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Author Topic: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power  (Read 4148 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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[Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power
« on: July 15, 2013, 03:40:26 pm »

Path to Power

"Behind every legend is a man who was willing to do what was necessary."
                                                          - Ragnac Sarinal, Bard of the Ebony Crescent

Every living being dreams of something more. Of being someone great, whether that comes from dominion, knowledge, love, or honor. Wherever you're from, whatever your walk of life, you have the potential for greatness.

The only thing limiting you is how much you would sacrifice for it.

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Player List
  • kj1225 :: Kyle Johnson
  • flameboy99 :: Aerzekar Mui
  • Criptfeind :: Streic
  • vastaghen12 :: Onell
  • sjm9876 :: Arsc Verdason
  • IamanElfCollaborator :: Pollux Armiksen
[/li][li]All spots are currently filled.[/li]
« Last Edit: July 20, 2013, 06:54:13 pm by Araph »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power: Dawn of an Age
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2013, 03:45:30 pm »

Spoiler: Kyle Johnson (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Aerzekar Mui (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Streic (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Onell (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Arsc Verdason (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Pollux Armiksen (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 02:19:46 pm by Araph »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power: Dawn of an Age
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2013, 02:46:35 pm »

Kyle Johnson
You live in the city of Naros. Life is hard, but you make do with the former possessions of the wealthy. Naros, being the capital of the Acasi Empire, has plenty of rich nobles who fail to take the proper safety precautions with their valuables; after you've struck, they quickly lose that naivety.

Tonight's mark is fairly standard: his lordship Ferrus kel Dalen. House Dalen is new money, having risen in stature and wealth during the Acasic Conquest. Emphasis on 'wealth', there; they host lavish parties regularly in their Naros estate, and tonight's is special. The young emperor Jarech is going to be there, which means that House Dalen is going to be in full sycophant mode. With their attention focused on the party, you'll be free to relieve them of some of their precious wealth.

It's around noon right now. The Dalen estate is buzzing with servants preparing for the gala, and you expect to have a few hours to prepare before the first guests start arriving. After that, you anticipate the nobles will be fully distracted by the party around when night falls.

Aerzekar Mui
The air around you is hot, dry, and dusty. Around you are the familiar sounds and sights of Zamaakil; traders hollering about their wares, travelers leading their mounts through the streets, the whitewashed buildings reflecting the sun's harsh glare back at you. Your rapier hangs lightly at your side, ever ready to strike down foes.

You have just returned from a venture out into the Serpent's Path: a canyon through which a minor trade route into Zamaakil passes. Bandits had deemed it an easy place to ambush traders and relieve them of their wares. You disagreed with them strenuously.

Now, you have an open future. You might search for leads on bandit activities, but for now you are idling in your beloved city.

The rolling motion of the ship on the waves is nothing to you after this long on the Taveric Sea. Sailors follow bellowed orders as the city of Naros comes into view. The squat, sprawling buildlings line the coast, centering on the city's primary port. In the distance, green hills and the faint outline of the Daros mountains are visible, spreading across your view. It's foreign to you, a native of the jungles of Selahrim who had grown to adulthood in the barren deserts of Hebbek.

Free at last.

The ship inches into port, lines being thrown across to secure it to the docks. Sailors climb in the rigging and alter the sails; others leap across to the coarse wooden docks to help tether the ship.

Free at last.

The gangplank is lowered and the few passengers file off, stumbling at the change in balance from on the water to solid land. You make your way to the makeshift bridge and follow the others. Walking slowly down the docks towards the rest of the city, the finality of your actions sinks.

Free at last.

The monotonous thud of your staff striking the dirt road fills your ears. Birds chirp overhead in the canopy of the oaks as you walk down the path. The cool breeze shifts the trees' branches slightly, dappling the ground with broken sunlight.

You've been walking for days. After being held up by muggers back in the city of Pellan, your trip has taken a turn for the worse. With your supplies lost, you've been forced to rely on the goodwill of the people for sustenance. Not that you're particularly worried; your faith carries you onward. Still, you're disappointed you've failed to reach Laenaren's border yet. But enough of those thoughts. What will happen will happen.

