Okay! I've broken the wall! Given the fact that several gods have not yet quite acted this turn, this turn will be 'shorter' (in the time sense) and the amounts of essence gained will be decreased or nullified (I'm not sure yet). This does not mean that we'll be low on events, however, as we've entered an era of great turmoil. (Yes. Even greater than before.)
I'm incorporating several somewhat neglected creations too (like Radiant Sarthysin's trees!). I'll have to figure out exactly what happens with them, and, of course, what the entire picture will be, but I've come a long way towards doing that too.
The next turn will, in a sense, be a mini-turn. It will allow the gods who have been reluctant to act (like Radiant Sarthysin) to catch up and get some things done, while the more established gods who already spent their essence (like Ode) will be able to act through their loyal subjects.
I'm not sure how much time I'll need to finish, but I will keep you all up to date on the progress.
Act summary: 100% done
Turn planning: ~090% done
Event summary: ~040% done
Flavor: 000% done
Also, very quickly: A short open letter
To all Godhood fans, players and readers,
no matter how you found enjoyment in spending so much time in a world of fantasy, words and myths with me, you have my thanks. The first Godhood started four years, one week and four days ago, inspired by another failed forum game called 'dieties'. The 'me' who started that game was a bored kid who had been sent to the computer class to do some homework. Thanks to that fateful day, that never-finished forum game with the misspelled name and you, I've become a better writer and a wholly different person.
Especially to all of you who have put up with my irregular posting schedule and my horrible procrastination problems, which, I think, are slowly getting less bad (but replaced with more things that need to get done), I wish to express my gratitude. I'm actually finishing stuff I'm trying to do now, but the first things I actually got done and felt proud about were Godhood posts. They were my first true achievements. I truly enjoy writing with and for you, and if I can, I will continue to do so.
Yours sincerely,