so far every single action I did was ignored, sorry, but yes that makes me agitated, and when I am agitated I suddenly notice a lot more things that only further agitate me.
I mean, in this games rules are almost optional, if he wanted to just freeform the awesomeness of the broken fuck angels, sure, he can do it, but the moment he starts adding rules, he has to be consistent. And then you start noticing that the only one who benefited from the new rules, through the entire combat, has been the enemy.
I am not saying that Angels are not allowed to be super strong and so far above us that we can't really do a thing, but all within the limits of the rules. When rules start to be bended, and player actions entirely ignored (Why can't nef just tear the picture apart?), it's going to far. Even super awesome seraphim deserve a few chinks in their armor.
I mean, Duram is basicaly just standing there destroying our home and possibly half the town alongside it, while we just kinda buzz around it like flies not doing a thing, meanwhile Selesarna already killed one of us and has severly wounded several more, while not even taking damage in the tripple digits yet. There is no reason to deny us at least a few minor victories, while we helplessly watch what is basicaly a cutscene. Grand paintifying Selesarna was such a small victory, but instead of just letting the angel take the normal actions to break free (assuming 30-ish mind and 3 rolls vs 60, there is less than 100% chance of not breaking free), whoops, have a free action on top of it? why? Just so she can conveniently make all attempts at stopping Dumah fail, including an attack that Twi has been charging all battle? Without even a mind roll to resist? I have a feeling had we cast something like that, the angels would have surely had a resist roll.