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Author Topic: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 9!)  (Read 23236 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 3!)
« Reply #135 on: August 26, 2013, 10:15:14 am »

((I think my 'post' button broke :/))

Thrusters, check.
Engines, check.
Auxiliary power systems, check.
Nexus Core, check.
Body intact, check.

...Why are they gaining on us?!

"Go on ahead Katya. I'll handle these bogies."

Alessa checked the HUD for their positions, and by force of habit looked to the side, visually. The scenery was beautiful, and she didn't want bits and parts of Nexus fighter messing it up.

"Moving to engage! Scan us all and tell me how I do!" she said, feeling the rush of adrenaline and battle focus her mind and give clarity to her movements. She didn't know the outcome, but had a good feeling about it.

That, or death. No pressure.

Shift to Offensive mode.

Use any and all arsenal at my possession to bring those fliers down. [I'm wondering if you could fire smartbombs at them :p]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 3!)
« Reply #136 on: August 30, 2013, 02:06:39 am »

((I'm back! So if there happens to be a situation sometime that requires me to wreck some humans, feel free to pop me in.
Also, as always, very nice update.))
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 3!)
« Reply #137 on: August 30, 2013, 04:41:40 am »

In related news, I'll try to finish up the update today.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 3!)
« Reply #138 on: August 30, 2013, 05:19:07 am »

Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wyvern Buddy
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You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 3!)
« Reply #140 on: August 31, 2013, 06:20:43 am »

Turn 4
Note of the Day: As of yet, there has been no effective way to defend from the aura or mental powers of an Abyssal Ancient.

"I can feel the men, unfortunately there is an abyssal there also. It feels, unusual and not in only one place." Calla sighs and rubs her temple, this is the bad news "The beast has our sub wrapped up, quite literally and I have massive doubts about the continuing sanity and humanity of the men in that vessel, still if we can we should at the least end it." Calla is getting visibly angry at this point, her usual controll of her otherness slipping. How Dare that beast destroy the minds of those men, it just plucks them away with no fight, leaving husks behind.  Calla wants blood, and it shows, but she knows she is unlikely to get it.

'And we will, Calla,' Ribeiro says. He obviously doesn't like the thought, but Ribeiro's seen the effects of Abyssal auras first-hand. 'I'll prep the depth charges, but if this storm keeps up we might not be able to get close enough.'

With that, he climbs up into the co-pilot's seat. Calla casts her sight out again while they discuss their approach.

[6+1=6] The Abyssal is still there, radiating a presence much greater than its physical size. She gets the feeling it isn't focused on its surroundings - unaware of their approach, most likely. The wind and rain buffeting the aircraft are not letting up, but atleast the chopper is still airborne and moving forward. The creature is going to be showing on the helicopter's equipment in a moment, too, and if nothing changes they could get on top of it just fine. The depth charges have a payload meant to crack Abyssal carapace - but there is only so much human weaponry can do - and certainly enough to destroy the sub and all the crew inside. Getting it off the sub somehow might be preferable, but Calla can't see any real way to do it.

She focuses her mind. The Abyssal continues being... unique, she supposes, to her senses. It is certainly powerful, and getting close will be challenging to Ribeiro and the pilot even with Calla's protection, but the power doesn't feel to be brute psychic strength. She gets inexplicable images of scalpels and other tools of precision - her mind trying to transcribe what she senses, Calla supposes. And that precision weapon of a mind is engulfing the feeble minds of the crew. They had to be brave men to go out to open sea, but brave men would fall just as fine.

[5+1=6] And still... as Calla studies the crew, she realizes there's something left of them, still. The tiny, flickering beacons of their minds, easily crushable by the Deep One, but it seems to be doing something else completely. The crew's minds are being slowly drawn into a state similar to the Ancient's own, somehow existing on more than one level. With every moment they fall deeper and deeper into it.

Calla can't help but to feel anxious. This being is not exactly a Dreamsinger - though she's never been close to one of those, so she can't be sure - but even lesser Deep Ones can easily destroy and corrupt mortal minds. The result are barely sentient brutes and crazed lunatics. The aim in whatever process is ongoing here doesn't feel to be the same. She gets the feeling the Abyssal is keeping the crew's minds intact on purpose, shielding them from itself.

Or perhaps she's imagining that - regardless, this can't be good.

The chopper's movement keeps growing more unsteady under the heavy rain and wind, but Calla can feel the Deep One drawing closer below as well. In a few moments, they are almost directly on top of it.