Night is almost here. A small village is ahead, according to the directions you received from a surly wagoner a few hours back. You had thanked him politely and wished him a nice day. He grunted in acknowledgement.

There, you can see the glow of firelight in the distance. Wait. No, that's not firelight. It's too... blue. It winks out as you squint at it. Shaking your head, you continue down the road.

Soon, you see the village in its entirety. Nestled in the oak forest, it sits around a river winding its way down from the mountains to the west. Orange firelight glows warmly through the buildings' windows, and you can see people finishing the day's work. You set off again down towards the settlement.

((Character actions taking place in different parts of the world may not necessarily take place at the same point in time.))


  • Bay Watcher
  • A tricky dick that can't be impeached
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power: Dawn of an Age
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2013, 02:51:38 pm »

Kyle starts to go through the alleys of Naros near the estate. The bums and hobos are some of the best informants if you promise gold in return.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lady Stardust & her songs of darkness and disgrace
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power: Dawn of an Age
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2013, 03:01:18 pm »

Aerzekar started asking around if anyone needed any help with local bandits or monsters.
It/its, they/them, in order of preference.

Not gay as in happy, queer as in fuck you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power: Dawn of an Age
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2013, 04:26:44 pm »

Onell, hoping to find shelter for the night with the kind hearths of the village priests,  quickens the pace so that he might end today's journey with a well deserved rest among friends. Also, spending the night in the village would be the perfect opportunity to inquire about the possible whereabouts of his ceremonial instruments.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2013, 12:27:42 pm »

Streic set foot onto the rough road of the port, boots striking the wood planks with a resounding thud. He turned to the side and watched as his horse was unloaded from ship, most of his funds had gone into the transport and feed for her during the voyage. Perhaps it would have been better to try to sell her, but she was branded as belonging to house Asusher, and he certainly didn't want any nosy horse merchant looking into the legality of his ownership over her. Streic shrugged and grabbed her lead, turning into the city.

Perhaps now that he was on the other side of the Taveric Sea he could relax. Maybe. No one would chase a escaped slave this far... Although they might chase a murderer. Perhaps Streic would not relax quite yet.

Streic felt into his money pouch. It was light. Much to light. With only that and a few small coins hidden amongst the rest of his person he knew that he would need be needing to find work. With his skill set he knew that the most lucrative work he had the skills for mercenary or even darker work.

That said, he didn't know how the local countries handed such things. If mercenaries were even allowed to exist outside of professional armies. He would need information, and so he headed deeper into the city.

Search for a place to get information about Acasi and the surrounding countries. A pub or equivalent should do well? Specific information is on the legal status of mercenaries and where a wandering fighter could find opportunities for money making.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2013, 02:16:54 pm »

Kyle Johnson
Kyle starts to go through the alleys of Naros near the estate. The bums and hobos are some of the best informants if you promise gold in return.
For a small bribe, a beggar near the estate tells you some hearsay about its surroundings. The beggar had heard from a friend who heard from a colleague that a dry well two streets down connected to the Undercity, which then connected to the estate's basement. The Undercity was the result of countless years of construction in Naros; a mismatched tableau of half-collapsed buildings and underground structures, sunken into the earth and built upon by future generations. Abandoned and unused tunnels, the result of everything from mineshafts to smuggling tunnels to public works projects spread throughout the Undercity and connect various locations.

A path into the estate from there could be useful. Thanking the beggar, you casually walk in an unobtrusive loop around your target. You have a few hours before the moment is right to strike.

Aerzekar Mui
Aerzekar started asking around if anyone needed any help with local bandits or monsters.
You mingle in one of Zamaakil's countless bars, searching for leads on your next target. As you eavesdrop on the conversations around you, you survey the locale. At the low tables scattered around the room, groups of friends and companions sit cross-legged, enjoying their company. In one corner, a few old men play Uajin, a game brought to the city by merchants from the far west. Two portly traders near the door laugh at a joke as clouds of smoke billow from their elaborate pipes.

