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Author Topic: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Oh well.]  (Read 410658 times)


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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1845 on: September 17, 2013, 09:50:49 am »

be all inconspicuos and shit whilst checking the pond for magical fish, also magical plans.
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1846 on: September 17, 2013, 10:01:08 am »

Hm...let's see...
SCIENCE MAN! voice, Mk II:

"Here is your puppy, little girl! And now, to prepare for any ruffians I might come across!
"Pioncale Josionp! Giderboo Insubbla! Necti Jupedem!"

Give puppy to little girl. Move away from little girl, say words.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1847 on: September 17, 2013, 11:04:22 am »

+1 Strength +1 Channeling

I can't be expected to remember the names of everyone I've tried to stab.

Bored? Go read the EVE Chronicles.

The Ensorceler

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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1848 on: September 17, 2013, 11:24:22 am »

Sorry, I'd fallen behind, so it took a whle to catch back up.

New character:
     Carlos, Charles' mexican cousin.
     dex 1
     end 1
     pot 1
     chan 5
Who's ready for some ¡¡science!!?


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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1849 on: September 17, 2013, 11:40:56 am »

I guess I'm late to the party, but IMO it'd be cool to have an RTS type Perplexicon game.

Really, the ideal game would be the one PW is talking about in my sig.  I love everything about that.  But that seems unlikely to ever appear, so here's an idea.

Two teams, fighting to control specific parts of a very chaotic world.  I'm thinking that each room should be semi-randomized, with various aspects greatly altered- You could have one room with no gravity, and another where the only light comes from motion, along with some other hazard.  This would present a PvE challenge to the game.

The game would revolve around finding certain rooms, which each have some benefit to the team.  Win conditions could be something simple, like "Capture ten of the fifteen special rooms" or "find and destroy the other team's base room", or something more complex- "Find these five types of artifact spread across the whole dungeon" or "Use magic to make six rooms safe for your allies, and extend your base into them".

If you wanted to go a more RTS-style route, you could have a fairly traditional fantasy setting with two castles on either side of a large area.  Each team has limited magic and a few mages.  You have to search the area for more magic sources, while commanding an army you can expand or enhance with magic. 

To promote relying on an army rather than just turning into a dragon and massacring everything, you could make each castle have a room where magic is safer and more powerful.  If you cast "Zombie Human" there, you might get twenty zombies, whereas outside you'll only get one, and it might overshoot or fail.

Thoughts?  Honestly, I'd just like to get away from the simple deathmatchs we've been doing.


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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1851 on: September 17, 2013, 11:46:32 am »

Sounds neat. Anyone know how to program a really complex RTS?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1852 on: September 17, 2013, 11:50:17 am »

Sounds neat. Anyone know how to program a really complex RTS?
You mean, programming a RTS from scratch, or creating a mod for one?

As far as I know, Warcraft 3 had many aptitudes to be modded into something like this.


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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1853 on: September 17, 2013, 02:07:20 pm »

RTS ideas
First of all, it would be a Turn-Based Strategy. By default. Sorry to nitpick, but I don't see it working any other way, and it can be an important distinction.

Second, the important part of a strategy like that is controlling an army. In a team based game. An army. Controlled by team. Order. Controlled by Chaos. Does anyone see a problem with this?

Either you make a single person on the team the leader of the army, with every else working as a support and basically doing what the leader says. And spoilers, it will probably only be fun for two players. Unless you make it a two-player game.

Or you just divide up the army among players, in which case you basically end up with a "gang" (Or, the word I would must prefer to use that is much more applicable to this is "droojinas," (Дружина) which literally means "A group of friends".) warfare. And that can be awesome. But very chaotic, and the fun will be in sending all the gullible minions under your command to slaughter.

As for the rooms, it sounds very interesting, but honestly, it doesn't depend in any way on it being a Strategy. I support the rooms idea, but the also work in a Deathmatch, Capture McGuffing, Assault, et cetera.

PS: Apparently, I'm the person who critiques, analyzes, and comments on ideas people have. So... I suppose if anyone has something they want analyzed, you can send it to me. I suppose that's official now.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 02:26:25 pm by Thearpox »
Why are 100% of my posts in ER? I already have another account. Created this one specifically for playing.

Not online every Friday evening till Saturday night. If I am listed as online, I am still not online, as my computer has an annoying habit of waking up to the tiniest distraction and then going off to sleep again.

List of links to charts and graphs here. Work in progress. Check it out?


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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1854 on: September 17, 2013, 02:11:18 pm »

Or you just divide up the army among players, in which case you basically end up with a "gang" (Or, the word I would must prefer to use that is much more applicable to this is "droojinas," (Дружина) which literally means "A group of friends".) warfare. And that can be awesome. But very chaotic, and the fun will be in sending all the gullible minions under your command to slaughter.

