Turn 12 - YE HAVE THE POWAAARRRRCut the mob and don' hold nothin' back! This don' look like a good sit'ation fer the negotiatorr!
(1) Ye miss the neck, and yer sword gets stuck in th' chest o' the bastard! As 'e leaps back in pain, it be wrenched from yer grip!
Git to tha Dipl'mat's aid
(6) With no time ta reload, ye leap upon the scoundrels an' start beatin' in heads left and right with th' butt o' yer musket! Only once all 8 o' the bastards be lyin' with a lump o' pulp in place of a head do ye realize that ye've also clocked the Diplomat, knockin' her out stone cold.
Leap forward, snarling viciously in no tongue whatsoever. Start wrestling a rat thing into death, and then again.
(3) Like a true loony, ye leap frm' yer seat, tacklin' a curs'ed rat ta th' deck an' start beatin' him to a pulp. With insane fury ye bite the filthy mongrel under the face an' tear 'is throat out with yer bare teeth, before proceedin' ta headbutt 'im repeatedly. It doesn't seem very effective, but damn if he not be tastin' yer wrath!
Shoot s'more lubbers.
(3) With perfect accuracy, ye score two fine shots t' the chest on two seperrrrate boarders, at th' same time. Shame it only seems t' slow 'em down.
Arr, how be it that a ship c'n float when cut in half? That's black magic at work!
Cross myself and say a prayer to Xantalos.
(1) Somehow yer prayer reaches th' old retired gods. Zeus strikes yer hat w' lightnin', settin' it on fire.
Tangle up th' !!Ratdogmanflail!! In the !!sail!! To make a !!ratdogmanflailcoveredinsail!! Show them sea dogs to fear th' mighty fishn' pole!
(6) As ye cast th' burnin' savage upwards, he intercepts a bolt o' blue lightnin', causin' it's remainin charge ta only set someone's hat on fire. As th' rascal comes downwards, th' rest o' the bolt discharges, strikin' 3 o the monsters and explodin' them into cinders. It also carves right through the main sail, leavin' a smoulderin' hole in the' shape o' a Giant Squid.
"Mateys, if a good group of em gets within a good range, give em the shot!"
Reload pistol, head abovedecks and join the fray.
(1) Just as ye drop th' shot in, ye hear a crack o' thunder behind ye. A spark lands on yer gun, dischargin' it right into th' foot o' one of the Gunners!
(6) Despite th' sudden maimin' the Gunnery-men continue in their work! With a sudden burst o' inspiration, they swing a cannon straight up, blastin' through the deck an' 2 o' the enemy! A rain o' meat an' splinters falls down through th' new "skylight"
Well, shite. Take off bandages, apply leeches, stat! (Oh god oh god I'm gonna turn into the crews "pet" rat aren't I)
(3) As ye take off th' bandages, ye catch sight o' somethin'. "Damnit, ye stupid bird, get off that jarrr! I need them leeches!"
(4) Havin' lost many o' their number, the intruders press on, too mad t' be daunted. The rest o' them reach th' deck!
-Directly adjacent to xxXXShipXXxx
-13 confirmed kills (23! total)
-6 enemies still disabled, overboard.
-3 enemies still active
-NPC wounded
-Lalassa unconscious