I understand that one of the points of the mod's balancing is to not easily being able to buy the whole dwarven caravan the first autumn by having your carpenter mass produce wooden spiked balls and your cook mass produce roasts.
That said, I'm finding that having spiked balls removed, and the other trap components values nerfed, plus the guild system where your dwarves won't be churning out masterworks by autumn, plus the value of food nerfed, and farming not producing as much, and so on... makes difficult to create value to buy out caravans, so I'd like to share strategies to do so:
Carpenter: I'm using glumprogs and feather trees to mass produce stakes (stakes seem to be the highest valued item you can make with wood)
I'm saving my regular rough wood for smoothing in the wood splitting block (smooth wood has the same value as rough wood) and saving the smooth wood for pressing into paper.
Kitchen: milling plants into flour and sugar and making bread and candy and then cooking roasts produce relatively high value roasts, also boiling cheap eggs and then cooking the boiled eggs.
I was thinking on making an early Guild hall and train my dwarves but making the coins seem quite complicated...
Also there are only 2 kinds of booze you can cook, bloodwine and boozbelly rum, bloodwine being valued at 3 and blood at 6 and 1 blood producing 1 bloodwine causes you to loose value, it's better to just cook the blood, fermenting boozbelly cheese into rum in the other hand produces a lot of value and you can cook the booze for even more.
Also using the Brewstery instead of the still gives you more booze from your plants/honey.
I'm taking a look at the glass reactions next to see if I can get high value trap components from sand, although finding the fuel would get tricky having an aquifier.
What have you found out?