Boulder, Colorado
Steve decides to depart the house and walks out the door, signaling Zombess to follow him. Zombess moans for brains, before complying. (?) Outside, there doesn't seem to be much around, besides a few other zombies.
Brian shambles towards the guys with flamethrowers. (2) However, he only makes it a few feet before stopping behind a parked car. (6) Brian hears a yell, (5) and then something small and round lands near him. Then the thing explodes, blowing Brian against the car, and causing him to lose his left arm.
Berlin, Germany
Kyle (6) successfully puts on the prosthetic. Now he just has to stand up.
Wehrner (1-2) smashes the armor into his chest a couple of times before realizing that won't work. Then the armor explodes. (6) A chunk of the armor smashes into Wehrner's brain and kills him. (2)
The zombie formerly known as Wehrner is dead, again.Moscow, Russia
Boris continues to lap up the beer. (3) He feels the beer enter his stomach, but then realizes that since he's technically dead, his stomach probably doesn't work anymore. The three men pull out another bottle of beer, but instead of giving it to Boris, they place it in front of another zombie. (1) The zombie ignores the beer and attempts to bite the arm of the scientist, (3) but the scientist draws his arm back after dropping the beer in the cage. (1) The zombie kicks the beer out of the cage, clearly uninterested.
(?) The three men return to the cage Boris is in. One departs and comes back in holding a bottle of wine and a wineglass, a bottle of some sort of American whiskey, and most importantly, vodka.
The black goo zombie formerly known as Mishka (pick a color) woke up to see a white goo covered zombie with bright orange eyes staring at it.
"Welcome to a New Age"