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Author Topic: The Kinda Sorta Build-a-City Game (Late Spring, Year 1) RL-Hiatus-ed  (Read 22799 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Hey Hey my scouts my rules


  • Bay Watcher
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Event update - Scouts
 While we're not sure how it happened the scouts got into a fight about who should be taking off their underwear (to use as a white flag, but for whatever reason nobody said that part out loud).
 The ensuing noise gained the attention of some before now unseen people who confronted them.

[pointless RPG flashbacks and exposition]

So, summing all of it up. NorthTown has a tendency to use their own fields and surrounding terrain for battle practice.
When asked why they couldn't move further, it's because the entirety of the military participates in the drills and leaves the town undefended. -*sigh*- Not willing to push the point, the talks turned towards the SouthTown boat.

NorthTown is happy about our advanced warning about the boat and has sworn the Scouts as blood brothers. Apparently they didn't know about us (so the NorthTown scout never made it back, hmm...)

Speaking of SouthTown's boat, they should arrive in about a few days. The scouts can stick around for the battle and get an idea of what both towns are capable of in an actual fight. Or they can leg it home and avoid dying in the crossfire. (If the scouts are dead then the town has "no idea" if they succeeded or not, 4th wall aside)

 Event - Summons
The summons were sent into the mine, and the miners told to evacuate for the day.
The mining went well, up until the end, where one of the summons exploded spontaneously and took the other three with it.
It's not clear how the first explosion occurred, however, it did tell us some information about the familiars.
   Their explosion is largely magical in nature: it disrupts a mage's ability to cast spells on a wide radius (the mages tried to light up the tunnel again with magic but failed, and proper torches had to be made again and brought in) but otherwise has no significant visible effect on people.
   However, the explosion does cause raw force to knock people down. No fire and burning, just wind.

 New Event - EastTown(?)
A heavily guarded caravan was seen far from our current position. It is being followed by another group that's further away. The caravan does not seem to be aware of the following group. They are currently too far for a scout to tell what they are, but there are a few Avians in the follower group (must be why they noticed the caravan.)

What should we do?

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Send my troops to intercept the following group, and ask why they're following the caravan.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McCarpenter
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"Oh people, let us gather the materials and men to build a wall..."


  • Bay Watcher
  • They see me rollin' they savin'~
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The scouts should stay there, probably off to the side, camping or something.

An avian should be sent to alert the caravan that they're being followed.

Actions for the turn, however...

Brewers, begin brewing! Ale first, to make sure people can get something to drink as soon as possible. Wine, beer, liquor, can come later.

Trappers, try trapping live animals(as in, keeping them alive) so the ranchers can attempt to domesticate them. Ranchers, try training and domesticating animals the trappers trap(if you can't, oh well), and help the carpenters when you aren't.

Gatherers, gather seeds of anything and everything you can so we can start planting stuff and domesticating wild crops. Help the carpenters if you can.

Finally, carpenters. We have lumber now, some, at least, so build a warehouse(or rather, make stuff so the people can build it more easily). It can be partially underground, though diggers will probably be needed for that. It should be able to hold the various materials coming in, with room for a vault to be made to hold the gold and silver.

As well, work on carving some handles and such to make tools with once we get iron and steel from trade. Pike poles, spear poles, lance poles, etc., would be great as well.

And finally, everyone pitch in when you can to help build the hall. One part of which, by the way, holds a shrine to Negebri, the Hidden Goddess. (Her domains include night, darkness, winter, woodlands, secrets, protection, creation/invention, wit/cleverness, perception, civilization, caves, stealth, and trickery. Her main animals include the fox, the owl, the cat(leopards, ocelots, and cougars in particular), the snake(the non-venomous kind, so usually constrictors), the wolf(usually either the hunters or the pack-at-play), the bear(often in it's sleeping 'form'), and the rabbit. Her followers often include some Nekos, Goblins, Kobolds(if they exist in this world), some Humans, some Elves, and occasionally Dwarves. She is often despised by Avians and sometimes despised by Dwarves, Humans, or Nekos.)
Her shrine is, of course, hidden.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.

