well, the crippling fire weakness was an issue to begin with, and with 5 of 6 mons having fire attacks, and at least two to three of them scarfed to outspeed my sweepers, little could be done. bit of luck involved with that crit voltswitch on volcarona, followed by the thunderbolt paralyzing it and the par instantly activating ( 6.25% crit chance, 10% par chance, 25% chance of par making me miss the move...bah, that was a lot of luck. of not for this unlikely chain of event, fiery dance after a quiver dance would have got rid of thornadus, while leaving alife the only one not fearing fire attacks...yeah, that was a turning point of the battle.)
funny part, you would probably find less fire attacks in an actual sun-team. it's like trying to bee-sting lava..
oh well, double-elimination. for my upcoming matches, I will be replacing one mon
now, again, everything is waiting for ICBM to finish his match against sjm9876, the winner of that fight will fight against my bug team, now with a new member, and then it's goes against electric.
fun part: as electric has not lost a battle yet, whomever goes against him has to win against him TWICE to defeat him, and before the second battle, he can even switch moves, to set all those HP-fires (jesus christ, they were everywhere!) into hidden-power-whatever-hits-you.
this will be a seriously tough nut to crack. It's a shame I am limited to the amount of changes to my team...
hmm...maybe I wont be changing a mon afterall, but instead switch a couple of items and moves...would be a very specialised counter against the electric team, but might just be a necessity if I wanna win this...
also, we lost the replay, because we are fools
edit: there we go, 6 changes made to make sure that if I stand against electric again, he won't see the light of the day. rather difficult with just a max of 6 changes (items and moves combined), but passable...
my original idea was to simply use ninjask to set-up a speedboost baton pass, but the problem is, baton-pass unto what?
no single one of my pokemon would have the coverage to one-hit his entire team, especialy not without a life-orb. and I would not be able to put a life-orb unto anyone but volcarona, as nothing else would have been able to switch into a fire attack without a focus-sash.
and hey, when changing a mon, I wouldn't have been able to change anything besides the mon, so basing my entire chance of somehow winning against electric on only volcarona...nah. I am hoping my set-up as I have it now works.