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Author Topic: [Closed] A really interesting pocket region for 3D mapping.  (Read 2902 times)


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Request filled, and project started

I want to demonstrate just how impressive the world-gen capabilities of DF are, and I think I've found a good way to do it:  Isoworld's Oversized mode.  It maps the entire surface at a resolution of one tile per pixel, and looks...

Spoiler: fairly impressive. (click to show/hide)

It turns out that Isoworld saves the map fragments, and that it's possible to get many people to map identical worlds and then combine the results (provided no forts or other alterations are made). 

So, for maximum effect, what's the most geographically-interesting pocket world the forums can produce?  Lots of cities, hilly terrain, varied biomes... the mapping will take so much time that I want to start with a really interesting place to map.  I'll post again when there's a final candidate.  It really does have to be a pocket world - even that will come out as a 170 megapixel image and each step up is exponentially worse. 

Anyone got one, or is willing to generate one?
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 09:35:59 pm by PeridexisErrant »
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Re: [Request] A really interesting pocket region for 3D mapping.
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2013, 04:09:37 am »

Just an idea.

Adv world gen, erosion cycle count to low and "perodically erode extreme cliffs = no" makes lots of cliffs and canyon rivers.

Tevish Szat

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Re: [Request] A really interesting pocket region for 3D mapping.
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2013, 09:21:14 pm »

I'm going to try to gen a physically interesting pocket world: multiple land masses, islands, volcanoes, that sort of stuff.

However, my params have been crashing on "preparing elevation" or attempting to even get that far.

I'll see if I can get anything.
A medium-sized humanoid fond of fantasy and science-fiction.

Tevish Szat likes books, computers, board games, and cats for their aloofness. When possible, he prefers to consume hamburgers and macaroni and cheese. He needs caffeine to get through the working day.


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Re: [Request] A really interesting pocket region for 3D mapping.
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2013, 12:53:00 am »


Those are tremendously beautiful.

Lemme see if I can dig up this old pocket world that I was really impressed by.
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Tevish Szat

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Re: [Request] A really interesting pocket region for 3D mapping.
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2013, 02:29:04 am »

Debugged my parameters and created 3 worlds

Sir Niral, "The Planes of Portent"
Year 350 - The Draconic Age.  An interesting sort of hourglass-shaped world.

Enramul, "The Legendary Planes"
Year 1050 - Age of the Goblin.  Previously went through The Age of the Dragon and Mountain Titan, and The Age of the Jewels, which is the name of the age ruled by the dragon Tul Glowedtreasure the Jewels of Gold.  Has several mountainhomes, probably dark towers seeing as goblins rule.

Strasp Kusnath, "The Planet of Dragons"
Year 6666 - The Golden Age.  More civs, longer history, more beasts... and a pretty interesting geography.  Oddly, it had a "Dark dwarven fortress" at the end of worldgen

Trying to upload the worlds via DFFD, but I am being fought every step of the way on this.
A medium-sized humanoid fond of fantasy and science-fiction.

Tevish Szat likes books, computers, board games, and cats for their aloofness. When possible, he prefers to consume hamburgers and macaroni and cheese. He needs caffeine to get through the working day.


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Re: [Request] A really interesting pocket region for 3D mapping.
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2013, 03:38:21 am »

Enramul, "The Legendary Planes"
Year 1050 - Age of the Goblin.  Previously went through The Age of the Dragon and Mountain Titan, and The Age of the Jewels, which is the name of the age ruled by the dragon Tul Glowedtreasure the Jewels of Gold.  Has several mountainhomes, probably dark towers seeing as goblins rule.

Strasp Kusnath, "The Planet of Dragons"
Year 6666 - The Golden Age.  More civs, longer history, more beasts... and a pretty interesting geography.  Oddly, it had a "Dark dwarven fortress" at the end of worldgen
Dark fortresses are bad since they aren't physically seen yet in this release.

Age of the Jewels is an awesome name for an age. Really gives me Silmarillion feelings.

Dark dwarven fortresses aren't special, in my worlds there usually is many of the. It's jut because dwarven have conquered that tower.


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Re: [Request] A really interesting pocket region for 3D mapping.
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2013, 05:59:49 am »

I want to see this...
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: [Request] A really interesting pocket region for 3D mapping.
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2013, 07:30:28 am »

@Tevish - the worlds sound amazing. How to choose between the planet of dragon's and the legendary planes! History that long sounds awesome too, and on a pocket world still maybe compact enough to view with legends viewer or something.

I am really excited about this.
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Tevish Szat

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Re: [Request] A really interesting pocket region for 3D mapping.
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2013, 12:50:23 pm »

So, I'm going to have to get creative about compressing/uploading the Planet of Dragons -- because of its massive history, it's 105 megs on its own, which is bigger than DFFD allows (the other two together are all of 20.  Hopefully, it'll actually try to attach the zip file of them.)

Edit: They attached just fine.

Second Edit: World.dat is 101 megs itself, but compresses to 99.  the Planet of Dragons will be Uploaded in "World.dat" and "Everything else"

Final Edit:
Planet of Dragons
Planet of Dragons world.dat
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 01:25:19 pm by Tevish Szat »
A medium-sized humanoid fond of fantasy and science-fiction.

Tevish Szat likes books, computers, board games, and cats for their aloofness. When possible, he prefers to consume hamburgers and macaroni and cheese. He needs caffeine to get through the working day.

Timeless Bob

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Re: [Request] A really interesting pocket region for 3D mapping.
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2013, 05:51:38 pm »

Why not try the island nation I genned for my The Luckiest Tourist EVER adventurer succession game?  The history lasts 1700+ years and already has a few megaconstructions built.  Just map using the first save and subsequent saves will over-write portions of the isoworld that has already been built. 

If enough of an area is mapped, a screen capture could be saved as a .png file and posted here, eventually to be used as tiles in a web page that will allow people to scroll around the entire map as if isoworld was in its "refined large" setting instead.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 02:21:07 am by Timeless Bob »
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Re: [Request] A really interesting pocket region for 3D mapping.
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2013, 07:33:18 pm »

@Timeless Bob - That does look interesting... I actually quite like the idea of mapping it with the constructions and so on - so if there's a second world we do this to this will definitely be the world I do it for.  I don't want to do the same one twice though, so given that stuff is still being built (if I read it right) I'll come back to this.  It's going to be amazing when done though - maybe encourage people to map their tours with Isoworld?

@Tevish - Unfortunately the sheer size of the Planet of Dragons probably disqualifies it for practical reasons - I'm going to need to host the save plus up to ~400MP of images, so... probably going to be the Legendary Planes (and hopefully it'll live up to the name). 

I'll edit the top post once I've uploaded the world, and redirect people to the project. 

Edit: done!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 09:36:24 pm by PeridexisErrant »
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Timeless Bob

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Re: [Closed] A really interesting pocket region for 3D mapping.
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2013, 02:22:56 am »

I've been mapping it using isoworld myself, using pretty much the same methodology, as well as doing the same for Braalbard's "Museum" game.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii