I'd like to get in there and start mixing it up immediately. But we should probably boost our odds as much as possible, as per usual.
If Grifen could ride up to 11,22, shoot the cleric and hopefully kill her, then canto back two, Sheila can go to 11,22 with Support and smash an archer. Hopefully. She doubles him and all, probably gonna use the hatchet for maximum hit chance/range on the EP.
I think we should plow headlong into this first group of enemies. If we knock them out quick, we'll have a moment to regroup before moving on. It's worth noting that the two outside archers are longbowman, so we should make sure to dust them this turn. The other 3 are crossbowmen, so only Efa can attack them with impunity.
As for the rest of the cast and who I think should do what:
Fezz: He's gonna either fight a crossbowman or nobody. Kinda suck, but oh well. He doubles, but the crossbowman will have about 70% chance to hit on the counter, and that would hurt him. It looks like Fezz'd get an autokill though. I think he should attack xbowA on the left.
Leo: If Fezz gets stung, Leo should go heal him. Easy. If not, head to the space south of Fezz anyhoo.
Efa: Efa's in an awkward spot, so she can only really shoot the crossbowman on the right or the mage or the longbowman on the left. I say shoot the wizard.
Julius: Park it on 10,25
Miguel: I already swiped his only available target, so he should go to 9,26
Sonja: 8,25
Alec: After Grifen, Julius, Miguel and Sonja have moved, Alec goes to 9,25 and boosts them all for another go-round. We can choose targets when we get to that point, but Grifen should almost definitely drop one of the Shamans. Julius will probably best serve going to open one of the doors, probably the one at 12,23, since that's the only one he'll be able to reach. Still. Sonja can attack Longbowman, so can Miguel.
Candy: Candy should dance Fezz and either Sheila or Leo, depending on how beat up the group is later in the PP.