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Author Topic: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun, Land of the Loving  (Read 10979 times)


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[DF 34.11]Fikodtun, Land of the Loving
« on: September 10, 2013, 12:46:44 pm »

(If ya find any typos/grammar errors,I apologize,however I am currently running a slight cold)


Hello and welcome to Fikodtun, an incredibly generic Dwarf Fortress successiongame. It's so generic,even the word "generic" is not generic enough! Heck,it's so generic, destilled water has more flavours to offer compared to this succession game.

Enough with the generic "jokes" - Mind you,the author coughed and hacked and almost choked to death at this word choice as if he had suffered a spontanious bronchitis - and onto explaining this very generic succession fortress. Since it is so incredible generic no mods or similiar entitys will be installed. No additional monsters,siegers or other spiffy stuff like weapons,crafts,instruments; You should get the idea of this mindset pretty quickly.


#1 Thou shall play only one ingame year,from spring to next year's spring!
#2 Thou have 1 week to announce that you are taking your turn and a wholesome of 2 weeks to finish it! (Meaning you have a total of 3 weeks to finish your turn; This rule is flexible to a certain degree,ie. one might take more than 3 weeks to finish his/her turn given certain circumstances)
#3 Thou must keep alive at least one dwarf at the end of your turn! (Nor is it allowed to place this dwarf under conditions that s/he is going to die once unpausing the saved file)
#4 There will be no more than a total of 6 participiants, each taking a turn after one another. After 6 years, the roster starts anew from the beginning!
#5 If the Fortress falls, the next player in the roster will try to reclaim; Failing that,the succession game will  have reached it's end.
#6 No modding the raws. Yes,thou art not allowed to edit the reactions to achieve cheap and endless amounts of metal.
#7 No other rules are in effect meaning you can do as you please as long as you respect the former rules. Yes,this means you can do as you please; Locking in your dwarfes? Causing a huge tantrum spiral for the next overseer to take care of? Wrecking havoc and carnage? Or mayhaps you are using a different tileset than the first post? All's good and dandy.

The roster is as following;
#Current turn
#Finished turn


Secondary roster
In case someone drops out, there should be a swift replacement

Additional Information

Yes, your eyes do not deceive you; That is a tower at the bottom right. So reign with care!

No ongoing wars, unfortionally; This means this fortress is relatively save.

Tree's are sparse!

The Group's name is "Likot Noram", translates to "The inks of relief".

The civ's name - and I do wish I was making things up - is "The bridle-quake of sculpting"

Items we embark with (For those who are truely curios)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The starting seven:
#1 5/0 Miner
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
#2 5/0 Miner
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
#3 5/4/1 Carpenter/Brewer/Architect
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
#4 5/4/1 Mason/Engraver/Woodcutter
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
#5 5/5 Mason/Mechanic
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
#6 5/5 Armorsmith/Weaponsmith
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
#7 5/5 Grower/Herbalist
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Frequently asked questions (or not so,since they have been answered already)

I am an amateur/noob/whatever in DF,may I join?
Yes.This Fort is neither extremely challenging nor far too easy (*hints on the tower*) nor am I a prone to insult people for being bad at videogames.

Why no mods/other stuff to make this fortress more interesting
Well,first of all because I want to test myself as host of a succession game, secondly due to me not extensivly writing anything in english my capability to do so might have rusted in, in other words,I wish to warm myself up before I aim to do a challenge/mod succession game.

May I be dwarfed
Whilst I do not dwarf people (for the sake of keeping things more organised) other players might be inclined to do so.

Onwards to embarking onto a glorious quest!May the ale flow like rivers and dwarfes never grow hungry! [Prolog will be written in due time]
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 11:40:18 am by Liwjatan »


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2013, 01:55:25 pm »

"The buddy system is essential to your survival; it gives the enemy somebody else to shoot at."


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2013, 05:49:52 pm »

Sounds fun. I'm up for the second turn. It's not often that you see generic succession games like this.
Mod mod mod the raws!
Mod mod mod the raws!
A better fort for you and me!


