Mine the clock of obsidian.
(2)You are unable to find a clock.
Watch results of challenge.
[5]Half the creepers explode simultaneously. The door breaks. You give them all of your wooden items.
Start scaring creepers to death! Then possess my ballista.
(4)You scare two creepers to death! ENVIRONMENTALISTS REMAINING: MAYBE 48
(2)You are unable to possess your ballista.
Mutate the creepers to give them powers of Steve.
(4)Mutation (temporarily) successful!
Make a cobble CATAPULT then, continue murdering creepers
(5)You make the DOOM-A-PULT. It sometimes converts things launched through it to TNT!
(2)You miss with your new siege weapon.
[1]A skeleton tries to hit you, but shoots a creeper instead. The creeper dies, and drops 11.
Rebuild my treehouses tree.
Try to make it indestructible like that one dudes door.
(6)You make your treehouse nearly indestructible! Unfortunately, you place a block in front of the entrance.
Dig new fortress in a different spot.
(4)You dig a new cave in a different spot.
[1]The cave spiders try to tail you, but get lost and end up getting hit by a block of TNT that seems to randomly fall out of the sky.
Use WONDER STONE PICK to mine out more cave area for my room.
Use stone from mining to make furniture that creepers can use.
(3)You make your cave slightly bigger.
(1)You make furniture that creepers are entirely unable to use!
Grr...Make the rest of the torches, with 12 wood. THEN, just hang around in mah abode for a while.
(2)You are unable to make the torches.
(1)Your abode is attacked by zombies!
Health: 7 (20)
Inventory: 5 Dirt, 56 Wooden Planks, 1 Stick,
Base: Tree
-Leaf Bed
BFEL's Spider
HP: 14 (16)
BFEL's Cat
HP: 10 (10)
Creeper Mood: Friendly
BFEL's Cow
HP: 10 (10)
Health: 22 (20)
Inventory: None
Base: 3 X 3 Shelter
-Crafting Table
- Furnace
Health: 10
Inventory: 50 Wooden Planks, Imagination Pickaxe, Cat, 10 Iron, Iron Horse Armour, Saddle
Base: Castle
Greenstarfanatic (Made of Chests)
Health: 3
Inventory: 3 Wooden Planks, 2 Sticks, ULTRA WOODEN TOOL SET, 15 Dirt, 2 Rotten Flesh, 32 Torches
Chest Chest: 428 Logs, House, Chest, 24 Coal
Base: None
Health: 20
Inventory: 200 Logs, 30 Saplings, 10 Apples
Health: 10
Inventory: Stone Pickaxe, 16 Wooden Planks, 7 Torches, 320 Cobblestone, 4 Iron, Iron, 8 Obsidian, Miniature Pickaxe, Iron Pickaxe, Pickaxe of Destruction
Health: 17 (20)
Inventory: Wooden Axe, 40 Logs
Base: Mountain
Lord Slowpoke
Health: 20
Inventory: Withered Cow Dung, 20 Logs
Health: 40 (20)
Inventory: 2 Sticks, 19 Logs
Lord Slowpoke [Creeper Environmentalist Captain]
Health: 20
Inventory: None
Health: 20
Former Inventory: 2 Sticks, ULTRA ULTRA WOODEN PICKAXE, Iron Sword, 2 Rotten Flesh, 5 Dirt, Reinfortress Partial Interior, 32 Cobblestone, 48 Gravel, 16 Flint
Base: Small Mined Reinfortress
-Partially Missing Interior
-Missing Walls
-Collapsed Room
-Looks Nice
-Super Rapid-Fire Ballista
Creeper Mood: Wrath
Health: 16
Inventory: Ignorance Chestplate, Shoddy Wooden Pickaxe, 3 Sticks, ULTRA STONE PICKAXE, 7 Iron Bars, 10 Seeds, Shoddy Iron Sword, Shoddy Stone Pickaxe
Base: Small Alcove
Sarzael (Made of Sand)
Health: 15
Inventory: None
Sentinent Bowtie
Health: 20
Inventory: Crafting Table, Shoddy Wooden Tool Set [-Pickaxe], 3 Wooden Planks, 1 Stick, 2 Diamonds, 116 Wooden Planks, 6 WONDER STICKS, ULTRA WONDER STONE PICKAXE
Health: 45
Inventory: 2 Gunpowder, Sapling Bow
Environmentalists: Angry
Health: 5
Inventory: Wooden Tool Set, 8 Dirt, 56 Cobblestone
Base: Mined Cave
-Crafting Table
Base: Tree Farm
-Solar Lights
-Tree x 2
-Reinforced Walls
Health: 5
Inventory: 30 Saplings, 10 Apples
Base: Ruined Ruins
Whiny Admin
Health: -
Inventory: ALL THE STUFF
Base: Giant Coal Vein
Creeper Environmentalist Captain [Lord Slowpoke]
Health: 90 (100)
Inventory: 640 Barricades, 16 TNT
Base: Mostly Wrecked Forest
-Strengthened Barricade
10 DEAD Creeper Minions