You mean a spot of the ol' ultra-violence?
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1855 on: September 17, 2013, 02:22:58 pm »

Or you just divide up the army among players, in which case you basically end up with a "gang" (Or, the word I would must prefer to use that is much more applicable to this is "droojinas," (Дружина) which literally means "A group of friends".) warfare. And that can be awesome. But very chaotic, and the fun will be in sending all the gullible minions under your command to slaughter.

You mean a spot of the ol' ultra-violence?
Was that a pun? Because I'm really bad at them.
Why are 100% of my posts in ER? I already have another account. Created this one specifically for playing.

Not online every Friday evening till Saturday night. If I am listed as online, I am still not online, as my computer has an annoying habit of waking up to the tiniest distraction and then going off to sleep again.

List of links to charts and graphs here. Work in progress. Check it out?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1856 on: September 17, 2013, 02:51:24 pm »

You would have a point... If in the game Toaster is speaking about you didnt start with 75% of the words, including control. Really, a pure physical character haves no chance. Fine your fast and strong, but you would have same ploblem than you did here: How would you hurt for example someone made of Arcane Energy? How would you destroy though a circle of Repel Flesh before your brain explodes due to the will dude inside? How would you beat the hordes of creatures that would come?

Seriously, if there are fixed stats and you start with enough points, 1 will and 38 channeling is ALL you need to create this:
Giant Magic Eldritch Steel Strong Fast Agile Resistant Potency+ Will+ Dragon, Poison Teeth, Magic Draining Crystal Gas Breath, Arcane Energy Necromantic Life Drain Eye Beams, Solid Dark Magma Claws, Solid Acid Horns, Solid Darkness Absorb Strenght Wings.

Considering you start with Control and What im thinking of, a player could literally control anything on the whole map he can think about, and if lucky, he will only need one turn per kill. Or less. A will mage can easily kill a bunch of people in a turn causing earthquakes, or mind controlling one into casting a living hell over them.

Key phrase: initial advantage.

It doesn't matter what sort of words you have if you have no clue what they mean. A physical character is not going to be intimidated by a mage going: "I will summon a giant monstrous beast that will kill you! Just give me a few turns to figure out the words, and please stop punching me in the face." Plus, if you're going to devote your Stats to Channeling and Will, you can't be very good at dodging or blocking attacks. All the Will in the world doesn't help you recover from having your face smashed into the ground repeatedly.

How do you hurt someone of Arcane Energy? Find one of the plentiful magical weapons laying around, or get a wizard friend like I did. Circle of Repel Flesh? Just use your increased agility to run away while the slower and squishier mages succumb. How do you beat a horde of creatures? Kill their creator before he or she can summon them.

It was only my own fault for not getting involved earlier, when words had not been fully defined. Physical characters are to sprinters as mages are to marathoners. The victor would be determined based on the length and point of the race.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1857 on: September 17, 2013, 02:55:54 pm »

Or you just divide up the army among players, in which case you basically end up with a "gang" (Or, the word I would must prefer to use that is much more applicable to this is "droojinas," (Дружина) which literally means "A group of friends".) warfare. And that can be awesome. But very chaotic, and the fun will be in sending all the gullible minions under your command to slaughter.

You mean a spot of the ol' ultra-violence?
Was that a pun? Because I'm really bad at them.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1858 on: September 17, 2013, 03:31:40 pm »

You would have a point... If in the game Toaster is speaking about you didnt start with 75% of the words, including control. Really, a pure physical character haves no chance. Fine your fast and strong, but you would have same ploblem than you did here: How would you hurt for example someone made of Arcane Energy? How would you destroy though a circle of Repel Flesh before your brain explodes due to the will dude inside? How would you beat the hordes of creatures that would come?

Seriously, if there are fixed stats and you start with enough points, 1 will and 38 channeling is ALL you need to create this:
Giant Magic Eldritch Steel Strong Fast Agile Resistant Potency+ Will+ Dragon, Poison Teeth, Magic Draining Crystal Gas Breath, Arcane Energy Necromantic Life Drain Eye Beams, Solid Dark Magma Claws, Solid Acid Horns, Solid Darkness Absorb Strenght Wings.

Considering you start with Control and What im thinking of, a player could literally control anything on the whole map he can think about, and if lucky, he will only need one turn per kill. Or less. A will mage can easily kill a bunch of people in a turn causing earthquakes, or mind controlling one into casting a living hell over them.

Key phrase: initial advantage.

It doesn't matter what sort of words you have if you have no clue what they mean. A physical character is not going to be intimidated by a mage going: "I will summon a giant monstrous beast that will kill you! Just give me a few turns to figure out the words, and please stop punching me in the face." Plus, if you're going to devote your Stats to Channeling and Will, you can't be very good at dodging or blocking attacks. All the Will in the world doesn't help you recover from having your face smashed into the ground repeatedly.