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2013, 07:02:32 pm »

Let all ye here assembled shout thrice, "Hooray!" for ye olde generic succession game!
Might thou include my humble self into though noble list of turns?
Yonder fortress might be safe at this fortuitous time, but oft are the skies calmest before a storm...



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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2013, 02:33:09 am »

Shush you.

Sounds fun. I'm up for the second turn. It's not often that you see generic succession games like this.
Signed up.

Let all ye here assembled shout thrice, "Hooray!" for ye olde generic succession game!
Might thou include my humble self into though noble list of turns?
Yonder fortress might be safe at this fortuitous time, but oft are the skies calmest before a storm...

Signed up. Also;"Hooray!"

After elongiating this post by a fair amount, let's get started with a desease induced prologue!



Uvash of house Lilardakost was not nervous, in fact he was never nervous. Might it be because he was such an upright and honest dwarf that he had nothing to fear but the truth itself or corresponding to the talk behind his back he was never jittery due to him missing a certain organ in his body - the specialists of this topic call it the "nervous-organ". Truth to be told, dwarfs were never of the creative kind and thus name things for their sake or function. This reminds me of their amusing names for some of the wildlife, such as broadnose, jabberjay and annoyingbirdthatnevershutsup. As Uvash was heading down the piillar seamed halfway, lined with the ever so grim looking guards who were only payed for exactly this - looking grimly -  reaching levels of obscurity to the point that the dwarfes introduced a skala of grimness to value and appraise a guard's worth - don't ask how it works though, seeing as it is complex math including not only the narrowness of one's eyes but also the crook of the current's sovereign nose - Uvash thoughts were the ones to be expected from a dwarf; Mild confusion as of why he was here and when he could get the next supply of booze.

He reached the gold covered doors which featured ornaments of the prominent past 100 years, these pictures were in gold and platinum showing a lesser baron using all his influence to upsurp the past king Urist IV and install a military regime, at least that is what happned when the current dinasty took over, yet the doors showed an angelic being rising up from the depths of the ground. This shift in power happens about every 300 to 400 years among the dwarfes and each time their history is written anew as it was custom among the dwarfes. What happened to their old history you might ask? The dwarfes smash and burn it.

"Halt!" One of the guards shouted, only to remember halfway trough his yelling that he had to grunt by order of the queen herself, so his words ended in a mess of a gargle. Halberds were crossed to hinder Uvash from continuing.

Ever so calm Uvash replied "I have an appointment by her majesty."

"Yes, you were expected." This time the guard remembered to grunt his answer. Helbards were lifted to make way. The golden gates swung open and the interior greeted Uvash with dim darkness. Inside, he could barely make anything out but the shemes of,6 other dwarfes standing next to each other in front of a stairway which probably elevated the throne of her highness above her visitors.

"Uvash of house Lilardakos" an unseen male voice proclaimed "Kneel before her highness!" Harshly ordered, Uvash did as he was commanded, kneeling as deep as it was possible for a dwarf,which was not pretty deep and could be called a curtious bow since dwarf's knees don't bend that way however the queen prefered the term "kneeling" over "bowing" since it had a certain ring to it. "Rise." the male voice spoke yet again, this time however more softly. Uvash did as instructed and hastily joined the line of his fellow dwarfes. "Now, that you all have been assembled as her greatness ordered" An odd way to address her higness Uvash thought;wasn't it custom to call her by her many names and titles? "The seven of you might wonder why you have been summoned." Uvash could barely surpress the urge to mumble in agreeance, a mistake violating the laws of conduct to not speak in her majestie's presence which could've costed him various layers of his skin. "Let me ask you in return, has any of you heard of Kal'asa's?" By order of conduct it was even forbidden to nod or shake your head so Uvash stood still, umoving. "Of course you haven't. Allow me to tell you; Once the north and east had been united under her majestie's reign she conducted the idea to defending the south,too. One of the attempts to fullfill her highness's wishes was to found a mighty stronghold deep in the south. Last year, said fortress was overrun by our enemy." Of course Uvash had heard the story of Kal'asa's, who hadn't? The great stronghold which was estabilshed to ward off and controll hostiles in the far south had been the stuff of legends;Founded under King Urist III it had been the dream of all militant dwarfes to travel there one day and marvel in it's military greatness. And it's fall. Tales were that all inhabitants stood their ground as an superiority of goblins attacked the sronghold. Truth is, it's funds were cut in half and an already weak military outpost grew even weaker. As the goblins attacked, there were no more than a total of 8 dwarfes defending their home.

