Gather round, gather round!
The draw is about to commence!
Our brave teams have been allotted the following numbers...
The Shadowknights - 1,2
House Tinklebottom - 3,4
Team Braggadocio - 5,6
Team Uhh! - 7,8
Team Equine - 9,10
Aaand to roll the Baron de la Filly's dice today,
Let's welcome the ever beautiful Lady Of The Joust,
Lady Gruntesque!
<<She trots onto the wooden podium and curtsies the assembled crowd, who begin to jeer>>
Shoot them!<<Archers in the gods open fire on the commoners with dung tipped arrows, the jeers turn to retching cries for mercy>>
Right! My Lady, if you please, roll the Lord's die...
<<A hush decends as they listen for the rattle in the tumbler, Gruntesque releases a trotter from the end and the die goes flying...>>
2 - The Shadowknights! Versus...
4 - House Tinklebottom!
The audience goes wild with anticipation of a classic Good vs. Evil matchup in round one.
4..8 - Team Uhh!! Versus...
3..2..9 - Team Equine!
And there we have our first day's lineup! Team Braggadocio will have to take a rest today and use the canvas and paintset they have been given to come up with a standard to fly for tomorrow's joust.
The schedule will be as follows...
Day 1The Shadowknights VS House Tinklebottom
Team Uhh! VS Team Equine
Team Braggadocio BYE
Day 2The Shadowknights BYE
Team Uhh! VS Team Braggadocio
House Tinklebottom VS Team Equine
Day 3The Shadowknights VS Team Equine
Team Uhh! BYE
Team Braggadocio VS House Tinklebottom
Day 4House Tinklebottom BYE
The ShadowKnights VS Team Uhh!
Team Braggadocio VS Team Equine
Day 5Team Equine BYE
The Shadowknights VS Team Braggadocio
House Tinklebottom VS Team Uhh!