Ribeiro pokes his head to the back. [3+1=4] He looks nauseous, but seems to be withstanding the Deep One's specialized aura. 'Alright, Calla... the depth charges are ready. I don't think it's a good idea to stay near this thing any longer than necessary, so I... uhh. Sorry. I'm getting one hell of a headache. I mean... any last minute advice? I don't want you to hurt yourself, but if there's anything you can do with your powers...?'

Spoiler: wolfchild (click to show/hide)

Alex Vondgas
Kill them boy! Let their blood flow over your hands!
Alex charges a motherfucker, screaming in rage.

Alex roars his challenge, [1] but contrary to his expectations, the other flier doesn't seem too thrilled to fight him. He catches a glimpse of it as it turns to fly away, and then it disappears into the night - or to circle away and catch him off-guard. With no-one to fight, Alex slowly calms down and takes a look around him. Theo is still near the car, pushing himself up and looking very frustrated - he still seems to think he should be the one fighting, not Alex.

Alex takes a step towards him, but then the world flashes white and pain lances through his head. A split second later an enormous, reverberating boom shakes the earth and his body from head to toe and Alex struggles to stay upright.

His vision comes back slowly, his hearing even slower. Alex blinks away the last after-images and looks up into the distance to see the source of it all. The towering, impossibly large shape of the Olympian stands out in the falling light, the vast weapon in its hands venting smoke from slits running up and down the weapon. Alex can't imagine the power needed to fire such a weapon in the first place. Behind it, the other Olympian seems to carry a massive, square shield and a hammer crackling with energy. He supposes, in a detached way, that it must have some ranged weaponry (or that the EUROPA designers are idiots).

Slowly, as if in a daze, he turns around to see the target of the massive rifle. The grotesque Ancient he sighted in the distance is no longer 'in the distance', growing larger and larger in the horizon - though still very far away to anything human-sized. It must be strange for the Olympian pilots to look down at the world from so high - like gods, he supposes.

Alex's superior sight catches where the shot hit - the mass of tentacles and centipede-like legs on its right side, now smoking and trailing black blood. It's far from dead, though, but he supposes that's score one for the humans.

[4] Theo staggers up, holding his ears. He looks pale and way out of his depth. Alex has to wonder how useful he can be in a fight - but in any case, they'll need to move soon, before the Abyssal's spawn reach the city.

Spoiler: Friendlies (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: mcclay (click to show/hide)

Alexei Zielkov
"What are your reasons for this, officer?" Alex asks as he keeps walking, his eyes scanning the area around intently. Trucks shouldn't be trusted never to leave any kind of trail or tip for someone attentive enough to catch onto their movement. In his case, he was looking for the exact path made by the vehicles...

Begin looking for the exact place the trucks must have moved to before supposedly unloading their cargo into a boat.

[5] Alexei again paces through the Angel's containment area, trying to decipher the trucks' positions. They were stopped here, on both sides of the Angel's body. If there was a ship docked beyond the fence, they could have driven up its ramp and unload the body parts there. After that, atleast some of them would have driven away and left through the base gates.

There's not really much to support that theory, though. Alexei follows the fence, but it bears no signs of damage or recent replacement. It's possible, of course, that the fence is broken at some other point of the dock, but investigating that personally would take time. The base is sure to have records of any ships that would have docked here, in any case. Judging by the remaining tire tracks, it seems likely the trucks left the same way they came - by land.

It does seem likely that the area has been scrubbed clean, somewhat hastily, yesterday or during the night.

The officer raises a neat eyebrow at his question. 'Excuse me, sir? Reasons for what?'

Spoiler: Caellath (click to show/hide)

Alfonz Wulfric
Lighting up another cigarette, Wulfric brushes a few leaves off his jacket before replying,

"We're going to bother because we have orders to do exactly that, I don't know about you guys but its gonna take a hell of a lot more of them matchboxes to kill me then they can make. When this war ends, hell it might even occur during the damn thing, we all know that many countries, or at least whats left of them, will come after us but that is what people have always done to people like us.

I don't know about you guys but I'm fighting to prove that just because I have a damn Ancient locked up inside of me I'm not an enemy, you have any idea how hard it'd be to get more cigarettes if everyone was out to kill you?

Anyway we have a test to run so everyone empty your pockets, lets see what we got to work with, and Bannon do me a favor and go over there and start breaking off branches from those trees."

Empty pockets to see I have, talk to the others, and go help Bannon break off branches.

'Christ, you're even more paranoid than her,' Bannon says as he strides off to the trees.

Nobody seems to have a better idea, so the four of them empty their pockets. They don't generally carry around weapons for several reasons, and the search only turns up a lighter, phones - with cameras and the lot, if they'll prove useful - and ID badges. They were only supposed to come see the demonstrations today. Wulfric supposes they can't expect to have anything at hand during a real situation either.