After a short break, the male voice continued "Who is left to defend our great realm I might ask? Now the south is left to barbarism and the enemy is marching northwards. They must be stopped before they reach the extensions of our great heighnesse's kingdom. Sending our army south will leave us undefended from the west." Of course there was no threat from the west, however out of fear to lose influence in the court the generals and miltary leaders hesitated to send anyone. "Yet, a small grup of well prepared commoners might travel southwards undetected to ground a foundation in the south to slow and eventually halter the progression of our enemy. These fellow commoners had ben chosen amoong the population of our realm. In other words;you have been chosen to do this great deed." Uvash breathed in heavily. To travel south, straight into the enemie's territoritum was already dangerous enough. But to also stay there and...Uvash stopped himself. The damage had been done, there was no reason to additionally harm himself via losing his firm stand and violating the queen's presence. It would just cost him another strip of his skin. Apparently the other dwarfes though so as well since the remained unmoving, like stone statues awaiting their final conduct.

"Your preparations for journey have been finished. You start traveling tomorrow. The queen wishes you best of luck." Hastily the male voice finished his speech. Finally, Uvash's eyes had attuned to the darkness sorrounding him. As he raised his sight to the throne - a clear breach of the rules - he saw a grining vizier empty throne.



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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2013, 11:56:04 am »

Chapter 1 : A new Fortress is born

Uvash climbed atop the mountain, leaving behind his 6 felloew dwarfes, to get a better view of his current surroundings. To the north the extensions of a sparse snowcovered forest reached straight up to the beginnings of the mountain amidst it a small pond, to the south a smooth small plateu raised among the flattenings spurs of the mountain, to the east there was nothing but ever larger mountains. Uvash sighed at the prospect ofhis current situation; It had been fifty days and as many nights until they reached this point and frankly they could no lnger go on. Not only did their supports run low but also did every muscle in their small bodies hurt from marching that long. Eventually, after what Uvash seemed to be a hour, his fellow dwarfes cought up to him, behind them rustling along their wagon.

One of the other dwarves, Fikod to be more precise, a miner who seems to be as cold as the stone he mines, layed his hand upon Uvash's shoulder, a gesture of empathy to show that he was not alone. He, rather all of them did understand in what situation they were in. In the middle of a hostile terretory with barely any food left. Again, Uvash sighed, before he turned around, wiping off Fikod's hand. He looked downupon the other dwarfes  - not that he was arrogant or anything, he simply stood on a slight evalation - searching each one's eye contact before speaking.

"It has been oh so many days and oh so many nights since we embarked from our mountainhomes" The other dwarfes mumbled in agreement. "I am tired and I can see so are all of you. Carefully, the dwarfes inspected one another. The signs of Fatigue was among all of them - heavy rings beneath the eyes, an uncombed beard and to wrst of all, they looked as they sobered up. "So I say to you, let us not travel further south. Let us remain here and start our encampment where we stand."

"But what about the queen's plans?" One among them asked. For the sake of not creating a grudge against said dwarf his name will remain anonym.

"The further we travel south the sooner death will await us. I for once do not wish to join Armok in his eternal halls just yet." Uvash spoke in a heavy yet exhausted tone. "The queen's far away and so are his judges and punishments. I say, let us stay here! Who's with me?"

"I am." He heard 5 times. Well, "I am" or something rather similar in dwarfish, an "Aye" might possibly a better translation. After a short moment of hesitation, the dwarf who proclaimed doubts agreed as well.

" do we name it?" asked one among the dwarfes. All looked at him like he spoke something rather silly.

