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Author Topic: The Fortress of Spite, the Goblin Tower  (Read 1265 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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The Fortress of Spite, the Goblin Tower
« on: August 10, 2013, 02:50:22 pm »

I recently modded my DF files to let me play as goblins and I dedcided to make a story of the first Dark Tower. Enjoy!

"Oi! Get dem trolls to move fasta! I wanna be at the place before nightfall, ye maggots!" Song Hatedactions, chieftain of the Goblin Tribe of The Everlasting Hatred, cracked his whip. Or he would, if he had one. That bloody loota, Arstruk, had insisted on taking a steel sword with him. Regardless, Arstruk kicked one of the trolls pulling the cart, then ducked out of its way. The cart picked up pace and the journey continued.
"This is it, gits! Da place we is gonna live and the place from where we will kill the Umies and the Dwarfies an take dere stuff!"
Ngoso, the git that got the wood things made, snorted.
"I dunt like this place, I dunt. It's all green and peaceful. Where are da eyeball plants? Where are da big batz?"
Song kicked the goblin. "Ye shut yer mouth, dog! We'll have dis place all nice and evil in no time if you lot git to work!"
With that, Song began ordering his minions around. Dis is gunna be da bestest Dark Tower ever, he thought. And I'll be da Boss of it all.


Day 1: A Rotten Start

I surveyed the area. I had access to clay, lots of trees and a river. A pretty good start. Sadly, it wasn't an evil area. Oh, well, you can't have everything, can you?

I ordered my gobs to channel down, and found black sand at the second level. Sweet! Never done much with glass, only moody migrants so far, but this seemed like black glass for my Dark Tower. It was fitting.
Goblins work surprisingly fast. The main floor -custom stockpile, wood stockpile, hospital, meeting room and barracks- was dug out in no time.

Meanwhile, my loota (militia commander, I always bring a combat guy with me for a military kickstart), had nothing to do, so I let him smoothen/engrave the place the Depot was going to go. Not sure if that is ruined by the Depot, but it gave the git something to do. I posted my War Trolls at the front of my Trade Depot-to-be. Maybe the would cause merchants to be afraid and give me stuff for free. Probably not. I ordered the farms to be built, two z-levels above the main floor, since that was all rock. I had to gather plants and use their seeds since Goblins cannot start with plants or seeds of any kind. I'll have to work on that. The rooms for the compulsory workshops were dug out one z-level lower and I got my mason working on coffers, doors cabinets et cetera. My carpenter began producing beds.
When I ordered the Trade Depot built, the sheer speed of my Novice woodcutters struck me.

Oh well, food for the furnaces. Let's show those pesky Dorfs how it's done.

Shortly after that, my first migrant wave arrived. They brought a lot of Trolls, since this is the only creature Goblins can have or embark with right now. I saw Beak Dogs as an option once though.

The wave, Trolls aside, consisted of two Hunters who could also train and care for my animals, one of them tanned hides, the other made crossbows, two farmers, one metalcrafter, one clothier, one carpenter, one woodcrafter and one child. The Hunter/Tanner had two Trolls as pets. I immediately named his profession "Trollmaster". He, from now on, was in charge of training my Trolls.

And with that, I leave you for today. I'm sorry for not having pictures of the World Map or embark screen, but I only figured this would be fun after embarking.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 03:11:01 pm by B-Dasher »
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