-sneep- [Long list of mods as replied to by Ehndras]

I recall you mentioned using Psychology?
But instead of Prepare Carefully (I don't have the ludeon links for them though), try considering
Prepare for Romance! (all needed mods are linked at the right hand area).
Basically it IS Prepare Carefully with a lot more options, and a "fix" for the "Gay" being a trait mod...by adding a 4th slot for sexualities and since it's up to the player, they can even fill all four slots with anything but sexualities [but the person will be ace/asexual, and/or otherwise will not do Lovin' actions).
Other than that, it balances out the whole 'static'ness of certain qualities, like Abrasive (nope, no -20 for everyone just because someone is abrasive), alongside many other balances and tweaks to the social system that improves them. Like how many hilarious 'hitting on' people when they don't have a chance (so I'm assuming respect), and DATES! (Which is a rather nice touch really)
It otherwise is Prepare Carefully, but with a better balanced social mechanic overall.
And did I mention that Gay isn't the one sticking out again that it has to fill in a needed slot to actually be useful? Because I'm biased like that in how that was implemented in the vanilla. >_>
Also since I don't see you mentioning it...
Static Quality+ (Finally a Ludeon link!)
Basically gives the player free reign on stuff--AKA "DF skill system", adding in a full menu with options to control the rate of skill deterioration, the max quality expected, and no more worry of randomized quality despite being really good at something you've practiced the last year on.