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Author Topic: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun, Land of the Loving  (Read 10996 times)


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #45 on: September 22, 2013, 03:36:18 pm »

Note about the long turns: just because you can take 3 weeks for your turn doesn't mean you should take three weeks for your turn. If you have to, that is fine, but if you can keep it quick, all the better.
I've got shit to do other than play DF all day. I'll try and keep my journal entries more seasonal if that'll make the game go faster, though.
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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #46 on: September 22, 2013, 04:33:32 pm »

28th of Galena, 252 AU

To start off, I just want to mention that we finished smoothing out the dining room. Despite the fact that there's puddles of blood, uterus lining, and umbilical cords strewn about the interior due to the nine million fucking babies that were born during its creation, it looks pretty damn good.
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So now as summer ends we get to see the spectacular display of capitalism and exploitation that the peasantry calls "trade".
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I've never really liked humans. They seem to be super nice to you one second but then you trade with the elves and WHAM, you've got roughly five dozen sharp/pointy things and flaming pinecones headed straight into your anuspipe. Also, those shortbeards' complete lack of knowledge and understanding as to the actual living nature of the Wagon is astonishing. Instead of admitting their error and realizing that a wagon is not an inaminate object but rather an inanimate creature they keep insisting that we are all out of our minds if we keep saying that wagons really belong the [CREATURE] token in Dwarven Life Sciences (uneducated dwarves have no idea what tokens are in the first place, but fuck them, I know what I'm talking about).

While I went outside to greet the dwarves in my broker's stead (that little shitbucket's just been hauling stuff and farming rather than actually opting for the reasonable option and TRADING WITH THE FUCKING SHORTBEARDS) I noticed a honey bee colony not far outside the entrance of our fortress. That made me realize that we could start a hive inside the fortress, despite the fact that we don't have much room for it.
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I'm planning on putting that right next to the outdoor farms so we have some measure of space on this god damn mountain to place the hives. I ordered one to be constructed roughly three weeks ago but it seems that the stonecrafter's too busy jerking his meat somewhere to be bothered with actually doing what the fuck I tell him.

So the humans came and we traded a bunch of cut gems for seeds, meat, and a few metal bars. It's pretty standard overall, but we also managed to get a Llama from them. That means more yarn and more milk, so more cheese and cloth. That's definitely going to help our food stockpiles and eventual healthcare industry.

So, at the end of the month, here's the current state of the fortress as reported by my officials:
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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #47 on: September 22, 2013, 06:49:17 pm »

Note about the long turns: just because you can take 3 weeks for your turn doesn't mean you should take three weeks for your turn. If you have to, that is fine, but if you can keep it quick, all the better.
I've got shit to do other than play DF all day. I'll try and keep my journal entries more seasonal if that'll make the game go faster, though.
I meant no offense; I understand that most people, myself included (somewhat), have lives. The comment was not directed at you in particular, it was just a general note.


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #48 on: September 25, 2013, 03:59:39 pm »

Late Autumn, 252 AU
Alright, so one day I decide to go outside to look at the farms and how they're doing. I'm just walking down there, barrel of booze under one arm, my bitches under the other, and as I look out into the outdoor fields I notice one particularly unsettling thing.
We barely have any room to farm past the two fields that are already up.

Not only that, but we also have very little farmland considering the fact that we have little to no dirt to work with outside. Most of it is either saplings, rocks, or large shrubs. In any case, to increase the farmland that we have, I've ordered the local faggots to start construction of a larger wall. I predicted that it should be done towards the beginning of winter, considering the amount of hands I have working on it.

