I think I've lost count of how many times I've said this, but shine on FFS.
It should be noted that thanks to Grifen's PS, vulneraries restore a full 10 HP to downed allies, and 15 to ones on their feet. If she can get Roderick up, he should be able to survive at least one hit.
Otherwise, we can shoot for evadehax once more. If Grifen moves to attack someone, could Fezz make it into the woods and kill the axeman?
Nah, Fezz can't make it into the woods. So really his options are do nothing and stay on his hill, or get off of the hill and attack, or heal.
Sadly, I'm not sure it works like that. I hope it works like that, as that would be quite nice, but I'm pretty sure it just adds it all together then divides it in the end for downed people.
You can't really kill anyone so your best bets are either healing Roderic or hitting the cavalier I think, since Fezz will probably be killing the axeman. I kinda wish Fezz could kill the cavalier in one hit, then you can raise Roderic and he'll probably be safe from most attacks heading his way.
So, at first I wrote a large summery of the next two turns and how horrible it will be most likely leading to us being downed. Then I realized something: Griffen has seven health, four defense, and the archer does ten damage.
Originally I wrote off the healing strategy as ineffective because it would most likely wind up with both of you dead, with the archer having a seventy to sixty percent chance to kill you and the cavalier a sixty some percent chance to kill Roderic. However, the archer can't kill you in a single hit now because of that DEF gain. So, if they want to get the both of you down, the cavalier would have to go for you, and the archer for Roderic. While you would be facing an eighty to seventy percent chance of getting downed, Roderic would only be facing a twenty nine percent chance of getting downed.
It's still not perfect, but it is a lot better than I thought it was.
The offensive strategy I wrote off too however but the above archer knowledge makes it better. While you could wound the cavalier, and Fezz kill the axeman. You'd have a fifty fifty percent chance of getting downed by the cavalier, and Fezz most likely injured by the archer. The turn after that you, if still up, and Fezz would have to heal Roderic because else he would die next turn. If you're able to, Fezz could kill the cavalier and you heal Roderic leaving only the archer to deal with. If you aren't able to, Fezz would have to heal Roderic and would be summarily downed next turn along with Roderic most likely following.
So... Pick your poison I guess. One is a touch safer, but the results take longer and aren't as visible. The other has more chance to gain, but more chance to lose.
I do see a nice possibility, that being Shelia with her two turns can cover a lot of distance to us. If Candy gives her a third, she can get there and even assault the archer.
All the tactics above however assumes Haspen is aware that Cavalier B does in fact have a rather terrible case of the deads due to two stabs of the sword and two hits of fire. If a zombie attacks us, all bets are off and I got no idea how things could turn out really. Zombies always are that kind of chaos factor one can never plan for.