"Hrm" made one dwarf, anther scratched his beard. One of them even started drooling. It took several minutes until Uvash had the great insight and spoke "Let's ... err ... call it. Hm. We all like doors, don't we?" The other dwarfes shared looks as if they did not know what to do. Eventually, one of them nodded, which caused a flood of additional grunts and nods of agreement. "Well then, we call it "Door"."

"What kind of fortress is called just "Door"?"Again the dwarf who shall remain anonymous raised his voice.

"Fine, then you think of a name." Harshly Uvash answered.

"Err ... uhm ... " Uvash lifted his headto look down on the dwarf who shall remain anonymous and smiled a smile of schadenfreude. "I ... like glazing! Yeah! And a glazing door is the best kind of door because it is made out of metal!" In various ways the other dwarfes showed their approval.

"Very well then"
Uvash said "Glazedoors it is. Now let's get drunk!"
Thus, a new fortress was born.

1st Granite, 251 after Urist IV

Now the seven of them just kinda stood there, looking at each other kinda perplexed. Not one of them had ever founded a fortress, so said confusion was kinda understandable. How does one, no, seven dwarfes start a camp that shall grow into a huge mighty fortress? The seven started mumbling at one another. None was sure what to do next. Until Uvash, annoyed by the constant whispering and squadling, spoke up "We need lumber. Logem, you can use an axe, can't you?" "Aye" was the short answer. "There are trees down the hill. Get going." Grumbling and cursing, Logem went on his way down the mountain, draging his axe behind him.

"If we had some soil I could plant us some mushrooms." Zefon, a fellow member of the farmers guild suggested. Without a word of command the two miners of their little track firmly gripped their picks and wordlessly went down the mountain to look for soil.

That left 4 out of 3 dwarfes who still just stood there with their thoughts back at their warm and friendly mountainhome.

10th Granite, 251 after Urist IV

Zefon had already planted the first seeds whilst the ther 4 dwarves squaddled and talked about what great plants they had for the fortress. "Let's build it in the skies!" "No, you idiot, let's build a mighty tower made out of glass!" Uvash shok his head and breathed in heavily before letting go of a long sigh. Already he was beginning to regret that he did not flee from this treck whilst he still had a chance. But alas, now it was too late and he had to endure the meaningless squabble of his fellow dwarfes. "No" aggrivated by the pointless mumbling he almost shouted"We need to secure the basics first! A farm, then a bedroom and a meeting hall then we can spend our time in meaningless squabbling!"

Just as he finished the two miners returned from the duty to dig a farm. Uvash, who had rested for 10 days and felt as good as new spoke with a firm and commanding voice "You two, dig us out secure lodgings. You, Monom, make us some beds from the wood Logem cut."

"And what will you do whilst we do all the hard work,eh?"
one of the miners asked sharply.

"I'll make us some mechanism."

6th Felsite, 251 after Urist IV

Constant movement had taken over the otherwise so slothlike dwarves. Things needed to be done; Mining,Carrying food inside;Installing beds;first crops needed to be plugged. Alot for just the seven of them. But on the upside after a long and hard day an even harder and backache inducing bed awaited them - just like the dwarfs loved their beds. They almost had finished securing their lodging, a first step onto crafing a great and mighty fortress out of pretty much nothing.

1st of Hematite, 251 after Urist IV
"This will do!" Uvash proclaimed. Proudly he looked upon the other 4 dwarfes - not that it matters much however one of them was eating a mushroom and hence was not listening to Uvash at all whom this did not bother - and nodded to each one of them once. "To a mighty stronghold" He cheered and three of the four joined him in his celebrations. Today plenty of booze would flow.


That does it for spring. Summer shall follow tomorrow and mayhaps something might happen!(Even though I somewhat doubt that considering this is the fortress's first year)


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2013, 12:10:01 pm »

I'd like a turn.
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination
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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2013, 12:33:56 pm »

I'd like a turn.

Signed ye up.And stuff.
Now without any further nonsense, I present thee the summerupdate!

