~~Chapter 2x: The Secret Harbor~~
The mercenaries went on a trip with Matilda; three of them were however directed to go with the other noble - and Leymont, bound by duty to Duke of Riem, went with him as well.
Matilda was going to meet with Duke of Kretos, and whilst the letter's message wasn't revealed to the mercenaries, one could assume it was a request to join the rebellion. Along with Matilda, a young man named Alec - apparently son of the quartermaster - was dispatched to Kretos.
To conduct the voyage in secrecy, the group had to avoid Imperial officials in the Mireos docks - thus, Matilda was instructed to head for a to small, private dock south-west of the capital city, where a ship and its captain were already awaiting...
The group trudged through some bushes and uneven terrain, but it was clear that the path was traveled many times; trampled plants were visible from time to time, so presumably someone moved through there maybe even today.
"There should be a slope down toward the grassy shore, and a small harbor should be visible- what's happening over there?" Apparently, three gargoyles were currently in process of dying, whilst three more circled around a lone cavalier, who, whilst slightly battered, seemingly didn't want to surrender.
"Hmph, I guess we should help that man and ask him later." //Miguel Cervantes and Alec Slyvir are in!~~Player Turn 1~~
Enemies' stats!Mercs:
Alec Slyvir: 18/18
Candy: 19/19
Efa Llewellyn: 19/19
Fezz Scordato: 22/22
Grifen: 21/21
Julius Orto: 20/20
Leopoldo Belmonte: 21/21
Miguel Cervantes: 9/21
Sakura Lonia: 24/24
Sara: 24/24
Sheila Vega: 26/26
Matilda: 23/23
Gargoyle A: 11/20
Gargoyle B: 20/20
Gargoyle C: 20/20