ICBM pilot

  • Bay Watcher
  • D'awwww
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swordnekos:prepare for battle
weaponsmiths:make swords
armorsmiths:make leather armour with flat stone slabs in a large pocket with at the front to stop stabbing weapons.
everyone else continue
all:start worshiping Negebri
On the plus side, they managed to kill off 20+ children


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McCarpenter
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Milgrim walks over to the Negebri faction and humbly asks: "Our behavior may seem odd, but I would be honored to help build the Hidden shrine, as my people and I believe in the coexistance of religions. Also we love building, so take some of my workers to build your hall. I should suggest as well that my builders shall aid in EVERY building project, keeping 20% back to my exclusive projects. Also, if you chose to accept my offer, they shall learn the knicks and knacks of building megastructures in no time."


  • Bay Watcher
  • They see me rollin' they savin'~
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Rolepgeek smiles at his fellow Goblin. "While I can certainly appreciate that, and would love to return the favor, I'm afraid that we cannot, and so it would be ungracious of us to accept your offer; I doubt Blag has much use for wood in his temples. It would rot far too quickly. Not any offense meant to Blag, mind you, simply that dead wood cannot survive in the swamp like live wood can."
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Memoirs Of Jimmy the Scout
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Memoirs of Greg the Guy
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  • Bay Watcher
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Woo things are going at a clippity pace woo

That's...a lot of domains. :D


(I like the "God of X" thing better but meh)
Hidden Goddess Negebri
1. Increased vision in low light areas.
2. Decreased speed penalty in rough terrain.
3. Increased success rate for communication checks.
4. Champion of Negebri (All nighttime actions increase in efficiency/success rate)
          *Yes, this means they sleep better in the night too.

The battle of NorthTown
Invaders - SouthTown
Defenders- NorthTown, MainVille (Idunno,lol)

Army Makeup
80 Light Sword
60 Heavy Spear
60 Light Javelin
? Mages

400 Heavy Axe
1600 Light Spear
2 Scout
1000 Light Archer
? Mages

Battle Summary
First Move: SouthTown (still on the boat)

The captain of the ship proudly announced that they will ram the ship into the dock and unload everyone at once.
NorthTown is close to water but has no dock.

Although NorthTown has a large military force available, it is at best scattered around the town and recovering from the drill.

Again NorthTown's tacticians are idiots. Who commits all their forces to drills, I mean really

SouthTown landed near the town and...found some ladders in a barn. Wow. These ladders are perfectly sized to scale the walls at the low points (where it's been blasted off).
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NorthTown has a token force of archers patrolling the walls. This is them saying "we heard you about the SouthTown invaders". Like, these archers are the bottom rung; they're really bad at their jobs.

SouthTown scales the walls via ladders and swords-to-chest them very easily. The general alarm that was raised is only now taking effect; warriors are pouring out of barracks.

SouthTown's entirely on the walls now (my god they work fast) and the Skirmishers are throwing everything they have into the streets. NorthTown's axemen are dying left and right.

NorthTown's response is to...charge at the SouthTown folk, harder. Ok then.

[insert picture of javelins flying at the road here] x however many javelins they had.

-woosh- -BOOM- NorthTown has mages. They just shot at their own wall and took a chunk off of it.
SouthTown's mages shielded just fine...

o...kay, wow.
SouthTown's heavy infantry JUMPED OFF THE WALL and landed spear first into the closest axemen. Ballsy, those guys.
NorthTown was a little stunned and took some more casualties as a result. Melee in the streets.

The South Skirmishers by now are out of javelins and have...retreated. I was expecting a suicide attack.
The North n' South melee is resolving pretty heavily in North's favor. Guess in a straight up fight North is better; that said South is slowly retreating towards the door, and although they're loosing the fight they're not really dying. North on the other hand is dying pretty hard...

Oh. North is apparently lacking in manpower hard enough that their entire military seems to be comprised of children (read: 12~16 yrs human age) while South's invasion force is...probably at least twice that age, if not more.

It's hard to tell which side is better, North's pushing South back but hurting really hard.