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This is what I was expecting the wall to look like if no-one decided to fuck it up halfway through (or nothing, like a siege):
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Speaking of sieges, I noticed the weird tower that's been sticking out the front of the fortress and I decided to expand that a little. So here's our first archery tower, assuming that I can actually get a solid standing of marksdwarves stationed in there.
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This season, not long after we finished the tower, another group of freeloaders decided to come hobbling into our little hole in the mountain. They must've thought it would be a good idea to come settle into and spend the rest of their peaceful, quiet lives inside of Glazedoor, but I decided that just to spite them I'd put the little shitstains inside the military. <3
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Or at least that's what I was going to do. Instead, I looked at our current workshop area and realized just how fucking retarded Uvash was for organizing it in such a manner. After giving him a brutal public beating with my +elk bird leather belt+, I ordered the miners to dig out a new workshop area underneath the current living quarters. Needless to say, the miners wasted no time in hauling ass, and the other workers wasted even less time in building the workshops situated down there.
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Autumn stayed atrociously boring rather uneventful until the the very first week of Timber, when the reconstructed wall was finished much earlier than expected. I think that the public beating I gave Uvash probably spurred them on quite a bit, so using him as my bitch may actually increase morale inside the fortress. Hell, for all I know, we'll need it soon enough when the first goblin or necromancer siege comes. Hopefully not when I'm in power, that better damn be some other dwarf's problem. I ain't dealing with no god damn gobbies.
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Once that was finished, I looked around the fortress and was displeased at the lack of caverns. VERY displeased. So after throwing Uvash down the stairs to let off some steam I decided to thoroughly examine the situation at hand. Currently, all of our livestock is right out in the open, grazing right under our enemies' eyes. It's not like we're short on food or anything, but we might be if we lose literally all of our livestock in one fell swoop. Another issue I noticed was our obvious dependency on imported weapons and metal, so that's something else that I'm having my miners working on. They're not even halfway done yet, but here's the plan for digging out that lower area:
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After our efficiency in building the field walls, I decided to build a wall just outside our main entrance to keep out potential attackers and invaders. Not that anyone would really want to take over this shithole, but whatever, it's actually starting to look less and less like a shithole and more like a finely crafted toilet that's been the crap stockpile for about ninety different fortresses and isn't allowed to retire due to the sheer amount of AIDS and diarrhea it accumulated over the years, just so it doesn't become a threat to the civilians. Meanwhile, this poor veteran toilet falls into a tattered state and continues to be shit inside of for the rest of its days, crying itself to sleep every night before being rudely awakened by another hairy dwarf ass beginning to void itself inside of it.

But yeah, at this point the Dwarven caravan finally arrived.
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After trading a good amount of gems and a few pieces of legwear, we managed to get a good amount of armor and weapons for our retarded meatshields who refuse to train with their assigned weapons brave soldiers in need of equipment.

This is the current state of Glazedoor at the end of Autumn:
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« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 04:03:31 pm by BlackMuffin »
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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #49 on: September 25, 2013, 06:00:54 pm »

15 to 67 dwarves in less than a year.  We are going to be swimming in beard hairs and piles of discarded clothing soon.  More crap to trade to the humans!

I also predict some sort of siege next year/turn if this keeps up.  Glad we have the basics squared away for that.  Based on the last pic of the new, expanded farm it looks like any would-be siege will be able to get up on to the top of our farm wall.  Not that I have ever done anything like that, or have direct experience with the joy of natural up ramps...


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #50 on: September 26, 2013, 02:58:09 pm »

Up-ramps only go in one direction, they can't climb up onto my wall directly. Even if they could, they wouldn't jump down since the AI doesn't do that as far as I can tell.

...but I should still get rid of those up-ramps before long. I'm already doing that for the wall up front.
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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #51 on: September 27, 2013, 04:51:34 pm »

Late Winter, 252 AU

Alright, so I'm going to try my best and maintain my composure as I'm writing this. I'm at the end of my term, but that doesn't mean I can't help to fight against what I've uncovered. No, I haven't discovered the circus or anything. In fact, now that I think about it, it's not bad at all. It's minor compared to all the clowns that could come and murder us, but I'll explain exactly what we found later on.

So basically, at the beginning of the season I decided to stop the whole grid digging stuff so that the miners could carve out cliffs which would in turn prevent potential invaders from climbing up the mountain and on top of our walls.With our fortress now newly impenetrable, I ordered the miners to dig deeper down. I ordered them to dig about 10UL (Urist Layers, for the uneducated peasantry). Before long, I had come across what we had been searching for the last two months: the caverns.
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After digging out some passageways to be able to safely get into and out of the caverns without any chance of plummeting down a cliff due to some lowly buttfuck deciding to dodge into the worst possible place, I decided to order the head mason to construct a wall and two doors that could easily be locked just-in-case. That would provide an easily defendable point just in case a forgotten beast decides to raise its ugly head. I was also considering building a drawbridge that could quickly be raised to block the Forgotten beast just in case we're not able to defend quickly enough, but I did not have the opportunity to build that due to the events that would soon unfold.

