yeah, well, gym. Worst shit ever. Just that small amount of really unfocused efforts at *sports* are not enough to get good at that in any way shape or form. It's mostly a motivation thing, even if you suck, teachers will grade you based on effort, rather than talent. Which especially with gym class is difficult. I only really turned that around in my last year at school, when I began to work out. Once you have accustomed to *the burn*, you'll like it, rather than fear it, and actually put effort into such stuff, rather than trying to not get exhausted, you will try to get exhausted.
I don't want to sound like a pretentious healthnut, but getting into shape is *actually* good for you in many ways, and heck, spending as much time on the PC as you can clearly see I do, I know what I am talking about when I say it's difficult to get into. But really, the actual fitness is just a side effect, what it really brings you is confidence. A good physical shape will change the entire way you walk through life, I am not kidding. It's also a good way to get into discipline as a whole, something so, so many people lack.
also yes projeck, I do indeed find that odd. I am not saying that sexual attraction is the main focus point of a relationship, hell no, but it is literaly one of the main aspects that seperate a relationship from a friendship. I don't need to fuck someone to care about their problems and feels sad when they are in trouble, or to hug and cry into their arms telling them my problems. I certainly would not fuck them though. If you really are in love with someone, you will feel attracted to them, even if they are technicaly ugly. In a relationship that goes beyond friendship, I would feel like something is really missing if you leave that out.