4th of malachite, 251 after Urist IV
It had been 5 months now since the brave seven had grounded their "fortress" here; 5 months of hard labour and hardship.Well, not that they were wimps. However, all these 5 months have passed and only little did they accomplish. Yes, sure, they had workshops, a meeting hall, hard and cold beds and they were finally moving in in their own rooms yet not a single step had been done to defend their weak fortress apart from installing a door or two. It literally was defenseless - like a fish in a barrel.

Uvash breathed a heavy sigh - he was sitting inside the small meeting room, in front of him on the simple rock table an empty scroll of paper they'd brought along from the mountainhome. They needed man - excuse me - dwarfpower in order to accomplish anything. To achieve this he had planed to write down a simple letter asking for more fellow dwarfes - humbly mind you - and to give it to next caravan that passes by. There were caravans planned to here, were they not? Did not say the visir something among the terms of sending one south after them so the fortress's location - and success - might be measured. Uvash scratched his head with the tip of the feather. Well, not anything he could do but hope he thought before lowering the feather down into the ink-bottle and then onto the paper.

"All hail to thee, Queen of Shaligushrir Aran, Tobul Sazirögred."

 Uvash frowned;even though it was custom to address her highness by her many titles and names he did not have the paper to write down all of them. Pictures of him being scourged came to his mind but were quickly disbanded accompanied by a headshake - clearly the queen would show mercy if she'd knew of their shortcomings? Be as it may he thought he needed to write this letter, with or without many fancy titles and glamerous names.

"Glazedoors needs more inhabitants. Please send us some I hereby humbly ask thee too send the best southwards to us so we might grow into a strong home for our future children.

Your's humble servant Uvash Lilardakost."

He nodded in approval - short and to the points, just as he liked it. Now if only a caravan showed up...

10th of malachite, 251 after Urist IV

6 days had passed, 6 days of Uvash hopping he'd see a caravan this very day. His hopes however were not met - at least those to see a caravan this summer. As he was strolling outside atop the mountain, off to the east he could make out .. a dwarf? Here? In the middle of nowhere? And then climbed atop the hillside another one. Two would follow, but Uvash was already on his merry way to meet these dwarfes who were in the middle of nowhere.

As he came closer, he started to make out details - ragtagclothes, exhausted faces. He lifted an arm to greet them which was promptly answered by the male dwarf among the four via lifting up his arm as well.

"Hail!" Uvash shouted after coming closer. "Hail!" Was the reply, strong, yet exhausted.

"What is it that you do all the way out here?" Uvash asked briskly. Whilst their short "talk" he had reached the four - among them two were children, still.

"We had heard of an expansion of the realm and..." The dwarf halted in the middle of his sentence to have a look around to see nothing but a steep hillside. "...and wished to call it our new home." He finished, his words filled with doubt.

Uvash smiled - not to the fellow four dwarfes but because the words of his newfound fortress had already been spread. He nodded before speaking "Welcome to Glazedoors."

17th Galena, 251 after Urist IV

A place for the two new adults had been found quickly - in the furnaces of the fortress. Now, instead of fishing or shearing, they'd be smelting gold which was to be molten into trading goods which in return was to be traded in for weapons and armor. At least that was the plan of Uvash - if a caravan should ever show up.



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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2013, 12:48:28 pm »

I'd be willing to give this a go for the last slot.  I haven't played a succession game before, and I'd like to try it out.


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2013, 08:01:47 pm »

A place for the two new adults had been found quickly - in the furnaces of the fortress.

When I read this I immediately pictured you literally inserting them into the fucking furnaces and I lost my shit laughing.
Mod mod mod the raws!
Mod mod mod the raws!
A better fort for you and me!


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2013, 07:54:07 am »

I'd be willing to give this a go for the last slot.  I haven't played a succession game before, and I'd like to try it out.

...and signed ye up. Roster's full. hooray!

A place for the two new adults had been found quickly - in the furnaces of the fortress.

When I read this I immediately pictured you literally inserting them into the fucking furnaces and I lost my shit laughing.

Welp, I am glad to have made at least someone chuckle. Also I am not that cruel an overseer. Yet...

