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Author Topic: Beginner's Mafia XLIII: Robot Mafia - GAME OVER - TOWN WIN!  (Read 134919 times)


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Zombie Urist:

Would you please prod Darvi, Mr.Zero, and Superblackcat

Heya Rolepgeek!  I've read your post.  I wonder why you didn't answer any of my questions in your post. 

At another time, when I have more time(Aka, the weekends), I will be able to chop through your WoT.
Why are you talking about needing more time (aka the weekends) when you didn't ask for an extension, and haven't yet used weekend time yet (at least to post) for this game?  Should I interpret this as a current refusal to answer my questions, as a deflection of attention away from yourself, or as something else?  Trying to buck that 'assumption' trend you were talking about - and I'd hate to misunderstand either.
Since it's a tie, I need to vote someone, to break it at the least. I'm not actually going to vote Imp, since I'm starting to think she has important things to make clear, and I want to give her a chance to cut stuff down so she isn't fucking with my eyes anymore. >.> So I'll vote Superblackcat, as they(genderwhutidunno) look to have been active-lurking for the last long while, without really contributing. Plus, you know, the whole ground that's already been trodden upon stuff with buddy-stabbing. :D

While I agree that Superblackcat's doing some disgusting high level lack of scumhunting (he's not alone there - to me you are approximately equal/maybe slightly worse in terms of lack of visible scumhunting), would you explain more about what you mean by the trodden-ground buddy-stabbing?  Link(s) or post #(s) would be helpful too, but I'd like to understand your reasoning, please.  I get the 'gotta tie break' and 'active lurking' portions.  Can you help me understand that your vote's reasoning isn't "picking someone out of a hat" level thought - or that it actually goes to "I've been scumhunting" levels?

Here's some of my questions you didn't answer previously, in case you get time somehow to answer any of them.  They all come from here, so if you need further context it's there.

1  Please explain your thinking on why the Persus NK was smart?  And explain how that night kill choice might have been chosen to shove suspicion on you?

Rolepgeek asked to replace. When someone asks for that, it usually means they stop posting. You yourself said you voted him because you had nothing else to do with said vote. Now you talk about your previous play, but it is this very same previous play that makes your disregard as to where your vote goes more glaring. Is the vote yours to use as you see fit? Yes. It still does not exempt you from being called out on it.
As an addition, Imp, you never responded to this portion of his post.

2  I see no questions; that is his response to my response.  What sort of further response are you looking for?

You clearly wanted something from me.  What did/do you want in regards to this?

3  You have called Deathsword your top Town, because "his posts have plenty of good activity and scum-hunting from what [you] can tell".  What good activity, what good scumhunting?  This is NOT a snarky question, I'm genuinely confused and have read all of his posts in this thread multiple times.  What am I missing that you are catching? - because I don't see this at all.

3. I doubt we're going to lose. As long as we can get just one scum, our odds drastically improve, statistically and otherwise. More time to get the next one, info on who tried to help them, etc.

4  What are you basing this belief on?  Of the last 42 BM games in the forum - Town won only 7 times.   Even when one Scum is lynched, in past games the single surviving Scum still defeated the Town well over 50% of the time.  What's got you so sure of a Town victory?

Those are not all the questions I asked you, but they're probably the most important if you're only going to answer a limited number.

Err, to conclude:

The assumption that WoTs are the best way to go about communicating in this game. Be honest Imp. Really be honest. If everyone, if all nine people, were as [let's go with dedicated] as you, how do you think it'd go? WoTs and Counter-WoTs everywhere. Do you really think you'd have the time to read all that? Let alone respond?

Yes to both.  I'm aware that I read faster than most, but during the course of this game I've read several other finished Mafia games, in full.  I enjoy reading and commonly read hundreds of pages of text (written book pages) a day because I want to read it.

I don't assume WoTs are the way to go.  If everyone says what they have to say, makes their points, does their scumhunting, and answers questions with 50 words or 5,000 - what I'm looking for is what's said.  Can I understand it, can I follow it, what does it say about the writer's motivations, intentions, and all the rest that I need to know to do my own scumhunting.

No promises about shortening my posts.  I'm willing to try, but if I need 5,000 words I'm using them.  I will try to use more summaries again.  I tried them before, but people still complained, so I stopped (thus shortening my posts by the length of the summary at least).
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

zombie urist

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Darvi and superblackcat have been prodded.

