((yeah, Wolfchild, you kinda did miss something important, namely two incredibly powerful angels currently attacking the house. Dragon fire support would be neat-o))
Hainuwele has been observing the battle against the angels for a while now, unsure wether it would be wise to attack them, but by now she is certain that her allies could need some help - this is no place for hesitating. Waiting had it's merits though. Asariel has left the shield that her ally rose up, and seems to be fully engaged in the battle against Ashley and Grand, and took seemingly no notice of being watched from Hainuweles hiding place - time for a suprise attack!
Hainuwele ((5 str, 5 end, 36 dex, 30 mind, 105 health, 400 mana)), purposefully delays her action to the end of the init queue for this round, to make sure she gets Asariel by as much suprise as possible. She uses her first action (+10 through power of rock), to take a stab at an accupressure point at the back, to throw the Mana inside the hosts body into disarray, which should - in theory - disturb the connection between the Angel and the Human host body. Completely severing the connection is impossible, at least with just a single stab, but it should make it very difficult to channel angelic power through a malfunctioning host body - even the best driver in the world will have problems driving a car if the steering wheel isn't working properly.
In Laymans terms,
Hainuwele attempts to use her power to decrease Asariels Dex. She gives it full effort, using
50 Mana to do so (making this a
mighty-tier debuff).
If succesful, she uses her second action (from dex 36), (roll -10 from second, +10 from rock), to do
the Same as above to Asariels End.If unsuccesful, she uses her second action to flee and return to hiding.
((also Twi, the fitting music is clearly