Greg the Guy Scout (who's taken about a lesson in combat in NorthTown) joined the melee with the North and almost died immediately.
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The other scout, Bob, went to support his friend in the melee.

Burning. Why are things burning?

SouthTown's Light infantry disappeared as soon as the melee in the street was joined, and their purpose is now known. A good quarter of the town is on fire, starting from the granaries. Those light infantry have been systematically setting everything on fire.

Goes without saying NorthTown was not happy at this; the melee infantry split into two; one group hysterically sad at the civilians being burned alive, and one group hysterically angry. SouthTown's heavy infantry was pushed out hard and all NorthTown infantry turned to engage the now withdrawing SouthTown Light forces.

SouthTown's Light forces had one goal: escape from the battlefield. Whatever training they had showed: the majority of them took to the roofs and was able to escape to the gate untouched. Those that were harassed by North's archers and mages were shielded by their own mages. South apparently have better mages.

Greg and Bob caught the last group of North's Light forces, about ten of them.
The Light troops were killed with extreme prejudice: Blag assists its loyal Champions with the poison of the gods.
Bob was killed during the melee: he covered Greg's back until the untimely sword to the face, and kept fighting until he finally bled out.
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SouthTown eventually rallied and got back on the boat. They were harassed by North's Archers and mages some more until they got out of firing range.

End of Battle.
Results (note: casualties = owchie, fatality = deadie)
 Casualties: 58 Light Javelin, 60 Heavy Spear, 35 Light Sword
 Fatalities: 16 Light Javelin, 19 Heavy Spear, 11 Light Sword
 End: 44 LJ, 41 HS, 69 LS

 Casualties: 65 Heavy Axe, 116 Light Spear, 339 Light Archer
 Fatalities: 51 Heavy Axe, 101 Light Spear, 1 Light Archer, around 600 civilians.

Player side
 Casualties: Bob the Scout. Greg the Guy.
 Fatality: Bob the Scout.

Resolution (for us)
   Greg the Guy was invited to an honor's banquet where he was effectively promoted to a local hero. He had an enjoyable night (hur hur hur).
   Bob the scout's body was carefully preserved and buried with warrior's honors. His sacrifice converted a handful of locals to worship Blag.
(Bob's body is available for retconning back to the campsite if anyone wants it  :-\)

TL:DR version-
NorthTown has child soldiers.
SouthTown burns babies.
We sent Bob and Greg. Bob was stabbed in the face.
Bob then kept going for 4 rounds before going kaput.

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm. We can suggest gods?

Urgzoth the Brave, god of Melee
Possible Domains
Possible Powers
  Boosts to brave actions, such as charging.
  Massive boosts to individuals fighting large numbers of foes (this could be the Champion ability, maybe?)
  General melee damage/dodge boosts.
  Extra bonuses for stuff like people without armor, weapons, fighting skills, etc; the idea is that they'd be better than normal, but still not as good as if they actually had weapons/armor/fighting skills. Except for champions, for which it might be cool if they just charged in with no offensive/defensive gear.


  • Bay Watcher
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@Elephant Parade
It will definitely not result in intercity religious disputes, never.


"Warrior" Urgzoth (standard god of battle thing)
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"Honor" Urgzoth (as Elephant outlined: worshipped by those that practice hand-to-hand)
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@Concerning the 4th bonus-
I said before the 4th bonus is only available to those that start the religion.
Retconning it.
The 4th bonus is available to everyone that Devotes themselves to the religion. In other words, stage 4 = Full blown Crusader Zealotry. Any units that become Zealots of a certain religions will not be able to switch.

Also, I'd like to request those who have gods give a small description about their god's physical appearance. Just a line or so; I will go back through the orders and read it and find out, but if you have some distinct idea it'd be good to let me know. :D Because I will fuck it up again

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Urgzoth has massive boar tusks, and wears animal hides. Also, he always shouts.

Edit: Going to think up a flying/air/avian god next. Then, who knows? Maybe a slime god.

