"Right, the catacombs are really deep, for one, and they definitely contain evil of some kind. Didn't sense any artifacts in ready availability, though I do sense some kind of entity here with us. Seems scared and not really evil."
Look for this frightened entity, try to ascertain if it's another ghost, or perhaps something else.
You prepare to extend your senses when Eleanor says she found it. Looking to where she's going, you see a little girl in a dress, cowering behind the bench.
"I think I might have already found it" Eleanor pointed to where she saw the butt and began to walk towards it "I know you're there, don't worry we won't hurt you"
As you come closer, she shrinks away.
"I'm scared...they took mommy" Continue being very patient and not doing anything insane or creepy.
You're not being creepy. No sir, not even scowling right now.
Harvey will be Harvey of course. Other than that, nothing of interest was really happening except for the appearance of a butt. Children were never high on the list of thins Lilia liked. Loud, rude, and annoying, the brats were even more of a torment than their adult counterparts.
Lilia watches the proceedings with the butt with a reserved eye. If whatever's doing a poor job of hiding behind the bench turns out to be difficult, levitate the person with the floral butt off the floor.
You look at Eleanor trying to get the girl to get from behind the bench. She's obviously scared, the way she's shivering. She's dirty and her knees and hands are bruised.
((somehow the 'wants to be loved' part is creepier then the 'hack things to pieces' part ))
You prepare for everything. You are the vengeance, you are the night, you are batman. but not really