Although that's not really important at the moment. What I was really looking for all along was Cave Moss...and we found plenty of that shit down there. So, to make sure that our livestock has someplace to feed, I ordered the digging out of an underground pasture area just below the farms. We ran into some stone and that could potentially limit the feeding area, but for now I'm not too concerned. The animals should have plenty of area to graze upon before we slaughter put them to better use. Unfortunately, I'm still waiting for the moss to grow all the way across the ground, and that probably won't happen for a while, but I'm not too discouraged. Before long we'll be able to move everything to safety.
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While that was being dug out, one of the lazy twats that was hanging out in the food storage, drinking everything ended up getting possessed. After claiming the Forge, they began fashioning another piece of armor that would complement our fabulous little gold helm. This one was called "Birdroared", a chain mail shirt. After the chain mail shirt was finished, I gave the dwarf responsible a massive spanking with my new *elf baby leather belt* and promptly stored the shirt inside of the general purpose stockpile.
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While this was happening, a giant mole happened to crawl up the stairway. I realized later that the wall and doors I had ordered to be built had not been built after all, as the mole had scared away the wussbag. I sent one of the military squads down there (Vucar's squad, to be exact) to guard against anything else that might scare away the poor dwarfy warfy from building his fwagile wittle wall. Piece of shit.
In any case, the gate was finished soon enough, but I kept them there for a little while longer when I heard word that there were troglodytes in the caverns. Apparently, most of them weren't anywhere close to the fortress, but their movements could move closer to us and pose a danger to the weavers that would soon be heading down there so I decided to keep them around a little while longer. I stayed out of the caverns for about four days or so before I suddenly saw some dwarves hauling troglodyte corpses into the refuse stockpile. When I inquired them about what the fuck they were doing hauling those disgusting shitbags inside of my precious fortress, they quickly explained that the squad I had dispatched downstairs had just fended off a small ambush squad of troglodytes. They were probably bullshitting just to escape the wrath of my belt, but with that in mind I ordered the squads to be relieved from their station and return to the fortress. For some reason I had forgotten that troglodytes tend to release miasma when they're rotting, unlike other I had to lock the refuse stockpile for a while to let all that gas go away.
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In any case, after roughly three months of being held captive inside of our fortress, the liaison finally gave the expedition leader a good enough deal for imports. Whoever succeeds me should take note of it.
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The fortress remained very peaceful for about two months after that. Then, in early Obsidian, we see the head mason Logem Pulleychained run out of the main stairway yelling, "FAKFAKFAKFAKFAKFAKFAKFAKFAK"
Before I could ask what the fuck he was yelling for I see this massive fucking spider just blitz right out of the main stairway and coat the entire hallway in sticky vaginal fluid spider webs. I had no idea that this spider was even in the fortress in the first place, but now I did. Logem became stuck in the web almost immediately and the spider set his sights upon him. I couldn't act free myself from the web fast  enough and could only watch as the spider bit down right upon poor Logem's head, crushing his skull and injecting its venom into him. Right as it was about to finish the job, it was set upon by the entire military, jamming its collective weapon stash right into the beast's abdomen. Finally freeing myself from the web that had trapped me, I ran over to Logem and dragged him out of his prison. His blood was all over my hands, and he wasn't moving or breathing. His skin was completely pale, and his eyes were rolled back into his head.
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As the beast finally fell, we watched to see if Logem would ever recover. Miraculously, he regained consciousness after only an hour, although his head was still split open and he was still incredibly pale. Fikod the legendary miner carried the mason into his bedroom, which he apparently found quite enjoyable. A little too enjoyable if you ask me.
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Just as soon as one problem ended, another began. A Troll decided to come tromping around the outside of the entryway to the caverns, and I quickly decided to send a military squad to the fray...except the squad was equipped with only wooden weapons, which I daresay are not quite useful when trying to kill a god damn troll. She somehow managed to kill a baby and a speardwarf, earning her the title "Stokertyphoon." The following battle lasted for three fucking weeks, and ended with me forcing the squad to retreat so that we would not suffer any more losses. By that point, Logem had already recovered, and the battle log recorded by some hooplehead standing there and watching with about nine dicks up his ass covered roughly two dozen pages.
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Now I must leave this fortress to its next ruler. For now I shall take the role of Hammerer for this fortress, and I now leave my successor some drawings that will let him or her carry on my wishes.

First off is the existence of water in the under ground cavern. I suggest building a pump stack that will get this up to a hospital, which should be built ASAP:
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Second is my plans for some catacombs:
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And finally, here are the statistics for the fortress at the end of my term:
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May Armok save us all.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 05:32:27 pm by BlackMuffin »
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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #52 on: September 27, 2013, 07:08:29 pm »

Nice write up for the end of the year/turn.  At first I thought there was going to be forgotten beast induced trauma, but it looks like we are a few dwarves short of the default threshold for FBs.  Next overseer might want to take note of that, regarding doors v raising bridges, and the odds of a FB building destroyer showing up.

