Night has begun!Turn iron into a pickaxe. Then mine the diamond and make a pick with those.
(4)You turn your remaining iron into a pickaxe.
(6)You hit the diamond so hard it goes flying through the rock a few kilometers away! Darn.
(6)You make your diamond into a pickaxe! You have to make a Miniature Pickaxe, since you only have one diamond. It'll probably break soon.
[1]Nothing is around. For now.
Will the creatures of the Nether to do battle with the creepers!
(3)The Zombie Pigmen will if they get attacked by the Creepers.
[3]A creeper approaches!
Run to the fort, punch dirt to repair the wall if neccisary
(1)You run towards the Creeper Forest!
(6)You upgrade the Creeper Barricade with dirt.
(5)20 Creepers rush at you from the forest!
Offer the Creeper Environmentalists a home in exchange for peaceful relations with anyone who has not previously harmed a creeper.
[Not all creepers are environmentalists, by the way.]
(3)They're not sure whether or not they want to accept.
[5]Ten Zombies approach!
I think you missed my turn.
Do previous action. Attempt to find dungeon.
[Sorry. Just in case you didn't notice, your last action was edited into the previous update.
(5)You find a dungeon! The spawner seems to be glitched out and not spawning anything. Inside the dungeon you find Cat, 10 Iron, Iron Horse Armour, and a Saddle!
[2]The spawner continues to be glitched.
(6)You get ALL the luck. An admin notices and removes the luck.
(4)You befriend a Cow!
[5]Eight skeletons approach!
Chop down trees. Make pick.
(6)You demolish a portion of the forest. C.E. ALLEGIANCE STATUS: ENEMY. You gain 40 Logs.
(6)You craft all your wood into a giant pickaxe! You can't lift it. This total waste of precious natural resources angers the creepers even more!
[4]Six creepers charge you!
How did that work so perfectly?
Reinforce Reinfortress, and ready a call to arms! We'll have company soon.
(1)You demolish another wall.
(5)All actions to go to the fortress on the next turn receive +2 on a 2 or 3!
[4]A horde of monsters charges through the broken walls!
Sssss sss ssss...
Ssss ss!
(5)The Creeper Captain is summoned, along with 10 Creeper Minions! CREEPER ENVIRONMENTALISTS REMAINING: I FORGET + 10
(4)Sentient Bowtie is fully healed!
[1]Nothing happens to the creepers.
[2]Something is starting to happen...
[6]Whiny Admin reduces the stats of all mobs to near-zero! Ninja Admin notices, and reverts it back to what it was before. He does not know that it is on Ultra Mobs.
Health: 17 (20)
Inventory: 5 Dirt, 56 Wooden Planks, 1 Stick,
Base: Tree
-Leaf Bed
BFEL's Spider
HP: 14 (16)
BFEL's Cat
HP: 10 (10)
Creeper Mood: Friendly
BFEL's Cow
Health: 22 (20)
Inventory: None
Base: 3 X 3 Shelter
-Crafting Table
- Furnace
Health: 10
Inventory: 50 Wooden Planks, Imagination Pickaxe, Cat, 10 Iron, Iron Horse Armour, Saddle
Base: Castle
Greenstarfanatic (Made of Chests)
Health: 8
Inventory: 3 Wooden Planks, 2 Sticks, ULTRA WOODEN TOOL SET, 15 Dirt,
Chest Chest: 448 Logs, House, Chest
Base: None
Health: 20
Inventory: 200 Logs, 30 Saplings, 10 Apples
Health: 10
Inventory: Stone Pickaxe, 16 Wooden Planks, 7 Torches, 320 Cobblestone, 4 Iron, Iron, 4 Obsidian, Miniature Pickaxe, Iron Pickaxe
Health: 17 (20)
Inventory: Wooden Axe, 40 Logs
Base: Mountain
Lord Slowpoke
Health: 20
Inventory: Withered Cow Dung, 20 Logs
Health: 20
Inventory: None
Lord Slowpoke
Health: 20
Inventory: None
Health: 10
Inventory: 2 Sticks, ULTRA ULTRA WOODEN PICKAXE, Iron Sword, 2 Rotten Flesh, 5 Dirt, Reinfortress Partial Interior, 32 Cobblestone, 48 Gravel, 16 Flint
Base: Small Mined Reinfortress
-Partially Missing Interior
-Missing Wall
-Former Items (On top)
-Collapsed Room
-Looks Nice
Creeper Mood: Wrath
Health: 16
Inventory: Ignorance Chestplate, Shoddy Wooden Pickaxe, 3 Sticks, ULTRA STONE PICKAXE, 7 Iron Bars, 10 Seeds, Shoddy Iron Sword, Shoddy Stone Pickaxe
Base: Small Alcove
Sarzael (Made of Sand)
Health: 15
Inventory: None
Sentinent Bowtie
Health: 20
Inventory: Crafting Table, Shoddy Wooden Tool Set, 3 Wooden Planks, 1 Stick
Health: 50
Inventory: 2 Gunpowder, Sapling Bow
Environmentalists: Angry
Health: 15
Inventory: Wooden Tool Set, 8 Dirt, 56 Cobblestone
Base: Mined Cave
-Crafting Table
Base: Tree Farm
-Solar Lights
-Tree x 2
-Reinforced Walls
Health: 5
Former Inventory: 11 Wooden Planks, 30 Saplings, 10 Apples
Base: Wooden palace
-Immovable Door
Whiny Admin
Health: -
Inventory: ALL THE STUFF
Base: Giant Coal Vein
Creeper Environmentalist Captain
Health: 100
Inventory: 640 Barricades, 16 TNT
Base: Mostly Wrecked Forest
-Strengthened Barricade
Who built 13 again?
7 minutes until day...
If you say what enemies you're fighting in your post, my next update will be much easier since I won't have to go back and check.