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Author Topic: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG: Back at the base  (Read 9465 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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The age of man has ended, and an age of monsters has begun. Nobody really knows where they came from, but ever since they showed up twelve years ago, the most troubling matter has been how to kill them, before they kill us. Bullets and arrows bounce off of their hides without leaving so much as a scratch, and even weapons made from steel strong enough to cut them are corroded away to nothing by the caustic mana in their blood. But they’re not invincible. A couple of government-sponsored programs have been created to fight them, using their own weapons to turn the tide of war against them. You are one of these new “Slayers”, having joined the program and survived the training exercises, although only time will tell if you’ll show the same aptitude in the field.

Spoiler: What is this? (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Terms and !!Science!! (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Sheet (click to show/hide)


Squad A, led by Jacob Wendell

Spoiler: HFS AKA Sofia Aurora (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: scapheap AKA Red (click to show/hide)

Squad B, led by Sasha Greene

« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 02:56:22 pm by Wwolin »
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.

Patrick Hunt

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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2013, 05:56:46 pm »

Place Holder.

Name : Harvey Hunter.
Gender : Male.
Age : 27.
Appearance : Short brown hair, bright blue eyes, lean and well muscled.
Back story : Harvey is a relatively calm guy, he doesn't get angry or worked up by anything and considers anything that requires effort to be a pain, he also takes a great deal of pleasure in food and works out regularly despite considering both actions to be a waste of time better spent sleeping.
Perks : Slicer Mana burn mod. ( Drains mana upon hit to burn enemies and recharge itself. ) Flash dance. ( Able to expend mana to move faster then the eye can see. ) Magic healing. ( Expends mana to heal at an inhuman rate. )
Quirks : Inept aimer. ( His aims so bad he's incapable of using ranged weapons. ) Low I.Q. ( He's fast and tough but has the brains of a tree frog. ) Death before dishonor. ( Will almost never retreat from battle, even when facing suicidal odds. )
« Last Edit: August 25, 2013, 10:18:24 pm by Patrick Hunt »
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.

ICBM pilot

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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2013, 09:32:24 pm »

do I need to memorize all of the d20 stuff?

name:urist okab
backstory:he was a thief who often broke his enemies bones by stabbing them with daggers, when he heard about the slayers he joined because he thought that monster bones and hides would be valuable(and to get a weapon better than the daggers he was using before.
low health
low willpower
low intelligence
« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 10:04:40 pm by ICBM pilot »
On the plus side, they managed to kill off 20+ children


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2013, 09:40:21 pm »

Name: Kyle Johnson
Gender: Boy
Age: 25
Appearance: This man makes you think of a placid lake. He has slanted gunmetal-gray eyes. His silky, curly, brown hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a bird's wing. He is short and has a boyish build. His skin is china-white. He has full lips and wide feet. His wardrobe is uncomplicated.
Backstory: He head that he could protect people and hit big things with other big things. Despite what you would think he acted very by the books during training and tried to get on the instructors good side.
Perks: Heavy hitter
Quirks:  Over zealous.

Patrick Hunt

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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2013, 10:02:38 pm »

Do I invent the perks and quirks myself?
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.


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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2013, 12:58:55 am »

do I need to memorize all of the d20 stuff?
Nope. I'm going more for storytelling than complicated mechanics here, so the only thing to know is that a D20 will be used to resolve actions.

Do I invent the perks and quirks myself?
Yep. So long as it's nothing horrendously overpowered, anything goes, provided you pay it off in quirks.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2013, 01:00:30 am »

Reserved, if possible.

Name: Sofia Aurora
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Appearance: Shoulder-length brown hair, brown eyes. 5'8". Athletic build.
Perks: Explosives Expert (Really good with explosives), Focus (When focusing, can easily find things or figure things out) Pyrokinesis (Can use mana to control fire and plasma)
Quirks: Horrific Aim (Can't hit the broad side of a barn), Focus (When NOT focusing, is rather absent-minded), Cryophobic (Fear of Cold)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2013, 02:08:20 am by HFS »


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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2013, 01:16:18 am »

Name: Yukkuri Yurikamo
Gender: Possibly female
Age: N/A
Appearance: A large amount of ridiculous robes.

Yukkuri is an odd individual, as everything seems to go wrong for her. She prefers not to be around other people for this reason, and gets nervous and acts eccentric when people approach her. Despite this, she does her best to help people, even minor successes will motivate her past her failures. At the time of the age of monsters, Yukkuri hid back underground before resurfacing to find that the surface world was covered in monsters. Will miraculous luck, Yukkuri just barely managed to pass for a slayer of monsters. Yukkuri trained alone, trying to not make eye contact with the other members of her team.

