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Author Topic: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice: Spar-ty Time  (Read 5315 times)


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2013, 09:25:44 am »

Nah. Vengeance can wait. We need to get stronger first. We need to head off into the Great Wood to quest for enlightenment, quiet mourning, and to reconnect with our Fey Roots first.  Head to the temple of Relope, and ask the people there if anybody would have any advice or support for such a journey.


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice
« Reply #31 on: July 18, 2013, 02:35:24 pm »

"I think my plan is pretty clear. Prep for questing, then be on my way. Well, I always wanted to be able to go on a quest...even if this wasn't how I wanted my first quest to start..."

"Hey, big guy, you got a faceshot for you yet?"


"I guess it's up to me, then. I'm introducing a neat little element of this game called a 'luck roll'. Whenever there's something the GM hasn't prepped for, or wanted to keep flexible on til the last possible moment or whatever, he rolls a d20 to see how well this turns out. Firstly, let's see if I have any friends crazy enough to take on a dangerous quest."

[Luck: 4]

"Not one. It's kinda hard to make friends when you live outside of town and train most of the time. And now I'm even aloner...let's get to gear. Those of you paying attention should have noted that I have a basic weapon and basic armor (if you can call it that). 2 gold isn't likely to get a good weapon, but I might be able to get something better than this bodysuit to wear."

"I'll head down to Ol' Arty Smith's shop. He used to be an adventurer, and has lots of stuff from his old adventures and various contacts. More importantly, he got along well with Khe--he gets along well with most hero types."

"Hey, Daena. Been a while since Kher sent you up. Sorry to hear about...what happened."

"Yeah. It sucks. Do you have anything I could get for two gold?"

"Going for an adventure?"

"No, I came here to get a cup of flour so I can bake a cake. Yes, I'm going on an adventure!"

"No reason to snap at me, young lady! Anyways, Kher left you some of his old stuff. Quoth his will: 'To my apprentice Daenashura, I bequeath my house outside of Plainview and any of my old adventuring gear I still have that no museum or team member wants."

"Great! What did I get?"

[Luck: 13]

"One Combat Courier's Case; one Robe of Candles; one Sunrod; and one gold holy symbol."

" a pretty good haul. Anything I can sell for some cash, or buy once I do so?"

"Lemme give you some estimates on what you've got and prices on what seems like it'll be useful to you."

Spoiler: Shopping! (click to show/hide)

"If you want something else, ask and I'll see if I have it in stock."

"Thanks. Mind if I head out now and retcon in my purchases and whatnot next turn?"

"Sure. Oh, before you sell anything, check its stats. Above all, don't sell the Case if you want to be able to bring back more than coins, pebbles, and maybe a couple accessories as loot."

"Alright, let's check out that temple to Relope."

"Greetings, Daenashura. I'm sorry to--"

"Yes, it's sad. Shut up. Listen, I was thinking of heading into the Great Wood for some kind of quest. One with enlightenment, mourning, reconnecting with my roots, monsters to kill, stuff like that. Any advice or help or something you can offer?"

[Quest Luck:16]
[Aid Luck: 2]

"I've got a few great quests I can tell you about, if you take it in the name of Relope. That means you can only pray to her, not to any other deity, and that you need to tithe 10% of your treasure to the church. This will be enforced by us sending an acolyte along. The acolyte will need to be kept safe!"

Spoiler: Daenashura (click to show/hide)

Alright, obviously there are two decisions to make. One: Do you take the priest's offer? Two: What are you buying from Ol' Arty Smith?
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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2013, 02:55:24 pm »

The priest said several quests were available. Tell him the terms are acceptable if one of the quests is a quest you would like to take, and ask to see or hear about the options. Donate half the gold we have left after our shopping spree to the temple, so we have a chance for better results when praying.

Equip the Sun Rod and sell your old weapon. If you can wear the robe over your bodysuit, do so; if not sell the robe. Sell your old Holy Symbol. Buy a health potion.

It might be worth investing in the leather armor if it can be worn over a bodysuit or under a robe, and we can afford it. The price isn't listed, but I think it would be worth selling the robe for.


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero
« Reply #33 on: July 18, 2013, 03:54:41 pm »

"Armor is armor, you--wait, what? Oh. Um, turns out that GreatWyrmGold has decided to let you wear the bodysuit under other armor at the cost of the Speed bonus it gives. He also warns that it'll be uncomfortable in warm weather."


"Knew I forgot something. That there Leather Armor is 50 gold."
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 04:18:21 pm by GreatWyrmGold »
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[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice
« Reply #34 on: July 18, 2013, 04:42:32 pm »

Eh. Just sell the old weapon, buy a health potion, and put the robe on over the bodysuit. The Leather armor is good, but hopefully we can make it through the first quest without it and buy it later.