Eventually, your attention is caught by a few men arguing quietly, but fiercely. Gravitating closer to the conversation, you can hear that they're debating whether or not a certain venture is worth the risk; it seems from the context that they're merchants. When it becomes clear that they're worried about criminal activities, you interrupt to inquire about the location of the bandits. Their expressions transition from surprise to irritation to fear as they notice the rapier at your side. Turning back to each other, a flurry of whispers fly back and forth; you think you can make out the phrase 'Black Paladin'. A slight smile touches your face.

After conversing, they turn back to you. With apprehensive looks, they tell you that they're worried about a group of bandits between Zamaakil and the mining settlement of Bahrak to the south-east. You've heard the name before, though you know nothing about the camp itself. You thank them for their time, and they seem visibly relieved when you walk away.

Onell, hoping to find shelter for the night with the kind hearths of the village priests,  quickens the pace so that he might end today's journey with a well deserved rest among friends. Also, spending the night in the village would be the perfect opportunity to inquire about the possible whereabouts of his ceremonial instruments.
The villagers pay little attention to you (aside from a few glances at the new face in town) as you search for the local church. Pausing to ask a young man where you could find the building, you receive directions to the small, two-room religious center of the town. Thank you, and may the sun always light your path, you say. He looks confused and says it's almost nighttime. You don't think he realizes that you mean that metaphorically.

At the church, you meet the local minister. An elderly man by the name of Telim, he warmly greets you and welcomes you into the church. Asking if you can stay the night, he nods profusely and leads you over to the side of the main room, where a few small cots sit. You talk for some time about the church and the monastery you're from, eventually leading up to questions regarding your ceremonial instruments. He looks saddened by the misfortune that has befallen you, and promises to spread the word that you're still looking for your missing things.

Night falls, and you sleep soundly in the comfortable cot laid out for you.

Well. Mostly soundly.

A light seems to be shining in your eyes, and a faint voice calls out to you.


You wake suddenly. It's still dark outside, as you can tell from the lack of light filtering through the shuttered windows of the church. You feel uneasy.

Search for a place to get information about Acasi and the surrounding countries. A pub or equivalent should do well? Specific information is on the legal status of mercenaries and where a wandering fighter could find opportunities for money making.
You enter the Siren's Call, a run-down tavern near the docks. The name could not be more misleading. Sailors and dock-hands make up the majority of the bar's patrons. Raucous laughter and crude speech fill the air around you, but the tavern should suit your needs.

Seating yourself at the bar, you listen in on conversations and wait for a good opportunity. After some time, you hear a promising conversation between two armed men regarding work that is, most likely, on the far side of the law. Giving it a bit more time, you hear them also speak of the Acasic military. They could prove helpful with regards to information on jobs. You approach them and attempt to integrate yourself into the conversation.

One of them, a burly fellow with a crooked nose, seems amiable enough. You think the nose must have been broken sometime in the past. The other, a thinner man with burns scars on his hands and normal scars on his face, seems less than pleased at a foreigner entering the conversation. Can't be helped, you suppose. Not that you particularly care whether or not he likes your presence.

Inquiring about both the freelance work they do and the military experience in their pasts, you fish for information on jobs. The musclebound man is happy to talk, but is stopped by his smaller compatriot.

"Why do you care what we do? We don't want any trouble here."

Arsc Verdason
You loiter in the marketplace of the city of Fassevel. The air around you is thick with humidity, smoke, and the bugs that thrive in the wet climate around you. Despite your acclimation to your native climate, sweat lines your face and body. Your hand habitually goes to your amulet. You can still see the dead woman's face in your mind's eye, but you have no leads on where to start investigating.

((I'm not really sure how to start you off, so you get a blank slate to do whatever to start investigating.))

Pollux Armiksen
You've finally arrived. The city of Rhadia in the Acasi Empire. It's... less than what you expected.

Sarach was organized. Well-built. When your people begin a settlement, they plan it out from its infancy onward. This place looks like it sprouted out of ill-thought through necessity.

Which, you suppose, it probably was.

