I only started playing at Gen 3 for the normal game, so I have to ask; was switching not allowed in Gen 1?
Also, playing this game has actually improved my game in the actual game quite a bit, since I am now used to switching to more effective Pokemon.
Although, move sets are significantly harder to choose/keep. And PP matters a lot more.
Dosn't require encyclopedic knowledge, just a short amount of research based on the stuff you want to be using in specific.
I find I'm a lot better at Random Battles than I am at other ones, since I don't have to do crayons of research; just look at what each move does, put a devious plan together, and go. Cosmic Power Sigilyph with Stored Power, a flame orb, Psycho Switch(or whatever it's called) and Roost is fun.
No no no, I mean the way this game switches is different in its presentation. Functionally, it remains the same, but that doesn't make it weird for someone who's never used it.
I've also played up to Gen 3, which I still consider to be less fun than Gen 2, but I never had to DEAL with items, since, you know, they don't really matter if you just play the game for fun. The most I ever dealt with with items is I had a Zigzagoon picking things up, and an Exp Share, items that don't typically have any effect on the battle.
And yes, you don't NEED to know everything, it helps to know it. Being surrounded by unfamiliar lists of moves, items, EV points (Easily the single worst thing that ruined the games, in my opinion), abilities, Pokemon, etc. when you can hardly remember what's strong against what type just isn't fun. I assumed this would be a lot easier for newbies to get into, but it's not, and that just doesn't make it appealing to play.
Well, usualy when I don't know what I am dealing with, I do a quick googling when I see something new. At least to know wether what I have in front of me is defencive or offensive, and maybe if it has any abilities that could bite me in the ass if I am caught unaware (damn you, sap sipper!)
though most of the time, I just check if the enemies speed is potentialy faster than mine. I hate it when I have a fragile sweeper doing it's thing, and bam, suddenly what I thought would be a sure kill does me in because the enemy was simply faster. That's why I *loathe* choice-scarf users, they almost always catch me off-guard and rain on my parade. Best example, my battle against Barbarossa last tourney. Maaaaan those damn scarfs totaly did me in
edit: if you don't like people being mean to you, don't call their hobbies retarded. That's condescending. You lost square and fair, and now you are complaining that the game is stupid, and that the players are wasting retarded amounts of time on it. That's pretty mean of you.
Again, I suppose that's an assumption you made incorrectly. Having to Google the entire game does not really make it MORE fun. Having the information readily available at least makes it tolerable, though. Also, using unfamiliar terms... Yeah, I think you're still forgetting that some people don't know these things... It'd be similar to me describing a game of League of Legends to you, which I can only assume you have never played.
Well, it has nothing to do with being defensive about the topic and more with your assumption of the problem and your method of dealing with it. Overall, I'd much rather play other games with other people. I think if you approach some of these issues and lessen the gap between newcomers and others as well as adopt a more favorable attitude, you'll probably find more people to play than before. As much as I hate to advertise, but in the Mafia Subforum, while we're elitist jerks in our more professional games, we have a nice means of inducting new members where we pair up new players with old players and help them learn the game.
As such, I'd take a bit more information in the opening post, and even someone to help in team formation and battle. Overall, I felt rushed, uninformed, and exceedingly overwhelmed at the sheer amount of information it felt I needed to know. But, if you don't want to, what do I know? I've only been here for so long. I mean, I am only 12 years old.
Here a tip for all: mouse over the enemy mon and you get their typing and their possible abilities.
Err... Problems occur when you have no idea what those abilities do... >.>