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Author Topic: The Kinda Sorta Build-a-City Game (Late Spring, Year 1) RL-Hiatus-ed  (Read 25640 times)

Maxinum McDreich

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Re: Let's Build Things (Late Spring, Year 1) Rules shift!
« Reply #210 on: October 03, 2013, 07:37:20 pm »

(The Commune is based on Neolithic housing, but it is permanent housing. Think mud housing that's dug half way down rather than all built up.)

Mick was a little confused for the sail, since his canoes were built for the fishers to fish on the river. All the same, he figured it'd be good to contribute.
Nice to mainly focus on economy and home matters this time, he sets his people to work:

Gatherers and Orchadeers collect clay. They will make several furnaces with said clay.
Woodcutters continue to carve out canoes to perfect them. These canoes are designed to be stood on by one person at the back to fish, with the fish put into the canoe. Said canoes can, technically, carry 3 people who are sitting at a push.
Builders will build that mast, asking spare population to weave the sail. They will then put this together. After that is complete, they will assist in finishing the bridge before moving on to build more communes to house everyone quickly.


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Re: Let's Build Things (Late Spring, Year 1) Rules shift!
« Reply #211 on: October 03, 2013, 09:42:06 pm »

Hey guys! Can I jump back in? I gotta do a bit of reading to catch up, but I hope I can keep playing!

ICBM pilot

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Re: Let's Build Things (Late Spring, Year 1) Rules shift!
« Reply #212 on: October 04, 2013, 03:38:40 pm »

What is the weather and temperature normally like at our settlement?
On the plus side, they managed to kill off 20+ children


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Re: Let's Build Things (Late Spring, Year 1) Rules shift!
« Reply #213 on: October 04, 2013, 08:29:17 pm »

I'm not going to be able to do a proper update until Sunday. Bummer but eh.

Your data's still here. :D

@ICBM pilot
Considering that it's Late Spring, it's starting to get warmer out, and rains about every three days or so. (Doesn't go up to "storm" range yet). By summertime staying out for a prolonged period of time will start to wear on those not used to it.

In the meantime.

 Event - Resolution
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  Event 2
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How to resolve the miners issue?
Also what to do about those birds.

@Potential new players
I don't have a player limit, especially with a now suggestion type setup like this. :3

ICBM pilot

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Re: Let's Build Things (Late Spring, Year 1) Rules shift!
« Reply #214 on: October 05, 2013, 06:06:32 pm »

Miners: stop complaining about not being able to see you are CATS and dig above where you are mining until you reach the surface.
game: stop being dead
« Last Edit: October 05, 2013, 08:03:28 pm by ICBM pilot »
On the plus side, they managed to kill off 20+ children


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Re: Let's Build Things (Late Spring, Year 1) Rules shift!
« Reply #215 on: October 06, 2013, 06:16:05 pm »

It's thrashing the best it can.


Turn 6
Late Spring, Week 4
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Research - Offense
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Research - Defense
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Research - Botes
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Design - House
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Other - Visitors
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Research Progress
Summon Familiar (Promtho) - HALTED (No means of stabilizing summon)
Treehouse (Kwaa-naa) - HALTED (No tree)
Type 2 Tree Lances (Kwaa-naa) - FINISHED? (Result: small sharpened tree stake with removable tips)
Enchanted Charge (Mammoth Charge) - HALTED (No direction of enchant)

Blag - 40 followers

I don't have time to do a census, so this is pretty rough
160 Elf
220 Neko
120 Human
40 Goblin
150 Avian
40 Half-Elf
Total: 700 (ish)
+around 50 newcomers these two weeks.

Points of attention
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 End of Turn 5
Now taking orders for Turn 7.
Turn 7 will resolve on Friday (I feel the urge to do something stupid on Wednesday).