10th of Limestone, 251 after Urist IV
The coming of age is among the dwarfes a great celebration involving various flavours of alcohol, drinking, puking and - eventually - several fistfights. However, this time around not a single dwarf had the spare to at least congratulate poor Vucar to her birthday. She achieved the greatest tasks of childhood - keep in mind that various dangers lay in the way of growing up - and none seemed to care, not even her parents. Now she was hauling something to somewhere, even hough she did not really want to or to be quite frankly care for her duty. Her thoughts were among the traditions of dwarfenkind - and how they were threaten by her comrades. Unhappy about this, she shook her head yet did as she was told begrudgingly, after all, what choice did she have but to help out now that she was a fully grown dwarfette?

4th of Sandstone, 251 after Urist IV

Suddenly, a foreign dwarf stood in front of Uvash. His clothes showed signs of a harsh and long treck - dust and dirt, soiled and torn. For a moment, Uvash's mouth stood gaping open before he could snap back into his regular self. "Who are you and what are you ..." He led a hand to his forehead and wringled his brows - he already knew why said dwarf was here. The other dwarf looked around for a moment and seemed to be disappointed; He frowned. In the mountainhomes there was a talk of a strong and mighty fortress in the south, not a hole inside a mountaintop.

"I am Aban of house Vudtharurist and I traveled a many days to reach a fortress in the south. Might I and my companions stay here for a few days to refreshen ourselves before we continue our journey?" With all courteousness Aban asked Uvash, said could barely hide a pityful smile below his palms.

"Oh you might stay." Uvash began, his smile growing ever so dimer as he looked into the slightly confused faceof Aban. "Oh, and as long as you wish - stay a year, or two."

"Thank you, however my and my companions do not have the need to refreshen us that long ..."
Aban lifted an eyebrow as he spoke. Surely the other dwarf was just jesting, right?

"Oh but you might as well stay here forever. I mean, this is such a beatiful fort and such..."
Hidding his amusement, Uvash did his best to cower up his broad grin using his hands to cover up his mouth. Now Aban lifted his other eyebrow just before his confusement turned over into anger. Harsh were his words;

"Do not make fun of me, comrade! The journey was hard and I am in no mood for jests!"

"Oh but I am not kidding you." With a single beat he was serious again - or at least tried to be, as slight joy was still hearable in his words. "This?" He lifted an arm and pointed around in various directions. "This is Glazedoors. You will find no other fortress any further south."

Mouth wildly gaping open and eyebrows raised up high, Aban looked at Uvash, first in utter astoundishment which slowly changed into mild irritation. He was about to turn around when Uvash layed a hand upon Aban's shoulder to hinder him from moving away. Deeply looking into Aban's eyes - considerably deep bearing in mind that dwarfes are always drunken thus their vision was cloudy - he spoke "Stay a week or two. Or longer if you wish to before making your way back. Prove us that this fortress is not worthy your time - and life before leaving us. Mayhaps, yes, this is the adventure you and your comrades were always looking for. "

Aban nodded hesistantly.

19th of Timber, 251 after Urist IV
In the past few days several campfires had been spotted during the night - their red and orange glow had foretold the soonish arrival of someone at Glazedoor. Today, they had been spotted - wagons maned by fellow dwarfes! After the message of a caraven reached Uvash he was ever so joyfull. Finally the caravan he had promished the other inhabitants of Glazedoor had come to visit and trade with them. Passing by dwarfes he gave the ordor to bring their gold trinkets to the tradedepot - a small placa of stoneblocks they had constructed.


That does it for autumn! I really wished to squeeze in the trade with thecaravan, but oh guess what? Someone decided to take a break. Concluding update (ie. winter) and savefile will follow tomorrow.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 07:59:38 am by Liwjatan »


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2013, 11:36:03 am »

I'd like to join. I am a newbie and never played a succession game before so expect some nooby mistakes. Because the roster is full, can I make a pre-order? ;D
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 11:46:15 am by zlob »
error: 'long long long' is too long


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2013, 01:16:22 pm »

I'd like to join. I am a newbie and never played a succession game before so expect some nooby mistakes. Because the roster is full, can I make a pre-order? ;D

I'll try to keep ya in mind if one of the other players in the roster skip out/disappear.