Nevertheless, you're here. The world stretches out before you, and, as an emissary from the Skalkran Consortium, it's your duty and honor to represent your people in this strange, foreign land. As you set out into the city proper, the exotic sights and sounds of human civilization surround you.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Did not so much Fall as Saunter Vaguely Downwards
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2013, 02:23:49 pm »

 Great. Arsc had come for the joys of the city, and now he had a murder to solve. Why was life so much more difficult in apparent civilization. He wondered where to start for a moment. No one had seemed to know the woman, and it would be far too dangerous to ask about the amulet directly.
 In the end, two courses of action presented themselves. Firstly he would check any jewelry shops, asking about 'unusual items', and secondly he would enquire with the local guards as to the presence of any suspicious groups nearby, or bandit activity out of the ordinary.
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2013, 02:29:03 pm »

Pollux shivered from the sea breeze, looking around the city of Rhadia.
"Asmar knows I find another Skalkr who knows the place."

He looked around, trying to make sense of the place. He couldn't get the logic of the place; in Sarach, the roads led to certain sectors pertaining to the main occupation of whoever worked there had; he'd lived mainly in the Mason's Sector, occasionally venturing to the Smithing Sector to learn other trades.

Rhadia....was nothing like that. Inns and tailors were next to each other, markets in the streets sat next to what appeared to be an embassy; clearly to other nations apart from the Consortium, for the Consortium and the Empire had only recently contacted each other.

It utterly bewildered the Skalkr.
"I hoped for something more. Hopefully I'm right. The humans are famous, even in the Consortium."

He slowly made his way around. Luckily, the Skalkr also spoke and read Common, which was useful, as it seemed that the humans had no signs in Skalar, Pollux' native language. Some signs were in dialects or languages which Pollux did not recognise, and some had words he did not understand.

Pollux did, however find one familiar place. The tavern.

The only place in this confusing land that he felt comfortable entering.

He entered, hoping for the best.

It was positively bustling with activity in the Pig's Trotter, the tavern Pollux chose. Merchants, butchers, sailors, bankers, and some craftsmen were quietly talking to each other over a pint of good beer, and Pollux spotted some  Skalkr, looking like they'd also recently left from Sarach, nearby.

He decided to approach them.
"Hello. I am Pollux, son of Armik. Are you all from Sarach as well?"
Talk to the other Skalkr.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lady Stardust & her songs of darkness and disgrace
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2013, 02:36:47 pm »

Bandits. A scourge on mankind. Should Aerzekar had been given a chance, he likely would have killed his own family's encampment. In addition, he had been wanting to see some of the outlying lands, and perhaps the walk would give him some monsters to fight.
Aerzekar chases down the bandits, following their trails, hoping to arrive by night, unnoticed.
It/its, they/them, in order of preference.

Not gay as in happy, queer as in fuck you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2013, 03:07:59 pm »

Streic held up his hands with a smile. "Ah. Sorry if I came off on the wrong foot here. To be frank. I myself am looking for work. I have found myself here in this country so far from home with little money and no way forward. I feel certain that all lands need the service of men of strength of arm and mind." At this Streic nods towards his two acquaintances. "But unfortunately I don't know the customs of this country, so I am simply seeking information from some likely looking fellows? Perhaps you would allow me to rest my tired feet with you follows and order us a round of drinks and we could chat of the goings on of this country?" Streic said he smiled and put a hand on the back of a empty chair.

If they don't say no, order a round of drinks and try to get some information from them.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A tricky dick that can't be impeached
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2013, 04:05:50 pm »

Having nothing better to do Kyle goes to investigate the well.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2013, 05:38:11 pm »

Onell, embarrassed by his own lack of faith, quietly walks toward the church main gates  staff on hand, in order to confront whatever awoke him. Once outside, Onell attempts to remember the few things that he was told about the dealing with spirits and after a small pause, exclaims the following with a somewhat hesitating voice: Spirit, I am unaware of the reasons that make you roam this world, but know that this Servant of the Sun welcomes you and that he wishes to speak.
After directing this words toward the moonlit plaza, he awaits for the unexpected visitor to show itself.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 06:01:00 pm by vastaghen12 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Multiplayer RPG] Path to Power
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2013, 07:43:16 pm »

