Well, there are only 5 miners, so thats possible. We only have 5 picks and 2 axes, so miners and lumberjacks are finite in number. And our herbalist is almost legendary.
HEMATITE - 26 year of Armok
Everyone is hungry again... we dwarves of "The Greatest Smiths" are very social eaters. We also have many work orders left from last month. Unfinished workshops, items to be created, mining designations... I think we will be busy for a while before we can start thinking about new projects. We still have a lot of work cut out making flux from bones, and making pig-iron from the iron.
We are still felling trees to open up the entry for wagons. Maybe we should build a depot outside, but it has to wait. Its just early summer, still many months till we need one. We also build two new workshops: The Kiln and the Crematory.
Turned conventiones on their heads, I, Mephistopheles, have not yet used any role advisors or strange dwarven therapists for any of this. Everyone is kept busy with random jobs, no one is really spezialised on anything, with the exception of our herbalist. Our dwarves eat raw meat, drink water from the lake, and so far only half of them have rooms. But believe me, it works. After all, it has been over three months already, and the fortress is still alive. Praise Armok and knock on stone.
Our iron production is still going strong. We have many bars, a lot of coke and ash. Burning coal into coke does produce ash, you didnt knew that? Well, you learn something new every day. And since we talk about new things: Rubble is a kind a rock your miners might find. No ones likes rubble, believe me. Its hard and slow to mine through, leaves nothing of value but dust, sometimes even enough damn rock dust to choke on or cause mini-cave-ins. Miners of the Masons Guild are trained well enough to know and avoid the dangers, but normal miners might get some bruises. (A Note: Rubble does not cause fake cave-ins in this version, but it might very well do in the next one)
But we also have nice things that are new. Know the Screw Press? Well, have a look at it now, you might barely recognize your old friend. Well, if workshops are friends and not just buildings. If you know what I mean.
Ok, it turns out I am
really bad at not-giving-new-orders. Yes, so bad that they really is bold, you hear me? Our poor 13 dwarves are overwhelmed with work, and instead of just doing a bit of it, they go on break, sleep, eat, drink.. at least no one started a party yet. Its just not enough work force to go around. Might be that the next month will really be only finishing last months orders, but at least I'll be back on track then. Lazy nob-cobblers, all of them. Except that Lena Roan girl, she is at least still mining. Strike the EARTH!