/6? standard Cogs (10 were sent with Gamington, 3 died, we should have 7 alive, unless you mean that maybe Splintercog was hiding as a normal cog, so we don't really have 7 anymore? I think he was hiding hiding, when we got the poem about him it said he didn't go on missions, he wasn't sent off to die - thus we should have 7)
1 Hammer Cog
1 Machinegun Cog
2 Wuffle Cogs? Tentatively no - we didn't send whuffles with either transport last mission - they can fly, we always send them if we have them, ergo we didn't have them.
4 Guard Cogs
1 Figurehead
1 Luxurious succubus
1 Elephantine Wraith
1 Camerathing
2 Grown Behemoth Cat fish (3/2? newly hatched) We have the two, but they're newly hatched, not grown and gosh, I hope we let them live long enough to breed more if that's possible. What, catfish inbreeding is a concern? I don't care about catfish with 7 fins instead of 6 or possessing a third eye, does anyone? I remember that our fish went fishing for us once - one caught a
small whale, and a huge number of other creatures. I want to keep our amazingly huge giant catfish from going extinct if possible.
4 Snailmen
1 Beastman
? Yes, we would have sent both on the anti-hero fight, but we were at max transport capacity already. This one is the hippo-human beastman.
Some sort of rhino or animal thing
? This is Gorloceros, one of our three survivors from the anti-hero fight.