So, release is in 15 days, I figure we have some time to prepare now so that we can start playing one or two weekends after release.
As usual, games will be played weekly, for 3+ hours each week. We'll be using
Steam for hosting info, and people should turn up 15-30 minutes early if possible. Players should add twiggie3103 on steam. The group is located
here, please join that.
There's a poll for times above, please note that these are very rough and will be fine-tuned later. Additionally, this game will mainly be catering to Europeans. If you're not from here and still want to play, that's 100% fine as long as you a) have a decent connection and b) don't expect everyone else to make drastic changes for you.
Since this will be a new release, rules are somewhat hard to define at this point.
In general:
Don't be too much of a dick. We're here to have fun.
In the same vein, try to keep the game dynamic. If you notice patterns settling in, reducing fun, its YOUR responsibility to change it.
Don't take things too personally. If you end up losing early, its more likely you had some bad luck than that people hate you.
Don't exploit. Its likely there will be a few bugs, if you discover any kindly refrain from using them.
Absolutely NO throwing hissy fits and screwing up your nation on purpose.
Post your five favourite countries (in order of preference) and nations will be assigned ~5 days before the start.
Kindly limit your choices to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
Twiggie (Muscowy)
Dutchling (SUBBING)
andrew4250 (England)
Azthor (France)
Chosrau (Ottomans)
Rakonas (Ottomans, Denmark, Portugal, Morocco, France)
Fivex (Mamluks)
Stabbymcstabstab (Austria)
Tarran (Milan)
Deathsword (Portugal)
Grand Nagus (Spain?)
Isdar (The Hansa)
Bulborbish (Vijanagar, Timurids, Delhi)
Malus (undecided)
Inteuniso (Morocco, Holland, Japanese Shogunate, The Knights, Bahamani/Indian Kingdom)
BarbarossaTSG (Brandenburg, Sweden, Venice, Portugal, Netherlands)
Karlito (Timurids, Poland, Portugal, Uzbeks, Denmark)
Somebody (Sweden, Naples, Brandenburg, Hungary)