Kyle and Heath head into the Main Hall of the ship, which turns out to be located right under the middle of the deck, judging by the giant crater in the ceiling. Moss lines the floor in the middle. A door on the far side of the room leads to what may once have been the ship's galley, but is now simply a slightly cramped room with some shelving. The Main Hall itself has some boxes on the walls that catch your eye. One has a green plus on it; it contains five potion bottles, and two of each type of status recovery item. It's hard to say whether any of them are safe to use, considering their storage conditions, but to the untrained eye at least, they look okay.
The other box has a yellow, triangular sign on it that catches the light of your torch very oddly, shining brighter than the torch itself when you get near. If you open it up, you see a small, glowing blue rock, and some kind of monster. It looks like a spider, but it's made of metal. It doesn't move. It's legs are folded up tightly, and it has a small receptacle on the top of its cephalothorax. There is a small picture of a sphere, with an arrow pointing at the receptacle.
There are other doors leading out of the main hall, too; each one contains moss, a few wood splinters, and not much else.
Meanwhile, belowdecks, Elizalotte bumbles around in the dark for a few moments (since she lacks a torch), but sees a light some distance away. She feels her way towards it along a wall, takes it, and takes a fresh look at her surroundings. The bottom level of the ship seems to be mostly one hallway, with doors on either side. Each door leads into a room that looks just like each of the others: twenty feet to a side, a large heap of moss and splinters on one side, and an intact table on the other. None of the rooms seem to have anything of note, until the farthest one on the right; the table in that room has a note on it, and a dagger through it.
To he who reads this, you tread a dangerous path. This was the final resting place of St. Glabados Ajora, who was later reborn as the demon Altima after countless human deaths and with the help of the Holy Stones; the same stones from the legend of the Zodiac Braves.
The stones are not what the legend paints them. They create demons, not heroes, feeding on the darkest of men's emotions. They can be used to power useful machines, but their utility is far outweighed by their risk. Thus, I journey to see that they are lost to human history. I will spread the all over the world, and do what I can to protect them permanently. Simply leaving them in the hands of others will not be sufficient. Humans are too easily bought or killed for their possessions. I'll throw Gemini and Saggitarius into the water here, with Ajora's body, and hope that their power acts to seal it, although I do not know if there is anything left worth sealing. I'll make sure to throw at least two of the stones into Bervenia Volcano; magma, I hope, should keep the stones from human hands, but due to the nature of the stones, I dare not put all of them in one place. As for the others, I shan't say what I'll do with them.
But how to leave this city? The platform I used to get here is gone, but I mustn't give up. The ruins of this city are so odd. According to my studies from my time as a cadet, this must be the city of Murond, which makes the buildings more than 1,200 years old, but they don't show the test of time evenly. Some buildings have almost completely collapsed, leaving perfectly-intact furniture inside. In other places, intact buildings sit completely empty. I actually recognized some of the monuments simply from descriptions I've read in books. These ships, too, have the oddest furnishings. The wooden frames of the ships themselves are intact, but the metal machinery used to power them seems to have fallen into disrepair, rusted into scrap. The beds have rotted away, but the tables next to them look ready for sale at a store. Most of the torches are useless, some still shine dimly. My sister says they must have had the ability to make objects able to stand the test of time, back in the Lost Age, and simply didn't use it on every single object.
I digress. There is a way out of this city somewhere, and I will find it. I must. On the far side of the city is the parliament building. I'll start there. And I'm bringing several handfulls of the mossy stuff in the water with me. It shines quite brightly, more so when it's out of water than when it's submerged.