..Hey bracelets, why are you still working? The bracelet server got blown up.
The same reason the Internet doesn't all go down whenever Bay12 gets shut down for a server repair thingy.
But come on, can I even once get a turn where Hainuwele does as she is supposed to?
No. Because screw all of us, the angels gotta have everything.
Nuriel hit her.
* Twi stabs Rag.
* USEC joins the stabbings.
Seriously though, holy crap we're screwed.
* GWG does as well.
With saber-like fangs and mighty claws.
Well, you're all standing in the way of a super weapon that will, while probably not blowing up the house, will render the antimagic shield somewhat powerless and kill any organic in it's path, short of a dragon.
Well, I'll see if we can't have this not be a problem in the future, neh?
The more I think about it, the more it sounds like you're just trying to screw me over.
Says the guy who pitted the group against a couple cosmic-power enemies, buffed them more with a random multi-action rule out of nowhere that only helps them, "forgot" half of peoples' turns, ignored others by screwing up turn order or "accidentally" misinterpreting orders, and lolnoped our only attacks that worked in order to use an absurd attack that completely lolnoped EVERYTHING.
Dude. You're not the pot calling the kettle black, you're the pot calling the pigeon black. And the pigeon is gray.
Hence, she would have been unable to use her curse, hence Marie and Kyleveryone's attacks would have been used without the instant fail.
on a side note, Dumah possessed a girl who was in a rubber cell. *why* does this girl in a rubber cell also have a statpool of 160? It's entirely within reason to assume that the fucking vessel is weaker than the seraphim. Constanza has no business being that ridiculous.
Especially since Earth's finest have less than half that.
leaving that aside, lets brainstorm for ways of a) making dex less OP, and b) making other stats more relevant.
- multiple actions are allowed in the 20/40/60 bracket, but every action beyond the first, main action can only be an unmodified physical attack, or a positioning action, or something that makes sense in the vein off "moves very fast". Not only do these actions gain the -10/-20 etc penalty on dex, but also the same penalty on str for the damage.
I'm for "One action per person per turn, no exceptions". What it was before ragnarok decided his angels were too weak.
- when faced by multiple assailants or by multiple attack, the first two dodges are unmodified, everything beyond that will gain a -10/-20 etc penalty. No endless dodging
- a critical dodge (targets rolls 100 more dex than the target) gives you an additional chance to dodge another attack with +10 to the roll. example, Seles is attacked by 5 dudes. She could dodge the first 2 attacks without penalty, and then at -10/-20/-30. Lets say she crit-dodges the second attack, making the penalties 0/-20/-30 for the following dodges.
These sound good. The critical attack thing, though, sounds pretty unlikeable. It's supposed to represent things like hitting a vital organ, not...what the hell is your suggestion representing, anyways?
All of these sound pretty good.
He's arguing that a supernatural attack should be fine as long as the end result is something that is not supernatural. Except what the result is doesn't do what it should. False vacuum metastability events are natural, combustion is natural, inertia is natural. Entropy moving like a substance whilst converting mass into other forms of energy is NOT natural.
Unless the matter is radioactive and the forms of energy are the radioactive products, yes this so much.
On an unrelated note, I still call bullshit on letting un-nerfed BOSS-TIER CHARACTERS participate in plots :/
Look at Grandiose.
Look at your angels.
He's as much an ant to them as we all are.
Also, final-boss tier angels *should* be OP, to encourage players using their head, organising, making a strategy, instead of everyone just flailing at the enemy. She is perfectly possible to overcome by a combination of fixed rules and coordination
The problem is, they were so absurdly OP that the only strategy that works on them is "Run Away". Seriously. They can lolnope any kind of attack with conveniently perfect timing, get free saves against practically every debuff, and of course have no weak spots or elemental vulnerabilities or anything because fornicate you.
(Fornicate is a surprisingly fun word.)
and also, I actually call bullshit on the whole *magical shield around the house so impenetrable, blah blah*. Our shield being impenetrable and (some) of our dudes auto-reviving is the same kinda bullshit that the angels keep throwing around and that we complain about. Why shouldn't we be vulnerable?
Because, well, the magical shield was established beforehand and it takes the stupid kind of BS to explain why it DOESN'T work.
and it will make victory over the angels feel all the more meaningful, a true achievement. it may only really feel *forced* right now because nobody is used to actually being at a disadvantage
You want "forced"?
"Oh, look, the angels are actually powerful. Now that the house has been wrecked, I'll surrender meekly. Because that's just what I do. Because screw reason. Not that I'm sure why I protested in the first place."Seriously, why did we even need to fight the angels?
Hey it could've been worse at least The first time I GM'd, I created an entire setting and whatnot but along the way I forgot that I needed an actual plot rather than just the setting
That's happened to me. In fact, I'd say that's a big part of why The First Magic Girls is drowning; I figured out how magic works and all those lovely details, but never figured out what the players would actually be DOING.
right now, all the RP is just outside of combat, with character dynamics all over. Once combat starts, everyone is on their own. Why not have the various shipping pairs work out dual-tactics, combine their attacks, focus their efforts, protect eachothers back. suddenly a fight that is mostly number crunch can actually become a scene with character interaction
I think part of the reason is that there is very, very, very rarely ANY combat.
We went months without any kind of plot. Then we go through a period of plots spaced far apart with minimal combat each. Then we start going through rapid-fire plots, boom boom boom, and we don't have time to adjust.
...But aren't Ashley, Joanne and Cyrielle the only french speakers with bracelets? How would the others communicate?
Will picks up languages fairly well. It'll take some time before people stop snickering at his accent, but eh.
In fact, I think he's already learned some French from Joan. Or was that Italian?
Fluff on the bracelet server and whatnot.
It's a magical computing device, kind of like an artificial intelligence except not intelligent. It can be programmed. Entering the server works like entering someone's mind, because that's basically what it is.
What do you want to know?
"Changelog indicates that the issue of ICARUS wanting to kill everything in sight that was introduced with pathc 26 was fixed."
Why the hell was it introduced in the first place? Good Shys'm Caes, those IRIS guys are idiots.