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2013, 08:30:15 pm »

I'm starting a roster to track the dwarves.  After the each year I'll put it up (probably on google docs) so everyone can see the evolution of the residents.  I like tracking my dwarves, or at least trying to keep some semblance of community.  Might also make it fun for those who enjoy the writing of updates, to see who is who and what they managed to do.  I plan on tracking the basics like age, when they arrived, what they started as, and what artifacts, if any, were created, and important notes.


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Re: [DF 34.11]Fikodtun,a generic succession game
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2013, 10:14:10 am »

I'm starting a roster to track the dwarves.  After the each year I'll put it up (probably on google docs) so everyone can see the evolution of the residents.  I like tracking my dwarves, or at least trying to keep some semblance of community.  Might also make it fun for those who enjoy the writing of updates, to see who is who and what they managed to do.  I plan on tracking the basics like age, when they arrived, what they started as, and what artifacts, if any, were created, and important notes.

That sounds needlessly complicated hence absoloutly tubbolar!
17th of Moonstone, 251 after Urist IV

"What a cheap bargain." Uvash looked at the newly bought leather gloves and shook his head in disapproval. They might have traded in some lower quality gold crafts for food and booze but only little armor did they now call their own. Some weaponry, which was on sell due to slight signs of rust, some gloves, a helmet and two pair of metal leggings. A good beginning perhaps, however not enough to fully armor even one dwarf. He looked up, from gloves to Udib,themerchant guild's send transactor, who was waiting patiently for his audience with the expedition leader - Uvash.

"Well then ... have we come to terms?" Udib asked with a ever so polite voice.

"Yes. You will bring us armor and weaponry in return for our goods." Uvash took a moment to recap the diskussion with the outpost liasson Udib; How it all began harmlessly with the two of them exchanging the needs of their respective homes before Udib dropped the hammer and told him that these needs would come at a certain price. Yes, Glazedoors needed armed soldiers for protection. Sure, the trade guild would deliever them their arms and suits of armor yet at a costly price of double and some more of the normal cost.

Udib nodded, then proceeded to speak "We, that is, the trade guild will do their best to fulfill your young ... fortress's needs."

Later, before embarking on his journey back home together with the trade caravan, he passed a letter to Uvash with the words " See that you have these." He winked, then left without another word. Uvash opened the letter and read it; It was an export agreement on several goods and the additional price they would net. In his mind he made a note to pass on these lines to whomever lead the trade coming autumn.

12th of Opal, 251 after Urist IV
Firmly grippings his pickaxe Fikod stormed out of the main entrance - Rhesus Macaque's had been sighted - in the words of the dwarfen they were called "stealing hairy humans". There, they were already there, rummaging trough the stuff left behind on the trade placa, probably looking for something shiny. He screamed at them and immideatly after charged at them, pickaxe raised high to embeed it in the first monkey's skull he'd reach.

1st of Granite, 251 after Urist IV

Uvash took a bite from his a uncooked rhesus macaque flesh and chewed, thinking of what he had achieved the last year and more importantly, what was yet to come. Sure, they had installed a leather, a metal and a clth industrie, however they were minor at best. They had food a plenty but barely any booze. Not to mention, their wood supply was just plain ridiciolus. He shook his head and frinkled his brow. The current situation of the fortress was causing him a headache, one which was borderlining to a mirgrene. The fortress having no protection was the worst problem, something as a leader he was not proud of. A gate had been installed, some weaponry and armoury had been traded in, yet that was about it.

He raised from his chair, with a sudden clarity in his mind - these issues, they were not his to solve. Another leader, yes, someone who was either more competent than him or someone who could be blamed if everything fell apart. Uvash immideatly took preparations for a new election for the leader of the fortress...


Fortress at the end of my turn;


That does it for my turn. Next up is Blackmuffin.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 12:36:10 pm by Liwjatan »
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