sleep on a dirt floor or something I don't know. Let's see how this goes! I'm not using Combat Extended but rockets should still be pretty brutal, one would imagine.