Arsc Verdason
Great. Arsc had come for the joys of the city, and now he had a murder to solve. Why was life so much more difficult in apparent civilization. He wondered where to start for a moment. No one had seemed to know the woman, and it would be far too dangerous to ask about the amulet directly.
 In the end, two courses of action presented themselves. Firstly he would check any jewelry shops, asking about 'unusual items', and secondly he would inquire with the local guards as to the presence of any suspicious groups nearby, or bandit activity out of the ordinary.
You comb the jewelers and pawn shops of the city. The more avaricious salesmen deluge you in overpriced offers of 'rare' jewelry, while the tactful merchants ask if there's any particular sort of rare item you're searching for. Avoiding specifics, you answer that you're searching for a particular amulet. None of the traders have the amulet you're looking for, though a few offer similar pendants that had recently come into their possession. You decline all the offers.

Your next course of action is to pursue information through more official channels. Asking the Fassevel guards, you're eventually directed to see the commander of the day watch, Cerrulus Ierech, in the watch headquarters. With no other leads, you traverse the crowded city to reach the center of its civil authority. After a brief wait, you're directed into Cerrulus's office.

The commander is a stocky man, with an olive complexion and deep-set green eyes. As he looks at you, you get the feeling that, from a lifetime of carrying the law with him, his eyes can pierce through the masks people wear to their motives. It's uncanny.

"Well? What is it?" His accent and appearance mark him as a northerner, probably hailing from the Dielec Peninsula.

Pollux Armiksen
He decided to approach them.
"Hello. I am Pollux, son of Armik. Are you all from Sarach as well?"
Talk to the other Skalkr.
The others react with surprise. After a moment, one of them speaks up in your native tongue.

"Good afternoon to you, Armiksen. I am Koruch, son of Duram. It's rare to see another Skalkr out here." He gestures to an empty chair, which you gratefully sit in."That is Eoric, son of Ramsted, and that is..."

He goes around the table introducing his companions. As he does so, you notice a few of the humans nearby looking at you askance. Koruch follows your gaze to the bystanders before urgently whispering to you.

"Don't make eye contact. Just be calm and avoid looking threatening."

You can hear a few of the humans muttering under their breath to each other.

"...always more of them..." "...grey-skinned devils..." "...what they're whispering about in that blasted tongue of theirs..."

"Just ignore what they're saying. There're always a few of those people around." Koroch clears his throat slightly and continues on. "As I was saying, we've come from Geshud. You've just come from Sarach?"

Aerzekar Mui
Bandits. A scourge on mankind. Should Aerzekar had been given a chance, he likely would have killed his own family's encampment. In addition, he had been wanting to see some of the outlying lands, and perhaps the walk would give him some monsters to fight.
Aerzekar chases down the bandits, following their trails, hoping to arrive by night, unnoticed.
After a brief respite, you set out again. Nowadays, you're only content when you're on the hunt, rarely spending more than a single night idle. You had asked about for directions to Bahrak under the guise of a man seeking work, and you know it will take a full day to travel there.

At least, it would for most people.

Your pace is exceptional, given the sweltering heat, and you arrive shortly after night had fallen. You survey the area around you. Not more than a few miles ahead lies the mining camp, and, in the pale light of Telusis overhead, you can see the barren rocks and sand for miles around you. Fortunately, the night is not so bright as to obscure the light from cooking fires. To your left, nearly a mile away, is the faint red glow of a campfire, nearly obscured by a rocky outcropping.

Approaching stealthily, you attempt to remain out of sight of their sentry. [5+1] It's like taking candy from a baby. You sneak around the camp and scale the rocks sheltering it.

Below you, you see the layout of the camp. One bandit on a makeshift wall acting as a sentry on the far side; three bandits around the campfire in the middle of the camp; one in a tent nearly directly under you.

This should be easy.

