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Author Topic: The Kinda Sorta Build-a-City Game (Late Spring, Year 1) RL-Hiatus-ed  (Read 22798 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Now we have proper tools and a trade route lets start an industry.

Kwaa-naa's Tinkerers should start to explore the art of making totems from bone and wood. Start with simple hammers and chisel tools.
Builders should try to help with general deforestation: i.e. felling trees and making them serviceable lumber. Also with improved tools they should be able to build better stone huts, at least before we can figure out how to make houses. We don't have many trees here so we need to improvise.

The Lances should break. No worries. Shock Cavalry are also the most maintainance heavy troops in the world so no problem. That means we also need a backup weapon for lancers, and that means they should equip themselves with a short spear.

Archers should also try to incorporate the new tools into bowmaking procedure, and perhaps make better/more uniform bows.

Recruit more Avians for the lancer corp. Promise them some combat drills and hunting to keep them happy. We need more pages for our best lancers.
I guess you should spend more time on the proper turn.


  • Bay Watcher
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The proper turn resolves...tonight.



  • Bay Watcher
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Considering they survived for quite some time, don't naturally explode and have almost no characteristics of summoned creatures, I think I'm going with the gated in explanation. Presumably shackled extra planar entities.
Unless well, souls of being have a high magical energy equivalent, in which case they'd eat those.

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  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McCarpenter
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After giving her speech, Milgrin walks personally to the promoters of Blag. Well seated on the floor, with a stern look on his face she looks the other guildleader in the eye and says: "We shall build a temple, but this will take time and thought, as well as manpower. If you give me thinkers or some extra buildings, I would be more than willing to build a temple. As we would have an agreement I believe we will aid it other in times of need?

After having brought her message to the Blaghumans, she wanders off to the golems.
Awed by their numbers and their appearance, she tells one of them. "If you have a leader I would love to meet him, my dear. I have a proposal for you all to consider."


  • Bay Watcher
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Turn 6
Late Spring, Week 4
Local Map
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Area Map
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World Map
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Research - General
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Research - Magic
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Research - Vehicles
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Research Progress
Summon Familiar (Promtho) - ABOUT TO FINISH (Final stretch)
Treehouse (Kwaa-naa) - HALTED (No tree)
Type 2 Tree Lances (Kwaa-naa) - FINISHED (Result: small sharpened tree stake with removable tips)
Enchanted Charge (Mammoth Charge) - IN PROGRESS (Requires direction)

Blag - 50 followers

I got someone else to do my census.
169   Elf
221   Neko
139   Avian
124   Human
89   Goblin
42   Half Elf
20   Golem

Total: 804

Points of attention
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Citizen Wants
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 End of Turn 5
Now taking orders for Turn 7.
Turn 7 will resolve on Monday.

Scout Event will update on Saturday.
First Summons will also show up on Saturday.

As always I may have left something out so point stuff out if you see it. :D Especially anything you want clarifications on.

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Option 2. After completion, enchant stone chests with ice magic to keep them cool.

We need refrigerators.


  • Bay Watcher
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Hrmm...Thought I was building another root cellar. Oh well, I'll take a guild-hall. :D

I swear. I can't take my eyes off them for a minute. I told them to start on a root cellar and what do they do? They start working on a blasted guild hall! We've barely got any permanent buildings yet and they're already trying to set up a guild...What's that? It'll have scratching posts and lots of high perches with plenty of wind? ...Continue.

......Damnit, that bright spot on the ground is back. I swear one of these days I'm gonna catch it and then it'll be sorry!

Builders continue on guild hall, using fitted stone for first level and lumber for the upper 2 floors. Build it with the idea of being at least 3 stories tall and at minimum a basement. Maybe two.
The axe-nekos should split their time between chopping trees and training with those funny bird people. See if they're willing to work on dual charges with nekos on one side of the target and them on the other. Work out easy to see signals to tell the other during combat to start the charge and arrive at the same time.
Smiths experiment with alloying what metals we have to see if anything with any decent strength can be made.
Mages Make some earth golems with some hearts to help with lumber moving. They should then focus on perfecting wind and lightning magics for 'fun and profit'(tm).
... while being chased by axe-welding cats in the dark.
Scratch that, throwing-axe-wielding cats in the dark.
They're cute but my god that's terrifying.
GENERATION 10: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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So... we practically did nothing. No new bows, no crafts, no lancer corp training. EXCELLENT.

repeat what we wanted last turn. They now have more carrying capacity and should rely less on avian lift power. If needed, try to figure out a cart-able route round that mountain for southtown.


  • Bay Watcher
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The Project is being build. The project takes priority. All golems* are to aid in it's construction

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*I might think up a nongeneric name for these guys soon. To avoid confusion with the summon-golems.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McCarpenter
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Milgrim wakes up again to order her minions around.
"Builders begin building on the temple of blag. Use the smoothed stones we already gathered, use the cut trees as rollers for the biggest rocks. The smartest builders shall work on the temple design, to develop a style looking like this:                   
Miners gather more rocks, and smooth them out, so they can be used for the temple.

Farmers, begin digging small canals to irrigate the farming plots. These canals should be an intricate system giving water to all the fields.

Lumberjack, cut some trees, give one half of the trees to the golems to help with their mine, the other half shall be used to support the construction of the temple.

Make one of the intelligent builders the Chief of Research, and let him experiment to find new ways to transport heavy things, tell him to take inspiration from the sun and the moon.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 06:42:00 am by Detoxicated »


  • Bay Watcher
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Seeing the followers of the false god of Blag building some kind of unholy temple, Every wing under Kwaa-naa would volunteer to help the new iso-golems to build the the tower-side of the project.

May the spirits of the wind speak to all!

Of course, the new bow, craft industry, and heavy flying cavalry reorganization (i.e. recruiting of pages) will continue.


  • Bay Watcher
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It wasn't explicitly mentioned (which I be sorry for) but a second root cellar was built.
Food storage was upped to 2 months. :3

Well I guess I missed something here. :x happened offscreen? :D

Edit - A tad earlier than I wanted but eh.

 Event - Green Beard's Scouts
Note that everyone can pitch in with ideas for these sections
The scouts of Green Beard reached what they believe is NorthTown after following the coast line for the past three weeks.
(It is NorthTown, no worries there)

The Town itself gives off a very martial air. A very dilapidated martial air.
The walls are tall and stone-made but blasted in several places.
What structures they can see outside the walls are both reinforced with spikes and missing sections here and there.
The surrounding countryside is burned in multiple places; it feels as if a war was fought here recently, the only thing missing were the corpses that would tell of a small scale siege.

Green Beard's men are not sure if NorthTown is going to be friendly, considering the circumstances, but they do have a mission: Warn NorthTown of SouthTown's invasion fleet (of a single ship). What should they do?

 Event 2 - The First Summon
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« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 08:27:51 pm by Ashsaber »


  • Bay Watcher
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Memoirs of Jimmy The Scout
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Memoirs of Green Beard
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  • Bay Watcher
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Golems should help isogolems. Try to deface Blag's temple, if they find a reason to.

ICBM pilot

  • Bay Watcher
  • D'awwww
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scouts:run away north town is probably an old fortress that is now run by bandits
golems:use small rocks as fingers
nekos: continue whatever you were doing
On the plus side, they managed to kill off 20+ children
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