I had an idea about a card game, and I would like to see if it was any good. I welcome a yes/no and constructive criticism. So let's begin.
In a nut shell: Its a card game that's essentially a fighting game like street fighter or something. Different cards represent strikes, kicks, blocks, and positioning. I wanted to call it A Fistful of Cards.
The rules concept so far:
Both players have three decks of 20 to 40 cards, each with a different colored backs of green, blue, and red. Their hand consists of three cards from each deck. Each player has twenty hit points.
The green deck consist of movement cards. One can stand still, move forward, or move back, relative to his combatant. Their distance to one another decides the Range. The game begins at Average Range, where most all attacks can be made. One move closer and it becomes Close Range, where its too close for most kicks, but okay for punches and grabs become useful. One move closer from Close and it's Very Close Range, where no attacks can be made as the fighters almost collide. A step away from Average becomes Far Range, where kicks are useful, but strikes are not. Another step away makes Very Far Range, where the fighters are too far apart to make most all attacks. Note both fighters could be in motion, two steps could be made in any one round.
The blue deck consists of blocks. Like attacks, blocks can be high, medium, or low. Blocks reduce the damage of strikes. If Damage is reduced to zero, the attack is negated. Blocks must match the height of an attack for full effectiveness. If the attack's height is one off, the block's effectiveness is half.
The red deck is attacks. Attacks can be high, medium, or low. High attacks strike the neck or head. Medium attacks hit the body or arms. Low attacks aim for the legs. Attacks can be kicks, punches, knees, elbows, or grabs. Each sort of attack has a range it is useful at.
Many cards may have secondary or conditional effects. Such as tripping the opponent or doing additional damage if the enemy is closing in.
Before each turn, each player places face down one card of each color. Once done, the cards are revealed. Movement occurs first. Then, defenses and attacks are compared. Cards are drawn to refill the hand. One can forfeit both attack and defense to shuffle the decks and draw a brand new hand. Victory is had when the opponent has no more hit points.
Different cards can belong to different styles of fighting, each focusing on different strategies.