Perks: Immune to personality change, Horrible luck aura
Quirks: Incredibly awkward in any social situation, Everything seems goes wrong for Yukkuri
« Last Edit: August 25, 2013, 03:24:03 am by stefmor90 »


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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2013, 01:22:39 am »

Name: Yukkuri Yurikamo
Gender: Yes
Age: N/A
Appearance: She literally refuses to wear any clothes. At all.
Backstory: Resurrected from the ashes of various RTD players, Yukkuri used to work at an insane asylum. Yukkuri went to the insane asylum because they wanted to for some reason and then Yukkuri fought all the badguys in the face. But suddenly giant monsters went on holy crusade and tried to kill Yukkuri but Yukkuri isn't die and punched monsters in nuts. But monster was actually evil and though yukkuri is massive fagget and then the end.
Perks: Immune to personality change
Quirks: Depraved lunatic
Oh stefmor, you and your depraved lunatics... But seriously, as desperate as the government may be for new Slayers, they're not desperate enough to recruit Yukkuri.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2013, 01:44:41 am »

Name: Yukkuri Yurikamo
Gender: Yes
Age: N/A
Appearance: Literally refuses to wear any clothes. At all.

Resurrected from the ashes of various role players, Yukkuri used to work at an insane asylum. Yukkuri went to the insane asylum because they wanted to for some reason and then Yukkuri fought all the badguys in the face. But suddenly giant monsters went on holy crusade and tried to kill Yukkuri but Yukkuri isn't die and punched monsters in nuts. But monster was actually evil and though yukkuri is massive fagget and then the end. Suddenly Yukkuri joined monster hunting industrial but they wontent expect Yukkuri so Yukkuri got agnry an punchd recruit in faic but they then got angry and punched yukkuri in the face. Yukkuri saded and then crie in cornr an recruitr felt bad and yukkuri becam monstr huntr. But was acculy yukkuri dreem an yukkuri wus sad so then yukkuri want to fite monstr but yukuri was not any monstrs any wer so yukri slep until monstrs. then montrsers apred an yukr joinnd monst hunt an becm legndr mons huntr an whn yukri hrd ov mr hntr glid yukri jond en an she confsd y th recrutr wud naht excpected yukri an yukri thn punch recrut in faic untl yukri gaht jahb.

Perks: Immune to personality change, SCREAMS IN ALL CAPS ABOUT EVERYTHING, Horrible luck aura

Quirks: Depraved lunatic, SCREAMS IN ALL CAPS ABOUT EVERYTHING, Everything goes wrong for Yukkuri
Oh stefmor, you and your depraved lunatics... But seriously, as desperate as the government may be for new Slayers, they're not desperate enough to recruit Yukkuri.
I improved it the best I could. D':
« Last Edit: August 25, 2013, 02:20:49 am by stefmor90 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2013, 11:32:11 am »

Name: Yukkuri Yurikamo
Gender: Possibly female
Age: N/A
Appearance: A large amount of ridiculous robes.

Yukkuri is an odd individual, as everything seems to go wrong for her. She prefers not to be around other people for this reason, and gets nervous and acts eccentric when people approach her. Despite this, she does her best to help people, even minor successes will motivate her past her failures. At the time of the age of monsters, Yukkuri hid back underground before resurfacing to find that the surface world was covered in monsters. Will miraculous luck, Yukkuri just barely managed to pass for a slayer of monsters. Yukkuri trained alone, trying to not make eye contact with the other members of her team.

Perks: Immune to personality change, Horrible luck aura
Quirks: Incredibly awkward in any social situation, Everything seems goes wrong for Yukkuri
This is much better. Meaning that we've got one more slot to fill before we start.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG. One more player needed!
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2013, 12:04:53 pm »

Name: Red
Gender: Boy(you were asking for it)
Age: 18(it been awhile)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Perks: Hardy, Champion,/ Pet monster(Pikachu, but everyone think it a monster)
Quirks: Mute, Rival(Blue),/ insane(I live in a mountain for 8 years by myself)
If after the / remove if too OP.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 02:34:14 am by scapheap »
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG.
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2013, 08:10:39 pm »

With a low humming sound, the door to the train you're on slides open, revealing the world outside. You've stopped in front of what seems to be a large metal blister rising out of a treeless plain, although you recognize it from one of your lessons as the entrance to Fort Arundel, one of the last human population centers on the planet, and the main Slayer base in Europe. Several men and women in deep blue uniforms stand on top of the structure, and one of them, a tall man in his thirties with a head of shaggy brown hair quickly climbs down and hurries over to your group.

"Hey, how are you all doing? I'm Jacob Wendell, Siphon expert and your new squad leader, which means that I get half of your rations every meal. Well, that last bit's a joke, but for at least the next month or so, I'll be in charge of making sure that you six don't get yourselves killed. Now, it's been a while since my training days, but I remember that train ride from the academy taking the better part of a day, so how about we get inside and do introductions over supper to unwind a bit before I show you around and go over rules."
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A tricky dick that can't be impeached
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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG.
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2013, 08:12:29 pm »

Kyle salutes. Then he nods while smiling. He didn't really like his team that much.

Patrick Hunt

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Re: Manaburn: An Apocalyptic Monster-Hunting RPG.
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2013, 08:20:40 pm »

Harvey yawns in boredom.

" Sure I can always eat something. "
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.
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