Mr. Zero has asked for a replacement.

Day ends in ~10 hours.
The worst part of all of this is that Shakerag won.


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Err.  Is that your entire analysis of Mr.Zero?  That' he's been fairly inactive lately?  I don't just want to evaluate your thinking, I'd also like to see him through someone else's eyes; yours and anyone else's.  There were a few concerns about him, especially near the end of D1.  I'd really like to be able to consider another's view of his play.  I hope you have more to add...

Sorry, but... I really don't. While I am getting a sort of scummy gut reaction from Mr. Zero, I really don't have any sort of coherent evidence against him.

Also, @RPG: Please, do not write WoT's criticizing other players for writing WoT's. It... doesn't look good.

I'm still thinking, and I'll get back if I come up with anything else, but for now I'm just posting in case I can't get back to my computer later.
I have not posted in almost a year
But now in iambic verse I am here


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This sucks.  ~3 hours to end of day and wow, the inactivity.

2 votes on Superblackcat.  Previously I thought he was seriously scummy and probably Scum; now I think he's seriously Scummy and probably Town who cannot play any better than he is.  In terms of losing him as a player - not much loss.  In terms of likelihood of a mislynch - we can barely afford a mislynch if he is one.

As I consider switching my vote to something that might have meaning (since we've a 4-way second place tie) I see this:  I'd have to take my vote off of Rolepgeek, so he's not in the running if I do, and I of course wouldn't vote for me, so I'm not in the running.

So I have a choice of placing a second vote on Darvi,  who I have no real feel of in terms of Town or Scum; he played to teach us how to play and voted based on poor playing versus it being improved (which is good teaching but maybe not good Scumhunting), or Mr.Zero, who I lean toward Town, (That said, weak scumhunting, solid tunneling, and now absense/replacement request).

Or I can place a third vote on Superblackcat; with the inactivity we see, that would almost certainly assure his lynch.

I most want to see Rolepgeek or Deathsword be lynched, seriously scummy and weird dynamic between them as well, Rolepgeek has a tendancy to defend people (probably a null tell, since it's generalized) and Deathsword has a recent tendancy to defend Rolepgeek (hrm!)  for whatever that means.  If we had time to play with, I wouldn't mind a Superblackcat lynch, we're not losing much but time in losing that player.  Supernatural 4 has some interesting discussion on why considering the least bad mislynch is a total waste of time, I'm still thinking that one over...  But yeah, vote scummiest.

I don't get part of Rolepgeek's pick of Superblackcat, which I've already talked about.  I'm suspicious of it though, in part because I'm highly suspicious of Rolepgeek and partially because that reasoning supporting the pick looks 'picked from a hat' to me.  He's also really happy to not answer any of my questions; gosh if he or I die before D3 now he won't ever have to, will he?

Of the other players, Squill is at least active today; seems perfectly content to let Superblackcat hang with two votes, his vote's still on Darvi with no support of extension request, his argument for Darvi's lynch seeming to be only that Darvi disappeared, came back with an oops post, and then disappeared again.  Can't say that isn't scummy, but this vote setup makes it very unlikely without further persuasion that Darvi will hang - Two people would have to be swayed to support that lynch.

Is any player still around and active tonight?  Is there anyone I can talk with here and try to work out a mutually agreed upon best choice for lynch, given the very narrow range of realistic choices possible?  I'll be checking back in aboiut an hour; speak up or it looks like we're probably all living with a Superblackcat lynch.

I -can- live with that.  I just don't think he's the scummiest, and I dread the cost of another mislynch.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


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Whelp, as the 'eleventh hour' counts down I'll just say this as my closing words, because I'll get to check again right before 9 PM, but probably without enough time to post much of anything - and for all I know, I won't be alive D3:

I've drank some of the whine trying to wrap my head around this, and I don't see any sense in Rolepgeek bussing Superblackcat the way the game's played out.  If Superblackcat is the D2 lynch and Cat is proved Scum, I believe it's highly unlikely that Rolepgeek is also Scum - despite the scumminess I see and have spoken of in Rolepgeek.