Keep in mind:
a. Tools = more stuff being made = more resources used. (Gatherers may not be able to keep up)
b. Visitors can post "what to do-s" as well.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 07:48:11 pm by Ashsaber »


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Re: Let's Build Things (Late Spring, Year 1) Rules shift!
« Reply #216 on: October 06, 2013, 07:49:21 pm »

Make torches? Drench cloth in animal fat and wrap it around one end of a stick, light it on fire. We better have fire.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.

Elephant Parade

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Wait, I thought I posted about researching weapon offense and defense?


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Alright. Time to get shit done.

Carpenters, you now have tools. You may cheer. So let's work on a lot of things for you, because there's a lot of things you're useful for.

First off, you're going to start making boats. Pontoon boats, in fact, for a pontoon bridge. Like broader, shallower canoes, made of thick planks, and upturned at either end, but relatively flat side to side. We'll use rope to keep them together at first, with several tied to big boulders or trees on either side of the river to keep them from floating out to sea. Later, we'll embed them in the ground with wooden constructions, once the project is mostly finished and both banks are connected. They should be pretty tightly packed and held together, with strong knots from whoever can do them, to be good and sturdy. Over them now, and this will all probably be done in sections going across the river, rather than all at once, over them will go balks, thin strips of wood laid over the boats, maybe 2-3 cm by 1-2 cm, and at least as long as each boat is wide(make them similar in size, guys, please?). Over these will go cross planks, planks laid perpendicularly to one another, thinly, to form a smooth surface. With metal tools, getting some of the smiths to make some nails shouldn't be too hard, or we might get some from the trade. In addition to that, guard rails on either side, mostly to keep the planks on the bridge and not in the water(part of the reason the boats need to be upturned at either end, by the way). Later, we can use it to work on an even more permanent structure, and it should be strong enough to support anything we'll be dealing with, for now. Get the Lumberjacks and Avians and smiths to help you, if you can. Oh, and for fuck's sake, keep the goddamn bridge clean and clear! Don't let debris collect on it. You need to get someone to make sure it's clear, every day. Better if it's twice a day, unless you want to restart the whole thing when it goes floating into the ocean.

But this isn't all. We need planks. Not just timber; lumber. We need the wood to be processed so it can be used more efficiently. Oh, and agreeing to make a cot for people who help you should get you plenty of volunteers for all these tasks, as long as you don't screw their new bed up. So work on that. And also, we're goblins. We need a true Goblin Hall. You can at least get people to help you lay out the groundwork for that, getting stones and whatnot for a foundation. Plan for at least 50 goblins to live in it. Preferably more, with food prep rooms, a dining hall, a place for a Shaman, a still(which will be able to be expanded),  washing rooms(you won't be dirtier than the elves, damnit, even if noone can compete with Nekos), and preferably a basement storage area, though that may need to be a separate thing and will need miner help in all likelihood. Plus, it's not important yet.  Also, a small barracks, separate, room for 20 plus, with armor and weapon storage, and a dining hall of it's own, with a smaller food prep area, a washing area, and a training area. These buildings are currently, however of low priority. Just get the groundwork set, area marked off, land cleared of obstacles, etc.

Still not done, though. Take some of our logs, make them into supports for those mine tunnels. Places to put torches on them(and a way so they don't catch on fire) would be good. Long, hollow tubes(yeah, I know it's hard to hollow them out if they're long, maybe cut out a section along the side, hollow it out, and attach it back on, 'kay? Glue/adhesive has been around for thousands of years. Not too hard to make it) can be used as air shafts for the miners(so they should be 3-4 inches around, at least). If we need to, we can attach pumps to them later, to get air pumping better(it could run off the river water, even). Make sure they stick up out of the ground a good 3-4 feet; short enough for people to look inside and see if something's clogging it, tall enough so people won't(usually) be tripping over them, and tall enough that stuff won't fall in it(often).

One more thing. Work with the brewers, build that Still. People who help get to have alcohol. People who refuse to help have to wait. That simple.

Ranchers, begin taming/domesticating the horse. It's feral, hostile, and we don't yet have the ability to selectively breed them, but you can certainly try. I really hope I don't have to explain how...