How do you hurt someone of Arcane Energy? Find one of the plentiful magical weapons laying around, or get a wizard friend like I did. Circle of Repel Flesh? Just use your increased agility to run away while the slower and squishier mages succumb. How do you beat a horde of creatures? Kill their creator before he or she can summon them.

It was only my own fault for not getting involved earlier, when words had not been fully defined. Physical characters are to sprinters as mages are to marathoners. The victor would be determined based on the length and point of the race.
Will doesnt help you if you re being smashed in the face agaisnt the ground... Oh wait look at that giant lion behind you. Oh wait you looked at it! Your brain just exploded.
Aaaand thats the reason you had so many chances at beating me. Circle of repel flesh wouldnt be a weapon but rather a protection, you wouldnt be able to get though it with your mere fists within a few turns (Depending on mage channeling) since will doesnt require pool, you can destroy people outside while safe of physical characters.
And sprinting doesnt really help you, as once you get the words to define the position you can attack players without the distances matter anymore. *Lava Where im thinking at* now its raining lava over you, or right where you step, or inside your lungs. Same with Control What im thinking of, it can affect anything you can think off, thus you could be controlled even if you re running two rooms away.

Science is gonna be done, considering there are more players at magic than physical, you cant stop that, and words will be learnt. One single turn can find a word that will easily kill physical characters. And so far no magical weapons have been able to hurt arcane energy persons. The only words i remember in Perplexicon capable of heavily hurting Arcane Energy were quicksilver and Arcane Energy itself, but triying to take a weapon out of arcane energy isnt a good idea, even if the hilt seems safe. And a weapon out of solid quicksilver will be too heavy as to be useful, and to toxic as to be safe to use.

Willmancers do not need for speed and avoiding, they can simply create a few creatures to slow enemies down while skulls are crushed, blood boils, eyes fly away like rockets, and persons are controlled into destroying stuff and killing themselves.

Conclusion: Pure-Physical characters will never beat an magical player with same quantity of souls. Magic weapons can be easily destroyed by Dispel Magic.
Also people wasnt original enough with will back in Perplexicon. Did anyone ever try to make a will-modified living magic armor? *Tries to punch person in the face, when suddenly spikes grow from helmet and pierce your hand, then the armor casts a lightning and you re dead.
"They say love is the most powerful force in the universe. I'm trying to harness it to make weapons of mass destruction."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pit of Magic: A Perplexicon Game. [Killllllllll FRENZY!]
« Reply #1859 on: September 17, 2013, 03:55:43 pm »

RTS ideas
First of all, it would be a Turn-Based Strategy. By default. Sorry to nitpick, but I don't see it working any other way, and it can be an important distinction.

Second, the important part of a strategy like that is controlling an army. In a team based game. An army. Controlled by team. Order. Controlled by Chaos. Does anyone see a problem with this?

Either you make a single person on the team the leader of the army, with every else working as a support and basically doing what the leader says. And spoilers, it will probably only be fun for two players. Unless you make it a two-player game.

Or you just divide up the army among players, in which case you basically end up with a "gang" (Or, the word I would must prefer to use that is much more applicable to this is "droojinas," (Дружина) which literally means "A group of friends".) warfare. And that can be awesome. But very chaotic, and the fun will be in sending all the gullible minions under your command to slaughter.

As for the rooms, it sounds very interesting, but honestly, it doesn't depend in any way on it being a Strategy. I support the rooms idea, but the also work in a Deathmatch, Capture McGuffing, Assault, et cetera.

PS: Apparently, I'm the person who critiques, analyzes, and comments on ideas people have. So... I suppose if anyone has something they want analyzed, you can send it to me. I suppose that's official now.

I used RTS primarily because that's just a term I use to define that type of game.  With turn based, I tend to think of a small, specific group of pieces, with rigid and detailed locations and everything.  It might not really make sense, but the terms imply different things to me.  But that's just semantics, and not worth arguing over.

How I would handle the army thing is simple: When someone makes more critters for the army, they control them.  You can tell them to obey someone else, or join this group or whatever, but they start off under your command.  So if somebody is off adventuring for supplies, he doesn't control too much of the army, whereas if he's in the castle just making more troops he'll control lots.

And yeah, the rooms thing doesn't depend on it being strategy.  It could easily work well with any team game, although a free-for-all game would probably not do so well.

Also, Sarzael, you're wrong.  Simply put, it took the people in the original perplexicon over thirty turns to figure out the control word.  Nobody ever figured out the words for dispel magic, or that "Kallth" was "What I'm thinking of" rather than "What I'm pointing at".  I'll bet none of you know any of those words now, either.  Obviously, a physical stat focused guy could tromp you right now if those are the only defences you can think of.  And a physical person can easily kill most summons that a low level person could make, and dodge most of their attacks.

Yes, if you had two hundred turns to practice science then you could easily wup a fighter with five times your souls, in a multitude of ways.  But you could easily wup a mage with a fifth your knowledge too.
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