"And now our latest interviewee, Vaas Montenegro. The showcase of the latest fashion, the "Insane Methed Up Pirate" fashion that is sweeping out from the Rook Islands. Welcome to the show, Vaa... I've just been informed that Vaas has just taken an intern hostage and is demanding that we give him a helicopter. I suspect he may think we're the police. Oh well, here's KJ with the latest fashion tips on how to make an authentic pirate costume. Remember, pirate tricorns are passé, but eyepatches are still okay!"
"Thank you Fniff! Now normally we start on the actual outfit first but for this one we are going to start with the accessories." *Crash* "Oh, hello mister Montenegro. No we aren't related to the law. Yes now please let go of the nice woman and go back to the studio. Back to you Fniff. I guess."
"Sorry, KJ, but it seems I'm a bit caught up in the moment as it appears that Vaas is instead holding me hostage. Camera two!" *camera switches* "Well, I'm not sure where I can get you a helicopter, but I'd like to ask you a question! Where did you get the inspiration for such a unique fashion? Oh really? Yes, I have heard the definition of insanity. Yes, I do agree that those "fuckers in the dictionary" have no idea what they're talking about when they say it's a state of being mentally ill. So what's your opinion on the "classic" pirate fashion fans trying to mix their style with yours? Er, maybe you should point that gun--"*BANG*