I've never breached the caverns so early intentionally, but then again, I almost always take starting locations with running water of some sort and divert into the base.  Depending on how many z levels to the water (I'm assuming about 10 or so based on you description?), it may be easier to just tunnel down some wells, if the next overseer isn't that good with pumps.  Armok knows I'm not, I just use them to train my off-duty military.  In my current monstrosity of a fort, I just put 5 wells in one 3x3 area off the main dining room and a few floors below my hospital.


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #53 on: October 04, 2013, 07:20:33 pm »

I'm back! Just in time, it would seem. I'll begin my turn at once. The caverns shall be conquered!

EDIT: I don't have winRAR. Can you .zip it instead?
« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 08:11:05 pm by ShadowHammer »


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #54 on: October 05, 2013, 09:52:49 am »

Please and thank you?

If black muffin doesn't respond soon, can someone else zip it for me?


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #55 on: October 05, 2013, 11:12:24 am »

Glad t see ye'r just in time to take ye'r turn.

Here's the save-file as a .zip. Hopefully it works as intented.


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #56 on: October 05, 2013, 02:40:01 pm »

Sorry I didn't respond at all, Hammer. That's my bad. I hadn't seen this thread and thought you had started your turn but didn't update a journal or anything, so thanks to Liwjatan for covering for me. owo
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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #57 on: October 05, 2013, 06:46:50 pm »

Glad t see ye'r just in time to take ye'r turn.

Here's the save-file as a .zip. Hopefully it works as intented.
Thank you.
Sorry I didn't respond at all, Hammer. That's my bad. I hadn't seen this thread and thought you had started your turn but didn't update a journal or anything, so thanks to Liwjatan for covering for me. owo
That's alright.


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #58 on: October 06, 2013, 02:29:01 pm »

Fikodtun's Shadow
Chapter 1: Pain
My reign has begun with tragedy. A troll in the caverns managed to kill two dwarves and injure two more before the military could kill it. I have ordered the construction of a hospital for the wounded.
An elk bird snuck into the fortress today. It took a while for anyone to notice, though, because it was acting very tame. It just minded its own business until a dog snapped at its heels. Then it led the military on a merry chase through the bedroom complex until they finally caught and killed it. Fortunately, it was the only one that got hurt; no dwarven casualties were reported.
Our lack of water begins to worry me. Even though it is dangerous, I have authorized use of the cavern lake as a water source, to stop our wounded from dying of thirst.
Finally! A well has been constructed. Not in time to save the life of Logem the speardwarf, though, who died of thirst in his bed.
Led the stonecrafter was taken by a fey mood. He claimed a craftsdwarf’s workshop and began a mysterious construction. He created a gabbro mug. Yippee.
I have begun to create defenses for the fortress. I see that the previous overseer had enough forethought to create an archer’s tower above the main gate, so I should probably get some marksdwarves trained.
An ambush! Curse them! It’s a good thing I got those traps up, otherwise our fledgling military would probably have been overwhelmed by these six goblin bowmen. As it was, they still managed to kill half our military and injure half a dozen citizens. Fortunately, with our new healthcare plan, I am hopeful for the survival of all of them. I have increased military training to full time, bolstered the squads that suffered losses, and begun properly training marksdwarves. Next time, we will be ready.


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #59 on: October 06, 2013, 08:08:56 pm »

Chapter 2: Arming
The injured soldiers have been discharged from hospital and are training at the barracks. I am quite pleased with their progress; they aren't exactly supersoldiers, but they’ll do.
Another stonecrafter has withdrawn from society. I assumed he would make some sort of craft, but he's just sitting there, drawing pictures of things in the stockpile, but not going to pick them up. Oh well.
The humans arrived! We bought many things from them, most importantly metal to make into armor. No more shall our soldiers charge into battle clothed in only the hides of beasts.
Ok, time to calm down and explain. We have captured several enemy necromancers. They were sneaking through the grass towards the fortress when they stumbled into the animal trap that I was setting up. Now, I shall create an undead training area for the use of our soldiers. Soon, I will have an unstoppable force of battle hardened  soldiers ready to face any goblin attack.

OOC: I decided to stop here and wait to make sure that none of you have objections to an undead training area? You don’t consider it an exploit, do you?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 08:31:12 pm by ShadowHammer »
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