Brewers, help the carpenters with the still, since you're gonna have specifications. That way we can actually make a half-decent brew...

Finally, Gatherers, help everyone around. Gather some root vegetables and herbs out in the wilderness if you can, but don't pass up good opportunities.

I present the idea of Wooden Armor. Not 'bark', but hardwood, carved and shaped to fit a person, held together by leather straps, with thick, tough wooden 'scales' over joints and such. Don't use crappy wood, and preferably use the part of a tree for which the grain suits the part in question, so a lucky blow can't just split the wood in two. Better than nothing. Also, multiple shield types; Tower shield, as tall or taller than the wielder and layered with strips of hardened leather, thick wood; kite shield, some 2/3 as tall as the user or less, vaguely kite shaped, and still covered in hardened leather, also thick wood. Round Shield, maybe half as tall as the user or less, with a metal boss for the hand to grip it in(it's the protusion-y part; circular, metal, holly, blunt tip sometimes, with a handle in it), this time no leather, except for a leather strap to hang it around yourself. Finally, more weapon types. Poleaxe(Like a spear, but with an axe head up there too), pike(even longer spear! Yay! But not suited for charging. Great for stopping charges.), and...something else. I forget.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


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@Elephant Charge
You did; that was resolved last turn.
(It's still considered "in effect" but has no actual output until you, y'know, specify to do it again)

We are implied to have fire.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 09:40:05 pm by Ashsaber »

Elephant Parade

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Increase power of heavy spears.
Decrease weight of light spears.
Increase protection of armour.

ICBM pilot

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swordnekos: fish using the remaining bone rapiers
armor makers: make safer bridge by having one rope above the river and another up and to the side of the first one
weapon makers: make silver war hammers
miners: dig out some rooms only accessible by ladder
On the plus side, they managed to kill off 20+ children


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Now we have proper tools and a trade route lets start an industry.

Kwaa-naa's Tinkerers should start to explore the art of making totems from bone and wood. Start with simple hammers and chisel tools.
Builders should try to help with general deforestation: i.e. felling trees and making them serviceable lumber. Also with improved tools they should be able to build better stone huts, at least before we can figure out how to make houses. We don't have many trees here so we need to improvise.

The Lances should break. No worries. Shock Cavalry are also the most maintainance heavy troops in the world so no problem. That means we also need a backup weapon for lancers, and that means they should equip themselves with a short spear.

Archers should also try to incorporate the new tools into bowmaking procedure, and perhaps make better/more uniform bows.

Recruit more Avians for the lancer corp. Promise them some combat drills and hunting to keep them happy. We need more pages for our best lancers.


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Memoirs of Green Beard
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(Yay, finally got time to catch up in this thread!)


Hrmm, I must have been really tired because that was one hell of a nap. Oh well, need to get my guild back together and get them working on the things we need again...What? We have a mine now? And it has gold and silver in it? Bah, that's no good for tools...We already have tools? How? Where? The boat people? When'd they get here? ...Note to self, don't ever go to sleep again...right after this nap.

Axe-nekos get to work chopping down lumber for the carpenters to work with.
Builders begin breaking down the waggons but keep the wheels and axles in tact. Use these to begin work on a device to help with moving logs around. Basically 2 wheels with a 'seat' in between that a log can sit in. Log is mostly balanced in this seat and a few people can push/pull it around easily enough to get it closer to the town, or just to the river and let it float down-river to town. Get the carpenters from the other group to help with the wood shaping for these if possible.
Get some people to begin on another root cellar.
Smiths take some of the gold and start pounding out some coins of some sort so that we can use them for trade with the boat people.
Mages try to figure out what can be used to stabilize the summons.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 12:25:06 am by techno65535 »
... while being chased by axe-welding cats in the dark.
Scratch that, throwing-axe-wielding cats in the dark.
They're cute but my god that's terrifying.
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