Sadly the inverse, if Superblackcat is Town, doesn't suggest guilt or innocence for Rolepgeek, at least not to the brand of whine I've got available;  Rolepgeek would be as much of a suspect as he had been before, however much or little that is to those of us who survive.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

zombie urist

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[1] Mr.Zero - Superblackcat
[1] Imp - Deathsword
[1] Darvi - Squill
[1] Rolepgeek - Imp
[2] Superblackcat - Mr.Zero, Rolepgeek

[1] Not voting - Darvi

I guess I'll mod extend 24-hours because activity is realllly low and everyone who's voting for the current lynch candidate is asking for a replacement.

Day ends in about 24 hours from now.
The worst part of all of this is that Shakerag won.


  • Bay Watcher
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I guess I'll mod extend 24-hours because activity is realllly low and everyone who's voting for the current lynch candidate is asking for a replacement.
Oh goodness, seriously?

[Note for those asking for a replacement while voting. ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO EITHER BACK YOUR VOTE, OR UNVOTE IT. Because it's really a cheap move if you lay your vote on a person and no replacement comes back. It's like ghost voting because of respect that you are, technically, not there to defend yourself due to reasons leading to your replacement.



  • Bay Watcher
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Ehh, sorry, I've been really busy.


RPG: you are voting me for... being busy, while you have been trying to play and not play at the same time.

Can we get an mod extension untill atleast one of these people gets replaced? I don't want to die from two people who isn't even supposed to be playing anymore.


  • Bay Watcher
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Unvote: I will not kill someone asking for a replacement without any activity.

RPG: Nor can I vote someone to tie up to votes if ZU decides not to extend.



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Hey Superblackcat:  What is Scumhunting?
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Ehh, sorry, I've been really busy.
Yesss~ you're alive!

Can we get an mod extension untill atleast one of these people gets replaced? I don't want to die from two people who isn't even supposed to be playing anymore.
Ok, I don't usually do this, but when I do, it's out of curiosity.

Anyone from the peanut galley know the notes on this situation?


  • Bay Watcher
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Going to school in a few minutes, so extend.
I have not posted in almost a year
But now in iambic verse I am here


  • Bay Watcher
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Say what?  Sure, extend

Squill.  What's different about today than yesterday?  Why ask to extend now when you didn't the day before, and when time went down to the end and D2 would have ended but for a last second mod extension?  Are you planning on doing any Scumhunting with this extra time, should this extension happen?  Why or why not?

I'm still interested in your thoughts on Mr.Zero, though with his silence+request replacement going on that's maybe less important for evaluating him and only important for however useable your ideas prove for attempting to evaluate you.  Also still interested in your overall analysis of Deathsword (analysis of his and my recently interactions noted and appreciated).

So tossing you another person to discuss your opinion of, possibly in place of Mr.Zero if you choose to say absolutely nothing about your thoughts about him: what are your thoughts on Superblackcat?
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Darvi and superblackcat have been prodded.

Mr. Zero has asked for a replacement.

Day ends in ~10 hours.

It has been ~26 hours since your post stating that Darvi was prodded.  He has been active on the forum and posted elsewhere multiple times since then.

Would you please do whatever is done to players who behave as he is doing over this time duration?
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Decided to play DF, I guess I'm back now?
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Say what?  Sure, extend

Squill.  What's different about today than yesterday?  Why ask to extend now when you didn't the day before, and when time went down to the end and D2 would have ended but for a last second mod extension?  Are you planning on doing any Scumhunting with this extra time, should this extension happen?  Why or why not?

I'm still interested in your thoughts on Mr.Zero, though with his silence+request replacement going on that's maybe less important for evaluating him and only important for however useable your ideas prove for attempting to evaluate you.  Also still interested in your overall analysis of Deathsword (analysis of his and my recently interactions noted and appreciated).

So tossing you another person to discuss your opinion of, possibly in place of Mr.Zero if you choose to say absolutely nothing about your thoughts about him: what are your thoughts on Superblackcat?
I think it's because I realized that we have two players dead, one asking for replacement and inactive, one asking for replacement and semi-active, and one mysteriously vanished.

Really, it's only me, Deathsword, SBC, and you.

As for Mr. Zero, I think that his request for replacement could very well be because he's a scum, new to the game, that couldn't take the pressure.
SBC, I think, is not giving me extremely scummy vibes, but not very town either. Right now, I'm leaning a bit towards scum, but I'm probably just paying more attention to him because nearly half the other players are gone.
@Darvi: Have you stopped even pretending to care about this game?
@RPG: You have been one of the most consistently antagonistic players in this game. Why is that?
I have not posted in almost a year
But now in iambic verse I am here
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