no point in scrapping it, though I do wonder why none of the angels bothered blasting whomever sealed Shis'm Caes to smitherens. I mean, Shis'm being sealed is a huge risk for creation, should something come along that would require Shis'm intervention (which is also good, because it makes many plots possible in the first place (at least the ones I have in planning).
so please do go on, Angels wrecking shit *is* okay (as long as the rules dont change mid-fight to suit them
). By now, I think everybody hates the angels so much, if you scrap the plot now, we will never have a chance of revenge. Next time, we will have prepared for them, and *maybe* will manage to get some coordination going, and then we will tear those fuckers limb for limb.
so just bring the fight to a conclusion, and the next time we face the angels, have the rules ready, visible for everyone, and binding. When someone calls out an attack with mechanics that have not been fitted to the combat rules yet, just ask the player over PM *before resolving the action* and discuss how what works.
Then simply take your time with the turn post (and don't forget so many things
), and it'll be much smoother. I think the main problem is that there is just *so* much going on at once, it's hard to keep track off.
I was very angry yesterday because you seemed to insist on making Hainuwele entire useless almost on purpose, so I might have been more strict with you than I should have been, I apologize.
just make up for it by at least giving us a chance for revenge.
Also its soldier<archangel<principality<power<virtue<dominion<throne<cherub<seraph