[6] Alfonz and Bannon makes quick work of the trees. They go for the actual heavy branches, not just useless sticks, easily carried by their superhuman strength. Both pile half a dozen in their arms. Clay and Liz approach soon enough. The pair are Star God hybrids, while Daniel's Titanoid, and all are powerful enough.

'So, what's the plan, Alfonz? Asking with full intention to suggest something else if it turns out to be rubbish,' Liz asks.

Spoiler: adwarf (click to show/hide)

Aaron Gray
"Let's go."

Head straight up the hill, towards the fireball.

'Agreed,' Alex mutters. Thomas gives the soldiers an apologetic look and follows as they stride off to the main road. The trio don't even attempt to keep themselves out of sight, moving confidently onwards and leaving the soldiers staring after them.

The sounds of fighting continue as they head up the hill, passing dozens of near-identical low, fenced houses. Some bear signs of damage and vandalism, but most are simply abandoned, the lights out, gathering dust. Aaron wonders where the people who used to live here are now. If all of them got out. If there's any place to be considered safe now - hell, they could be in the convoy behind them.

Black smoke rises from beyond the crest of the hill, but their eyes pick out smaller dust clouds raised by the military's vehicles too. Two APCs block the road, the steady crackle of their machineguns finding the trio even before they spot the vehicles themselves. They can't see what they're shooting at and pick up their pace as they approach. More gunfire and shouting voices join the machineguns soon enough.

The APC crews are fully occupied by what's ahead and don't see them arrive behind them. They can more hear than see soldiers in the buildings on either side of the vehicles. The buildings here are more close together, seeming to be shops and offices - the center of the town, Aaron would assume. The building to their right is a two-story occupied by soldiers, while on the left is a low building that used to house what probably was a restaurant. They can't get a good look from behind the APCs of who exactly are the soldiers even shooting at.

They could, of course, just charge forward along the road. The buildings provide cover and protection to normal humans - aside from the explosives, they could just shrug off most of what whoever's out there could throw at them. Or, well - in theory. They haven't exactly been in a firefight before.

Spoiler: Talarion (click to show/hide)

Alessa T. Tairon
Thrusters, check.
Engines, check.
Auxiliary power systems, check.
Nexus Core, check.
Body intact, check.

...Why are they gaining on us?!

"Go on ahead Katya. I'll handle these bogies."

Alessa checked the HUD for their positions, and by force of habit looked to the side, visually. The scenery was beautiful, and she didn't want bits and parts of Nexus fighter messing it up.

"Moving to engage! Scan us all and tell me how I do!" she said, feeling the rush of adrenaline and battle focus her mind and give clarity to her movements. She didn't know the outcome, but had a good feeling about it.

That, or death. No pressure.

Shift to Offensive mode.

Use any and all arsenal at my possession to bring those fliers down. [I'm wondering if you could fire smartbombs at them :p]

'Understood. I'm sorry to miss the fun,' Katya says. 'Stay safe.'

A moment later Alessa grips her controls and turns the plane into a turn, activating her weapons systems. [3] Her systems register eight flier forms coming at her, but the three that are gaining are her first priority. They're about to realize their mistaking in following them.

The fliers seem confused for a split-second when the MARA swings around and roars forward - towards them. That split-second is enough for Alessa. [3] She picks out the one in the middle, clicks ready her Fireflies, and fires. [Dodge:3-1=2] The little red spark falls from her wing and races forward with a whip-crack of displaced air. [Damage:4+1+1-2=4] Alessa sees the heavy flier try to move away, but the little missile catches it straight in the wing and explodes in a blossom of fire. The flier form's unearthly roar carries all the way to the cockpit, but Alessa is already flying past. The other forms scatter, just as she predicts.

The heavies bat their wings hopelessly, trying to turn to follow, but they're far too slow. The lesser forms sweep in quickly, though, much more agile if not as fast. [4] Alessa deftly manipulates her controls and stays away from their snapping jaws and swooping attacks, rising above them all as she goes for her second attack run. To her dismay, the three heavies, including the wounded one, scatter even more, obviously trying to box her in by coming from several directions at once.

She can't help but to marvel at the power needed to give organic lifeforms such speed and strength. The Abyssals seem to have no problem in giving birth to beings humans need complex technology to match.

