Damn timezones... Missed the whole discussion. :/
On the current issue, I think we should help him. Save his ass, dont mutate him, keep him locked up until we can make sure he wont die of his injuries. Up to this point we would probably have a new Lair and then we can safely release him.
Now, honestly. So much extremism... Never fight again, never kill again, avoid all confrontation, people never change, cant tell people what to do...
Guys, this is a GAME. In a world with magic. Where we are a CONTROL-focused overlord. We CAN change the world and the system. We just have to find a way.
Now, fighting back against those who fight us is totally acceptable. Just with our new found morals, we just have to give the enemy the chance to get out of our way. (yeah, yeah, innefficient EvilOverlord.. I know. But we're not here for efficiency, we're here for fun.)
And picking a side, doesnt immediatly mean the other side will have to be totally obliterated. There are other ways to deal with this kind of confrontation. Back in the side choice, i would've suggested we sided with ourselves, in a newfound sense of morality and standards. A Refined ideal of Evil. Remaining overlord and satisfying Chemista's requests and giving Knighthowl the choice to either peacefully leave the lair respecting our choice or fight (which he would probably fight, but we would've respected our standard of avoiding needless fighting and our moral sense in which we give a choice to our opponents).
[and i took to long to write and now there's a new GM post... :/]
EDITš: (After reading the GM post.)
Question1: Do you know any other heroes who actually behave like you do, that have the same moral and avoid cruelty and needless bloodbaths?
Question2: What do you think will happen if the HEROES association is dissolved?
Question3: If the cruelty that comes from the associaton's brainwashing is revealed to the rest of the world, do you think that would trigger a change in their ways?
Also i'm against mutating him and/or killing him.