Streic held up his hands with a smile. "Ah. Sorry if I came off on the wrong foot here. To be frank. I myself am looking for work. I have found myself here in this country so far from home with little money and no way forward. I feel certain that all lands need the service of men of strength of arm and mind." At this Streic nods towards his two acquaintances. "But unfortunately I don't know the customs of this country, so I am simply seeking information from some likely looking fellows? Perhaps you would allow me to rest my tired feet with you follows and order us a round of drinks and we could chat of the goings on of this country?" Streic said he smiled and put a hand on the back of a empty chair.

If they don't say no, order a round of drinks and try to get some information from them.

The hefty one smiles broadly.

"Well, if you're paying for the next round..."

The smaller one is mostly assuaged, and acquiesces. You take a seat and call over the serving girl. After the next drink is in his hand, the big guy sighs contentedly and magnanimously begins talking.

"So yer lookin' for work, righ'? Well, there's always th' army. Even with the war done, they's still hirin' soldiers." With a conspiratorial waggle of his eyebrows, he leans in and speaks in a low voice. "Bu' if yer lookin' for some real work, I reckon we cud tell some o' the righ' folks 'bout yer pre-dicament."

Kyle Johnson
Having nothing better to do Kyle goes to investigate the well.
You quickly find the well. It's in a sorry state, with crumbling mortar barely holding moss-coated stones. Looking down past the grating, you see a rusty ladder embedded in the side of the tunnel leading down into the darkness. With a furtive glance about to make sure you're alone, you pull a small, collapsible bulls-eye lantern out from under your cloak and light its wick. Heaving the grating to the side, you lower yourself into the well.

The Undercity is silent as a grave. The quiet is only broken by your soft footsteps and the occasional squeak of rats. Following your mental map, you carefully surmount the crumbled masonry and rotting wood around you as you approach the estate's basements. The tunnels are pitch black; some might even call it oppressive. You don't mind. The dark is an old friend to you.

It should be around here somewhere nearby... You're tipped off by a wooden thud. You click the shutters on your lantern closed and freeze. Thump. Thump. Thump. Footsteps to your right, probably through a thin wall. Thump. Thump. Thump. Creeeaaak THUMP. A hatch, opening and closing. You must be right next to the basement. Leaving the lantern closed, you feel your way along the wall. As your eyes adjust, a pinpoint of light is visible. It spreads until you can see the edge of what looks like a door. You open the lantern again and examine the wall. It's a loose panel. Your face wears a rare smile. You've got your way in.

Onell, embarrassed by his own lack of faith, quietly walks toward the church main gates  staff on hand, in order to confront whatever awoke him. Once outside, Onell attempts to remember the few things that he was told about the dealing with spirits and after a small pause, exclaims the following with a somewhat hesitating voice: Spirit, I am unaware of the reasons that make you roam this world, but know that this Servant of the Sun welcomes you and that he wishes to speak.
After directing this words toward the moonlit plaza, he awaits for the unexpected visitor to show itself.
Curls of fog wind through the open church doors. Your breath billows out in a warm cloud to stir the cold, damp air into spirals. Occasionally, a slight eddy in the wind sets the fog to moving on its own.

Nothing happens. The feeling of unease remains.

You think it may have just been a dream, and you return to the church. On the verge of shutting the doors, you hear something.

Don't go yet.

You pause in the middle of shutting the doors. The unease intensifies into pinpricks of fear across the back of your next. Praying for courage, you hesitantly look outside again. The church courtyard is empty, with houses surrounding it in a messy assembly of structures. Down the unpaved road, a blue light glimmers through the fog.

Archmedus Magnes
Puffs of dust follow your footsteps as you walk down the dry dirt roads towards the city of Ereben. You've spent years travelling; far longer than an inventor of your skill should have been. Misfortune, prejudice, malevolence; you've faced them all. Now... You think you have better prospects.

Prince Temion, lord of Ereben, has expressed interest in your work. Through chance, he discovered that the brilliant engineer behind the cranes that built much of his city was not, as he had thought, in his employ.

He reacted poorly, unfortunately for the engineer who stole your designs.

Now you have his attention. The city grows closer, and you can hear the clatter of city life being carried to you on the wind.

This is the chance you've been waiting for.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 12:08:10 am by Araph »
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