Monster Hunter V: The Communist Front
We're gonna be playin a semi-minimalist up in here.
semi-minimalist in the sense that turns will be cohesive and the game will have a plot, but it will be a very
concise plot. Its minimalist in the sense that you guys will still be able to do stuff that might not be totally realistic. But only if its serious. I know I know its confusing right.
watAnyways. You guys are Russian soldiers, squad leaders actually, that are part of the monster hunting unit. Your unit has a blank check as long as you're keeping Russia safe, just like X-COM, except seriously fuck those guys they're so entitled and shit with their constant rabid suicide missions and 'we keep the planet safe for all mankind' and their 'no you can't try out our bullshit infinite ammo laser guns' and blah blah blah yeah its not like X-COM at all.
I Need Backup!You have infinite expendable Russian infantry. You have to ask specifically what kind of infantry you want, unless you just want regular small arms troops. You can call for backup or requisition equipment or vehicles or ask for specialised or main units to come in at any time, just make sure you keep your gigantic handheld radios safe you fucking clutz.
Lookit that fucking ditz.
You're gonna fucking drop it.Idiot.
Anyways, remember:
if you call for too much backup, you will be penalised. I know thats vague, but literally all I mean is only call in what you think you need at the time. Russia can't have all it's tanks in one place, mmkay?
Ten, mebbe twelve players.
Effing Character Sheet, Because There's Been Too Many Swear Words AlreadyName: Make it RUSSKIE
Gender: Make it RUSSKIE
Appearance: Make it RUSSKIE
Skill - Choose ONE; you'll be equipped according to what you choose, you can only use what you're skilled with:
Small Arms (rifles, pistols, shotguns, etc.),
Heavy Weps. (rocket launchers, LMGs, grenade launchers, etc.),
Capture Weps. (net guns, stun rifles, tranq guns, etc.; a boring class, but you need at least one if you expect to capture monsters; seriously just make the expendable soldiers do it),
Grnd. Vehicles,
Air Vehicles,
Deployables/Throwables/Engineer (grenades, repair gear, medic bags, automated guns, camo, defenses n whatnot, etc.)
Bold your actions. Italicise and/or colour your dialogue. No one likes having to dig!
Calling for backup takes a turn. Otherwise just do a regular action.
Turn Order is always: Players, Allies, Boss Monster(s), Mook Monster(s)
Sample Turn:
Xantolos -
Call for Capture Weapons squads to be airdropped. OH GOD THEY'RE EVERYWHERE.Allies - The capture weapon teams drop in next to the Uber Rex. They start to encircle the beast.
Uber Rex - The beast ignores the tiny capture teams, instead focusing on the armoured vehicles speeding towards it. It eats a T-72 in one gulp.
Any of you wise asses thinks this is a regular MINIMALIST game and tries any world-destroying or dumb stuff, I'm just gonna quit.
Don't be that guy. Seriously. Unless you're Maldevious. He does what he wants.Damn it NRDL.