Dont be silly. You see, starbound has space travel, correct? Space travels means visiting other planets. Now look at this early screenshot of starbound:
Now let us focus at 4 key points:
First we have this completely peaceful and adorable looking egg spider looking thing. We could call them..
Eggheads. Know what else has been traditionally called eggheads through the ages? SCIENTISTS!
Then, there's these two. The first is a clearly native american girl brandishing a laser axe while the other is a man of spanic descent comming a horrible violent act and shoot the peaceful egghead science creature!
And then there's the planet being destroyed! You see the connection?? Look at the background.
It shows tentacles and mountains. GIANT TENTACLES and mountains! Not only they are towering over the mountains, they are dominating them! Taking control! Ravaging their innocence away in their noodly grip!
The only logical conclusion is that starbound, representing these things, is in fact subliminal message tool to stimulate us to attack or otherwise disable our scientists so we'll never be prepared for the eventual tentaculoid invasion who want to steal all of our sexy mountains and take them to their world while we are defenseless and thus causing the eventual destruction of our now mountainless earth!