I, THE, hereby declare my intent to work for Twilight Academy in an educational capacity. I swear upon my life to speak not a word of it to any person, being, or spirit not of the Academy, and to uphold its laws and tenants to the best of my ability. I also attest that all of the following is true and accurate, and that I am not omitting any information from the Academy within this Contract. I understand that the Twilight Academy is concerned with ability, not morality, and that any criminal past is not a bar to entry, but I will be expected to refrain from acts which might reveal Twilight Academy to the public, including being caught breaking any federal laws or using my powers before any person not privy to this information already.
Applicant's Name: THE
Power: Complicated; explained below - teaches Magical Theory
Specialty: Technical
Short Self-Description (For Identification Purposes): THE is a dent in reality, if you could describe it as anything really. There's a vague outline that can be distinguished from where the warping effect begins, but it's unclear. All forms of matter within the 'body' of THE is distorted, as though one was looking at it through bent glass.
Short History (For Records): THE's arrival at the Academy is undocumented and no one seems to remember how it got there, but upon questioning it divulged much information regarding its past: (
tl:dr eh was an omnipotent godthing but then was usurped by dickbag creations and locked outside of the universe). THE additionally explained that it made a bargain with the Headmistress - it teaches the students basic magical theory and she gives it asylum and a place to work in order to figure out how to repossess its home universe.
THE was apparently omnipotent in its home realm; however, being cut off from it has dulled those powers considerably. Instead, over eternities of study, THE has figured out how to 'hack' into the universe to get results. It's very complicated, takes time, and great concentration, but it works. It's doubtful that it could be taught to anyone else, however.