Quinn shakes his head. "Nah, he's dead."
"Nonono, get this, so the CIA faked his death to keep 'im hidden. 'Cause of the mob ties, right?" Johnny pauses for a second, waiting for an answer.
Sam sighs, disappointed. "I can't believe you're goin' on about that Elvis conspiracy again?"
"See, yer not gettin' it!"
The investigation had been going on for a week. They were now searching for anything relating to a "Hoppa" Doe wanted in several states for stalking, breaking restraining orders, trespassing, and petty theft. So far, the only real lead was a birth certificate of a Hapah Perez from El Salvador, but nobody can get a lead after that.
"Anyway, all I can really get on this guy," Quinn interrupts, "is that he's a real slimeball. Stalks women, watches them through windows, yada yada yada, the guy's a creep."
"How 'bout anyone else?" Sam asks.
Johnny just shrugs his shoulders.
Hapah has been killed!
Hapah was the Creep (town).
Vote Count
birdy51 -
Cheeetar -
Deathsword -
Imp -
Nerjin -
notquitethere -
Shakerag -
The_Iqovian -
TheWetSheep -
Tiruin -
Toaster -
No Lynch -
Not Voting - Toaster, Shakerag, Imp, Tiruin, Cheeetar, Nerjin, birdy51, The_Iqovian, notquitethere, Deathsword, TheWetSheep,
6 To Hammer. Day ends Wednesday 8 PM Central.Hapah - The Creep
(Auto) Creeper: Any Night action you perform on a target gives you a free track action on the target.
(Night) Stalk [target]: You stalk the target, making sure they get to their destinations a-okay, and protect them if they don’t! It’s not unhealthy at all!
(1-Shot, Night) Call In A Favor [all]: You call in a few favors from your friends. All actions performed during this Night are copied to the user.