Beekeeping is a lesson in EXTREME micromanagement, because you also have to watchdog the actual work tasks themselves.
You can have multiple bee keepers, and this "can" increase the rate of production, but it makes the pernicious bug in the beekeeping system more pronounced and agrivated.
Basically, the game does not properly track and lock hives for tasks.
What does this mean?
Urist McBeekeeper decides he wants to collect honey. Sure. No problem. But now there is an "install hive" job. Urist decides that the nearest hive is suitable. However, his fellow beekeeper, Ducim McBeekeeper has decided to harvest that hive for honey!
Does urist do the sensible thing, and pick a different hive to select from, or do the dwarven thing and announce "Install hive cancelled: Job item missing or misplaced"? Oh hell no.
He walks to the hive he was GOING to get bees from, AND STANDS THERE FOREVER.
No announcement. No cancellation. No locking on the hive to stop Ducim from processing it before he gets there. Nothing. Just Urist standing around like a dipshit, looking for a hive that doesn't exist anymore.
The way to fix it? Use the U menu to check the building that issued to the collect live bees/install hive job, then cancel it manually. This causes Urist to re-evaluate where to get bees from.
The more keepers you have "tending" hives, the more they will derail each other, and screw up bee keeping, and the more you have to spend time just holding their little deformed hands to manage their workflow for them.
Beekeeping can produce a LOT of honey, and thus mead, if you manage it carefully. (Especially if you mod bumblebees to be installable! The you can double the hiveboxes on the map!) The problem is that it makes getting a root canal seem pleasurable, when trying to make it work.
Urist will literally die of thirst or hunger, looking for the hive that doesn't exist anymore, if you don't intervene.