That said, look at the Dorner case. Why didn't that receive nationwide attention? Anyone? No? Guy inside a house being burned to death by a fire intentionally started by police? Guess not.
Seriously. The media went crazy over this Dorner caper until it became obvious the police intentionally set fire to where he was hiding. That shit pisses me off.
So the guy in traffic you are behind can stop and brain you with a tire iron for being a creepy ass cracker following him everywhere?
If someone stalks you on a dark street at night then you have the right to defend youself with lethal force. Trayvon Martin wasn't going to get anyone killed.
Race doesn't even enter into something. If you provoke a fight with someone and then kill them you are a murderer. If someone else provokes a fight with you and then you kill them, you are not (although you may or may not be over reacting.) Zimmerman is a murderer by his own account and it's a shocking oversight in our laws that what he did was legal.
No it isn't different. Approaching somebody isn't provocation and you can't just kill anybody that follows you around in public. It was 7pm and Martin was 100 feet away from where he lived. If he felt threatened he could have just ran. Instead he decided to jump Zimmerman.
Or who knows? Maybe Zimmerman got out of his car and got confrontational, talking shit. It doesn't justify physical violence on Martin's part. You think Zimmerman would have really called the police on himself if he set out to beat up Martin or kill him?
They both overreacted to the situation, but Martin was the only one that broke the law here by escalating the situation, by attacking Zimmerman in such a way as that Zimmerman could'nt withdraw. If Martin had just gotten into a stand-up fist-fight and Zimmerman shot him when he could have ran, it would be a different story. Instead he pinned Zimmerman to the ground and continued beating on him, a life-or-death situation, so Zimmerman had no choice but to either defend himself or risk his life and hope Martin didn't kill or seriously injure him.
Zimmerman should have just stayed in his damn car, the police were literally two minutes away.