Actually, can we have squads of mixed races? I want a slime race. Dragon Quest-style slimes.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 12:04:23 am by Elephant Parade »


  • Bay Watcher
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Zwahuantlemwa - God of the Winds, Storms, rain, and the Sky (not celestial bodies though)

Appearance: A gigantic bird/avian whose wings can turn the skies dark, and have rainbow-coloured feather.

Possible Domains:

Cunning (in a sense how eagles are supposed to be)
(choose some from them please)

Possible bonuses
Your call, generally moves faster, better resistance to storms, weatherlore etc
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 10:12:02 pm by evilcherry »


  • Bay Watcher
  • They see me rollin' they savin'~
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Ia am made sad that you just grabbed the first few domains.

Her primary domains were supposed to be darkness, protection, and family/nurturing(one of her names is the Night Mother, so you get the idea). Secondary were meant to be caves, nighttime, secrets, wit/cleverness, perception, and winter(and the moon, but not the full moon). Tertiary ones were the stuff like trickery, woodlands, civilization, and inventions/creation.

Also, her primary animal is the fox, with rabbits, cats, and owls secondary, and tertiary is the others.

Some of her holidays include the Winter Solstice, called the Night of Sanctuary, a day in early Spring called the Blossom Festival, a day towards mid-Fall known as either Harvest Week or the Twilight Festival, depending on who you ask, the Summer Solstice, called Vigil Day, and about 1 in 3 new moons fall on times that are particularly holy or special to her. All new moons are basic holy days/times though.

A lot of her 'creed' has to do with light and day being dangerous, and the safety and cover of night/ darkness, as well as her motherly side.

Physical appearance....well, she's a god of darkness. She doesn't exact appear much. If/when she does, she's mostly a dark, silhouette-like curvy female figure, with long hair and a white necklace that almost looks like it's made of interconnecting pearls(it's not), with the emblem being a child and a fox cradled by the crescent moon, sleeping together. She also has anklets and bracelets much the same, though without any emblem. A pleasant coolness follows her, a light breeze carrying away the troubles and toils. Shadows lengthen and widen, but seem inviting, rather than hostile. Their edges soften, and the transition from light to dark is no longer clear. She herself casts no true shadow, but the ground and light all around her is darkened, shielded from the harsh light of the sun, or safe from the cold light of the moon. Her eyes glow softly, though not with any true light, instead giving out a darkness that can somehow be seen, vaguely and barely around those sockets. If one was to touch her, for she is no chaste goddess, or haughty, her skin is as smooth as the night sky, the only marks being soft ripples that form a strange pattern over her body. Her skin, is of course, cool to the touch, though not unpleasantly so, and the body adapts to her temperature without feeling cold or being hurt by it.

When she's pissed, though, it's a bit different. Then, she embodies the dangers of night, the cold of winter, the unknown and the unfriendly. Still a silhouette-like female figure, but this time her fingers stretch out into claws, her necklace looks like it's made of teeth and claws, polished and sharpened, the emblem having changed to that of a new moon, dark and foreboding. Instead of being pleasantly curved, she is lean and tall, with a mouth that just barely reveals sharp teeth when open, as sheer black against impossibly deeper black. Freezing wind blows all around the goddess, blowing her razor-strands of hair this way and that. Shadows deepen, darkening, almost seeming to rise a they stretch and sharpen, movement seeming to appear where there is none. Her eyes glow with a dark, almost red, light, and looking into them is said to let her see all the things in the shadows and dark crevices of your soul. Her skin is still smooth and rippled, but feels like ice, but colder, threatening to seep the life from your skin, chilling to the bone with a frost that lingers beyond all reason for days.

And of course, the part where she's a god and can change any or all of this at will, have it only apply selectively to different people's perception, usually only appears to her followers or (when she's pissed) whoever is probably about to die because they fucked with her or her flock. Also, she can appear however she wants, really, and often times comes and goes in the guise of a fox with a beautiful dark red coat that has a black tip for the tail rather than a white one, or an owl with too dark feathers, or a cat who's eyes do not reflect light, being a deep dark blue.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 06:58:43 pm by Rolepgeek »
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.
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