[3] Then she attacks once more. Switching on the computer assistance, Alessa selects [1] the first of the heavy fliers, cursing the fact she can't fire at all of them like this. The SmartBombs beneath her wings lock on with a bright ping, [Dodge:2-1-1=1/6-1-1=4/1-1-1=1] and all three missiles streak out towards the flier. It tries to turn, but the missiles adjust their trajectory in unison - and two hit the creature square in the body. [Damage:1+1+1+1-1= 3] The first hit throws it back, trailing fire. It tries to adjust in vain, but only provides a perfect target for the [Damage:4+1+1+1=6] second, which explodes directly against its heart and clad in the Nexus Field, bores a gaping hole through its mutated, glistening flesh. The third goes wide, turning too late to follow, but it's unnecessary - the flier falls, lifeless.

[1] The two surviving heavies circle around, refusing to attack, [2+1=3] but the smaller ones mount an attack as one swarm. [6] Alessa keeps easily away from them. For all their power and might, they have not had decades of experience in fighting in the air. With their limited speed, they can't follow her home, but the two heavies can. She is quite enjoying this, so far, so she could just as well finish them off.


Spoiler: Hostiles (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tiruin (click to show/hide)


Sorry for the slight schedule slip. Please tell me of any mistakes etc.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 06:23:52 am by Digital Hellhound »
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 4!)
« Reply #141 on: August 31, 2013, 06:33:22 am »

"Well I am currently doing my best to shield you from the aura, but you already know that, I cannot challenge it mentally, it will crush me one on one, but I can try to mask us I suppose, also whatever it is doing to those men, it is worse than the normal breaking we have seen to this point, it is twisting rather than breaking, at least from what I can tell; what comes out of that process will be far more intelligent than we are used to."

Attempt to mask the crew from the abyssal, we stand no chance on our own if it senses us
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 4!)
« Reply #142 on: August 31, 2013, 07:05:23 am »

"Let's head straight into it. I wanna see what they're up against."

Advance forward, try to get into a position to see what the soldiers are firing at.
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 4!)
« Reply #143 on: August 31, 2013, 07:41:51 am »

"Your lack of hurry in getting me out of here." he answers calmly, his tone close to being friendly. His short investigation around the base has been useful, but he can't afford to stay for much longer. "The general seems like he would be a fairly pleasant person while asleep or drunk." The soldier allows himself a sly smile as he keeps calmly walking.

Leave the base through the gates, but use the moment to snoop around a bit near the area beforehand.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 4!)
« Reply #144 on: August 31, 2013, 08:54:34 am »

"Seeing as only me and Daniel are the only ones really capable of taking those matchboxes head on its fairly simple, running will do us no good, and attacking them head on will either get us put in a hospital for weeks or dead. So with that in mind the plan is fairly simple, we need to set up shop in a decent enough clearing and trap it as best we can in the time we got.

When that is done you, Bannon, and Clay will set up shop up in the trees with around a half a dozen of these branches sharpened to as fine a point as we can manage. Meanwhile me and Daniel will be down on the ground with only one of these each, I'll use my powers to reinforce the sticks me and him will be using for weapon, and we'll act as bait to draw them into the clearing.

When the enter the clearing me and Daniel will get out of the way and you guys are to throw those damn things and try to score a decent hit, use your powers if you have to but aim for the legs. If we disable the matchbox's movement we win, a stationary target doesn't stand a chance against me or Daniel if we decide to smash it to little fucking pieces.

And then when that is done I'm gonna sit down on top of the broken matchbox and have a nice victory smoke."

Give the details of the plan and wait for the others comments. If they accept find a decent length vine or cord somewhere and any sharp rocks that an be found.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 4!)
« Reply #145 on: August 31, 2013, 09:08:47 am »

Watch out, DHH, Adwarf is going all "Ewoks on Endor" on your AT-ST Walkers. I mean USMW's.
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 4!)
« Reply #146 on: August 31, 2013, 02:46:16 pm »

Watch out, DHH, Adwarf is going all "Ewoks on Endor" on your AT-ST Walkers. I mean USMW's.

I don't know about that, but he seems hellbent on making half of his team hate him. Liz and Clay not capable of taking on USMWs? Are you Star God racist or something?
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 4!)
« Reply #147 on: August 31, 2013, 02:49:17 pm »

Alex moves to help Theo up.
Quick! We have to get to the city now!"
Help Theo and move our asses to the city.
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 4!)
« Reply #148 on: August 31, 2013, 02:51:49 pm »

I meant with raw physical strength, no offence was meant :/

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand II - an Eldritch Invasion RTD (Turn 4!)
« Reply #149 on: August 31, 2013, 04:20:50 pm »

In terms of direct damage output, you're actually the weakest. Offensive Nexus Fields/Titanoid strength is stronger than any punch you can throw on your own.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!
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