Donate half your remaining gold to the temple of Relope so that hopefully your prayers are better received during your quest, and check out the quests the priest has to offer.


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice
« Reply #35 on: July 18, 2013, 06:02:21 pm »

Learn more about Relope and the daily rites that we (or the acolyte) have to perform. Also learn about what the Acolyte is like.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2013, 06:37:11 am »

Also: acquire a map of the surroundings. It can't be all farmland around a river, that would be boring! where are the ruins, the primeval forests, the fairy rings for fast travel?
Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master
--Alpha Centauri ,Pravin Lal


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2013, 10:39:38 am »

We seemed to have some sort of map in a previous update. Anyway, we should take a few quests that are not too far from town. The people here know and feel sorry for us, and we should milk that for what it is worth until we have a few meat-shields.


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice
« Reply #38 on: July 19, 2013, 11:12:24 am »

Wait, do we tithe 10% of the treasure we earn during the quest, or does that mean we give 10% of the amount of gold we have on hand when we accept the quest? If the former, then screw donating!


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice
« Reply #39 on: July 19, 2013, 11:13:44 am »

The former.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2013, 11:19:20 am »

That makes much more sense than what my first impression was. Fuck donating! +1 to everything else.


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice: Party Time!
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2013, 08:04:16 am »

"This should be fun. Alright, since two people wanted me to donate half my gold now and one person wanted me to not donate one coin, I'll compromise and donate a little. How little will wait for my shopping spree. I think everyone wanted me to sell my Masterwork Training Kusarigama, which is kinda sad since it's what--what I was trained with, but I can manage. Same with my holy symbol. Buying a Scratch Health Potion puts me at 9 gold and a health potion above where I was."

"I have 11 gold. I have almost nothing, hurrah. Well, I'll donate a gold. Should give me something, right?"

"Now, let's meet this acolyte they're sending with me..."

[Luck: 2]

"Is it just me, or is the GM chuckling?"

"Unno. *hic* Hey, a pretty lady!"

"Oh crap. Pleaseletmekillhimpleaseletmekillhim... Well, since I've been assigned the position of Exposition Fairy, I'll exposit. This guy is an elf, a hybrid of human and fairy bloodlines. I really hope the fairies were on the father's side. Anyways, three to four feet tall, quick, magical, frail. He's an acolyte, which means that he does basic duties for his church--like keeping eyes on me. Finally, he--"

"I have a name, miss!"

"Sorry. What is it?"

"I'm Ethnolari. *hic* I'm sure you've heard of me?"

"Actually, I'm glad I haven't."

"If you two lovebirds are finished, I--ow! What was that for?"

"Slipped. Get on with the quests."

"Alright. There are four quests you could take. If you choose one of them, the others will probably still be here when you get back--check!"

"One that I know is going away from your grasp is found on the Lone Peak to the north. Ascend to the top and you will find a songbird--some kind of oriole, I think. This bird teaches new adventurers the basics of adventuring. If you want to take it, go soon--the Oriole only accepts those with minimal levels of hyr."

"The second quest is in the Great Wood to the east. For healing potions and such, we need you to bring back some Redleaf blossoms. About five potion-pockets' full should do. You'll be rewarded with free healing in this temple and any others we can contact, and it unlocks further quests to unlock further goodies."

"The third quest is offered jointly by us and the Wizard's Guild. To the south, a number of goblins are attacking the village of Hillshire, and need to be driven off. Your part will be killing, let's say, seven of them--good round number. We'll give you a minor relic, and I think the wizards would give you a little magic item."

"Finally, to the west, there are some bandits who have set up shop in the village of Pigsden. Kill them all, drive them out, whatever. If you do this, we will give you a forest animal to accompany you on further adventures."

"Alright...which should I do?"[/color]

"Which hazza most booze?"

"Weren't you going to meetings about that?"

Spoiler: Daenashura (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Ethnolari (click to show/hide)

I'm going to be gone until sometime tomorrow, no internet so no updates. Talk amongst yourself until then.

Sorry about the acolyte. You were one away from having an acolyte who would assault you once you left town.
Physically, I mean.
Anyways, there's five obvious options and several you might think of. To start with: No, you cannot get rid of the acolyte. At least, not yet.
"Aw, man..."
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice: Party Time
« Reply #42 on: July 20, 2013, 08:20:15 am »

Let's do the quests in the order they were given to us. There's a clear path here.


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice: Party Time
« Reply #43 on: July 20, 2013, 08:23:27 am »

Make that six options. Although technically it's a subcategory of the first...
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: (ISG) The Ultimate Hero's Apprentice: Party Time
« Reply #44 on: July 20, 2013, 10:04:59 am »

Yeah. Start by going after the bird.

Oops. I clicked reply instead of modify. See following post.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2013, 10:20:03 am by Weirdsound »
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